My Place

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His lips fit perfectly with mine, and they taste like coconut and the ocean. He pulls me tighter to him, and I can feel his skin through the light fabric of his shirt, his fingers blaze a trail across my waist. He squeezes my waist, sending electricity spikes through all my limbs. We finally break apart, our foreheads rest against each other. Butterflies swarm through my body, making me dizzy with giddiness.
"This is great, like really great, but I'm freezing my buns off," he says, making me laugh. I take his hand, and we walk, more like run back to the car, he turns the heat on immediately. I check my phone and see a missed call from my aunt.
"I should probably head home," I say sending a quick text to my aunt that's I'm on my way. He starts driving, and he takes my hand. I stare at our intertwined hands and smile, our hands fit perfectly, god who have I become. I get home quickly grabbing my bag from the back of the car.
"Thanks for today, I had a great time," I say, as I lean over, and kiss him quickly, before heading inside.
"I'm home" I yell, excited to take off my wet clothing.
"In the kitchen, making tea" my aunt yells, I make my way to the kitchen.
"Hey, sorry I didn't answer, my phone was in the car, and I was swimming, sort of," I say, she smiles, pointing to the bar stool.
"I figured as much, do you want some tea?" She asks
"Sure, earl grey if you have it," I say, she nods and opens the cupboard to grab a box of earl grey.
"I'm gonna go change, and I'll be right back," I tell her, peeling the sticky shirt away from my cold skin. I change quickly into a hoodie, and sweats, and head back out. The tea is waiting for me in a pink cup the color of Kalani's room.
"Thanks," I say as I sit down on the couch next to her.
"So, are you going to give me deets," she asks, making me laugh. I raise my eyebrow, but she urges me to talk.
"Okay, well Kai kind of surprised me with a date on the beach. There were candles everywhere, and then we went swimming, and I really like him. That's the short story" I say, taking a sip of my tea, and letting the liquid warm me from inside.
"I'm glad you made friends with Kalani, and Kai, I really wanted this trip to be good, and I know having people here that you can talk to really helps," she says, as she grabs my hand.
"I know things with your parents, are hard, to say the least, and I really wish I had brought you down here sooner, but if you need to talk about anything at all I'm here honey," she says, and a tear slides down my cheek.
"I know you are, and I want to thank you again for getting me away from all of that, I needed you," I tell her, she smiles and hugs me tightly. We end up watching some old Grey's Anatomy episodes, and I fall asleep on her. I wake up to bright sunlight coaxing my eyes open. I bring my arm up to my eyes, blocking the light to look around at my surroundings, the living room comes into view. I sit up, my back aching from the old couch. I stretch, letting my bones crack, and my tendons stretch. I stand now, looking around for my aunt Vicky, and find a note on the counter.
Went to go pick up your crazy ass uncle, be back in a couple hours. Your uncle and I invited some people over for a barbecue tonight, so feel free to invite your new boo, and Kalani, I already invited their parents, so they might already know!
Love you, text me if you need anything
~Aunt V
I smile at the note, heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth, and my hair. I throw on a pair of my black Adidas shorts, and a tank top, and head to the kitchen for coffee, and breakfast.
"My aunt and uncle are having a barbecue, wanna come" I group text Kai, and Kalani. I grab a cup and start brewing my coffee while putting on some bread to toast.
"Did you put me, and my sister in a group chat together?" Kai replies
"Well, it's easier than asking you separately," I write back.
"Oh, so you're willing to make me feel unimportant for a simpler option?" He writes, making me laugh out loud.
"Yup, pretty much" I respond.
"Shut it Kai, I'm just as important, and I'm in," Kalani writes
"I'm also in," Kai writes right after.
"I'll text you what time when my aunt gets back," I tell them, the proceed to butter my toast, and put creamer in my coffee. I sit on the porch facing the ocean while I eat, and it's the best feeling. I let the sunlight warm me, as I drink my coffee. All my life I've never had a place where I could go, when I was upset, or angry, or just needed to think, and I thinks that's because I never lived close to the ocean. I sit out there for an hour, just watching the waves break. I head inside to wash my dishes and grab my computer. I'm about to go on my social media, just to see what's been going on, when I hear the front door open, I close it, and head to the door. In walk my aunt, and uncle, with bags in their arms.
"Hey!" My uncle says, as he sees me, he gives me a side hug. I grab some bags to help and follow them to the kitchen.
"So you're okay with people coming over right?"My aunt asks as she places the bags on the counter. She's wearing a straw sun hat that makes me smile.
"Yeah totally, I invited Kai, and Kalani" I tell her, she smirks.
"Oh I get to meet your new boo," my uncle says, shocking me.
"My new boo?!" I say, laughing, he smiles.
"Yeah, your boyfriend, that's what your aunt calls him so I thought I'd give it a try," he says putting some crackers in the cupboard.
"Well Okay then, on that note what time is everyone coming? I need to tell them," I ask, handing my aunt the milk.
"Around 4/5 I think" she answers, I nod and grab my phone to send a quick text to them.
"Do you guys need my help with anything?" I ask after we put away all the groceries.
"I think we're okay actually, I'll need you just before people start showing up to help me set up cups, plates, and cutlery outside," my aunt says, I nod.
"Okay well I'm gonna go for a quick swim, and I'll be back," I say, they both nod, and I head to my room to change. I walk down the wooden steps to the beach, my feet burning from the hot planks, but I like it. I run to the water quickly, so my feet don't fall off. As my feet touch the water, instant relief fills me. I walk into the ocean, breathing in the salty air, just before dipping under. The water refreshes me instantly, and I start swimming long strong strokes. I end up floating, letting the water lap at my belly, and splash on my face. I feel at peace when I'm in the water, this is my place, I think it's always been.

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