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I hear laughter as I rush out into the kitchen. Dylan's laughing with aunt V, they both turn towards me. I stand in place, frozen and anxious. Dylan's smile slips slightly, and guilt seizes my body making me dizzy. He walks towards me, a worried look on his face.
"What's wrong?" He asks, his arm reaching for me, I step back feeling disgusting. Aunt V looks worried too, her eyes flickering between us.
"I, I need" I stumble, and then there's a knock at the door, but Dylan doesn't budge his eyes stuck to me.
"I'll get it" Aunt V stands and rushes off. I stare down at the floor, the events from earlier running through my mind.
"Vi" Dylan urges, he lifts my chin, so our eyes meet.
"This is Jackson" I hear Kalani's voice and my heart races.
"I have to talk to K" I speak, finally looking at him. He looks so concerned, my heart squeezes in my chest. I rush towards Kalani's voice and I bump into Kai, who's eyes are wide. He must have heard her voice too.
"Kalani" Kai pushes past me, his voice hard. She looks away from Aunt V, a curious look on her face.
"Hey" She smiles, but it quickly drops when she senses his anger. Jackson's holding a small box, while looking very confused.
"We need to talk" Kai states, squaring his shoulders.
"We can go to my room" I interrupt, she turns to me realization crosses her face.
"You tattled on me?" She stammers angrily, I shake my head.
"Let's talk in private K," I say, she huffs but heads down the hall.
"We'll be out soon" I smile at Aunt V reassuringly, she nods confused. I shut the door behind me, and Kalani looks furious.
"I can't believe you told him," She says again pacing the room.
"I didn't tell him, He came to me" I explain. She freezes and stares at me eyes wide.
"I found the test Kalani" Kai speaks up, he sounds defeated.
"I.. I" She stammers looking frantic
"You didn't tell me, and I'm sorry I freaked it would have been different" I say, she huffs her panic turning to anger.
"Different, why cause now I'm pregnant and.. You said what you wanted to yesterday" She states,
"I'm sorry Kalani, I.. It was just different" I say, she rolls her eyes.
"That doesn't matter now" Kai steps up, his face cold.
"Then what does Kai?" She huffs, he sighs running a hand through his hair.
"You're barely out of high school" He explains gently like he's talking to a child.
"Mom and dad had you when they were my age" She whines, Kai sighs loudly.
"They wanted better for us K, and you know that! Plus have you told Jackson yet?" He asks, her eyes widen slightly
"I was going to tonight" She hesitates
"Are you sure he's... he'll want to be there?" Kai asks, I can see water well up in her eyes. She turns away from us, her arms crossed tightly.
"He loves me" She chokes out, I can hear the doubt in her voice and it makes my heart squeeze.
"We know K, we just think you should tell him" I step in, Kai gives me a confused look, but I shrug it off.
"I.. I know you guys want me to say I could get rid of it, but I just can't okay, even if Jackson doesn't want to be apart of its life" She turns tears now streaming down her face.
"Hey, this is your choice, not ours, and we'll support you no matter what" I step up to her pulling her into a tight hug.
"I'm sorry if you thought otherwise" I say, she sobs into me, her small body shaking violently.
"Go get Jackson," I tell Kai, he nods.
"I promise that no matter what happens you'll be fine." I step back. She wipes at her tear stricken face, and nods.
"What if he gets mad?" She asks. For the first time I see how young, and scared she is.
"Then I'll still be there" I smile, she nods taking a deep breath.
"K?" We both turn. Jackson is at the door, looking very confused.
"I'll just be outside," I tell her, she nods. I close the door behind me, and notice Kai at the end of the hallway.
"Don't go in unless she calls for you" I instruct. I push past him, but he grabs my hand.
"Vi, I," He stammers, I pull my hand back.
"Just don't" I say, he sighs and I scramble away. I notice everyone in the living room, so I head there. I walk up to Aunt V, who's talking with Chloe.
"Sorry to interrupt, could I talk to you for a minute?" I smile, Aunt V nods and we head to the kitchen. I catch Dylan's eye, and he looks upset. I can't blame him.
"What's going on?" Aunt V asks once we're there. I sigh, and grab a glass of water.
"Kalani's pregnant and she's talking to Jackson" I blurt, her eyes widen.
"She's pregnant?" Aunt V stammers, I nod.
"Is she okay?" She adds
"I think so, I don't know" I respond
"Are you okay?"
"Ya I'm fine" She doesn't look convinced.
"Kai, he kissed me" I tell her. Her jaw literally drops, making me feel so much worse.
"I pushed him away, right away. I just, I don't know" I blabber hysterically.
"You have to tell Dylan" She finally says
"I know that I just feel like it was my fault, and Dylan will see that and not want to be with me anymore. I can't, I just can't lose him" I confess.
"Did you want him to kiss you?" She asks
"No" I respond immediately.
"Then it wasn't your fault, and you just need to be honest with him. He'll understand" She reasons
"I know he will, but I don't think he deserves this. He's too understanding" I retort
"You're too hard on yourself" Aunt V says, just as a door slams. I rush towards the room and see Jackson leaving. His face is hard, and he doesn't say anything just leaves. I spot Kai looking, his eyes catch mine, and I can see the sadness. He turns and heads to the room, and I follow.
Turns out Jackson wasn't that great of a guy. He was angry at her for not telling him as soon as she found out. He was mad that she didn't see any other option besides keeping the baby. She's understandably upset, and now she's sleeping in my bed. Dylan came in a couple of minutes ago to tell us he told everyone to leave. He made up some bad breakup excuse. I could tell he was confused and probably frustrated but he didn't push for answers. After Kalani starts snoring, Kai and I head out.
"I'm going to kill him" Kai says once I close the door.
"I want to, to, but Kalani needs us out of jail" I retort, he sighs but nods.
"What are we going to do?" He asks
"For now, just make her feel better," I answer
"Second is she has to tell your parents," I say, realization crosses his features.
"They're going to be livid," He says
"Then we'll deal with that when it happens" I say, he stuffs his hands in his pockets. The silence stretches out between us. I want to tell him off, but I don't know what to say.
"I'm sorry," He says, I shake my head
"I don't believe you" I respond, his face hardens
"You shouldn't. I'm not sorry at all" He nods.
"I think you should leave, Kalani can stay here." I stammer stepping away from him.
"You belong with me and you'll eventually realize that" He says before he walks off. I lean against the wall sighing loudly. I take a deep breath before I head to the livingroom. Dylan's sitting on the couch, watching something on TV.
"hi" I say, he turns a small smile on his face.
"Is she okay?" He asks, turning the TV off. I sit down next to him.
"She's sleeping, so we're out of a room for the night," I say
"Good thing we have an extra room" He smiles, I reach for him, running my fingers through his hair. I sigh contently, he gives me a curious look.
"You gonna tell me what happened?" He asks
"She's pregnant" I answer
"I know Aunt V told me, I mean about what happened between  you and Kai." He says, my body freezes

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