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It's been an hour since we saw Kalani run off to meet Haku, she hasn't texted me, so I'm worried.
"She would have texted me" I state again, as I continue scanning the beach.
"She's with Haku" Kai says, but something seems off, she would have texted me.
"I think we should go look," I say, turning towards them.
"Okay, let's go then," Dylan says standing now, Kai follows.
"Fine but we'll probably see them making out on the beach, and I'm not ready for that," he says, I smack him as we make our way down the steps. We're halfway down the steps when I see her, her head is in her arms, and she seems to be crying, I stall on the steps.
"What are you doing?" Kai asks I turn towards them.
"I actually see her, you guys go back up I'll go ring her out for not texting me," I say knowing she'll hate being bombarded. They both give me weird looks, but make their way up the stairs. I turn, and rush to Kalani, hearing her quiet sobs break my heart.
"K," I say cautiously, she freezes, I can tell she's wiping her tears.
"Hey" she responds, her voice watery.
"What happened?" I ask sitting next to her, she chokes out a sob.
"He... he cheated on me," she says, her voice quiet, and wavering. My body turns cold as I picture Haku with another girl.
"What, are you serious?" I ask still shocked, she nods, tears falling down her face.
"He told me that one night he went out, and this girl was all over him and it just happened" she stammers.
"K, I'm so sorry," I say hugging her, she cries harder, her body shaking.
"He slept with someone else because I wasn't giving out" she screams into my shirt.
"You know this isn't your fault, what he did was inexcusable, he's an asshole who just wanted some whore to suck his dick, and he doesn't deserve you. Where did he go cause I'm gonna kick his dirty ass" I yell angrily, hoping she understands that she in no way could have prevented him from cheating and that this isn't her fault.
"It's okay you don't have to, I just need you here with me" she chuckles leaning her head back on my shoulder, I pull her in closer, holding back tears of my own. She doesn't deserve this.
"You deserve so much better" I say, she nods, her tears soaking through my shirt. We stay like this for a while, her sobs stopping.
"Thanks for finding me" she says, wrapping her arms around herself.
"Of course, you were there for me when I needed you" I say, she smiles.
"You ready to head back?" I ask, she nods standing up. She wipes the sand off her shorts, before we head back.
"Jesus there you guys are, where have you been?" Kai asks as we climb the stairs. Dylan stands back slightly, his hands in his pockets.
"What's wrong?" He continues, his eyes worried.
"It's not a big deal Haku just cheated on me" she says, her eyes straight ahead. She heads inside instantly, heading to my room we follow.
"He what!" Kai yells, I give him a look to be quiet.
"Nothing it's not a big deal" she yells back, I close the door once we're all inside.
"I'm gonna kill him" he says pacing the room as Kalani sits on my bed. Dylan stands by the door looking slightly awkward.
"Can you leave it" she says, tracing patterns on my comforter.
"No, he doesn't deserve for me to leave it" he tells her, she looks on the verge of tears again. I sit next to her, rubbing her back.
"I don't know about beating him up since Haku
Could kill me, but I can tease him relentlessly about how he looks like a boulder." Dylan jokes making Kalani laugh, I smile.
"I mean he does, you went out with a boulder" he continues, she laughs harder.
"He does look like a boulder" she says smiling.
"Did you guys know he also cries every time someone mentions the notebook.... like even more than me" she says, everyone laughs now, Dylan comes to sit with us on the bed.
"He's a shit head, you're better off" Dylan tells her, she smiles moving some hair from her face.
"Hey vi can I talk to you for a minute" Kai asks, I nod and head out in the hallway with him.
"What's up?" I ask, crossing my arms
"I'm mad, like furious Violet. How dare he cheat on her. I'm scared I might kill him" he says, running his hand violently through his hair. I can tell he's angry, and trying hard to contain it.
"Hey look at me okay, yes what he did was repulsive and I want to beat him to, but it's not worth it... he's not worth it" I say holding his face in my hands, his stubble feels rough, but I like it. His face softens, his eyes tracing my face. I know we're just friends but I can't help myslef, not when he's this upset. 
"I just hate seeing her upset" he says his voice sad, it melts my heart.
"I know and that makes you a great brother, all she needs now is for you to just be there, comfort her," I tell him rubbing his jaw with my thumb, he closes his eyes nodding. Suddenly I realize what I'm doing, and step back. 
"Okay let's go back now" I say awkwardly, pulling him back into the room.  Dylan's now beside Kalani, and they're laughing, her smile bright.
"So I was thinking, we should go surfing," I say, Kalani nods wildly, jumping out of bed. We all head down to the beach ready to let the water wash away the anger, and sadness of today.
"Thanks for talking to Kai. Him being angry doesn't do anything, so thanks" Kalani says as we stand at the water our boards under our arms.
"No problem, he just needed to see past the anger," I tell her, watching the water lap at my toes.
"You're really good for him," she says, I blush.
"Are you gonna get back together?" She asks I stare out at the water, the waves calming me.
"I don't know, all I know is I don't want to lose you guys, you're too important," I say, my voice cracking, she grins widely. 
"Enough talking lets surf" Dylan yells running past us into the water, we laugh before following suit.

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