Family Dinner

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Kai insisted that he meet my mother, obviously, I didn't want him to, but he seems adamant, so today's the day.. great. I look at my reflection, I'm wearing a white dress that brings out my tan, and some light makeup, my hair is naturally wavy so I left it down. The doorbell rings, sending a wave of anxiety down my spine, here we go.
"I'll get it" I yell rushing toward the door. I open it, and I'm met with a very well dressed Kai. He's wearing a black colored shirt, with some nice jeans, it makes me smile.
"Hey," he says, handing me a bouquet of flowers, I stand on my tiptoes to kiss him lightly, he smiles into the kiss.
"You clean up nice," I say pulling him inside, he chuckles
"You're one to talk, you look amazing," he says, kissing me again before we head to the kitchen. My aunt is at the stove mixing the pasta sauce she made from scratch, while my mom sits at the island drinking wine. Her smile stretches wider when she see's us.
"Thanks for having me, Vicky," Kai says, giving her a quick hug.
" Kai, this is my mom," I say while I place the flowers in a vase.
"It's nice to formally meet you, Mrs. Demers," He says extending his hand, I smile at his politeness.
"Oh call me Cheryl, and it's great to meet you, my daughter has been hiding you," she says, making me roll my eyes. My uncle finally comes in from his evening jog, all sweaty.
"Kai, my boy," he says rushing in for a hug
"Shower now," I say pushing him to the bathroom, making my aunt laugh
"Only if I get a hug from you," he says pulling me into him, I squeal.
"You're gonna wrinkle my dress with all your sweat" I joke, making him laugh
"Fine I'll shower, and be ready as fast as humanly possible" he mocks salutes, rushing towards his room, making me laugh.
"Shall we sit?" My mom says patting the set next to her.
"So Kai, what are your intentions with my daughter?" she asks, making me groan.
"Mom" I warn, she cackles, making me cringe
"I'm just kidding, I'm Just glad she found such a handsome young man, you better keep up that physique so he doesn't get rid of you," She says while laughing loudly.
"Well I think it's the other way around, she'll want to get rid of me, I couldn't imagine me wanting to get rid of her." He says, taking my hand, and intertwining our fingers, I smile.
"Sure, that's what her dad told me," she says bitterly, making me roll my eyes.
"Well if anyone can make it work it's you two," my aunt says, Kai, smiles at her.
"Alright, I'm ready and starving," my uncle says, Just as I finish setting the table.
"Just in time" my aunt responds, giving him a quick peck, I smile at the two while my mom cringes.
"Thanks for inviting me" Kai whispers, his stubble tickling my cheek
"Like you wouldn't have come even if I didn't," I say wrapping my arms around his neck, he smirks
"Sorry I'm persusive" he shrugs, making me laugh. We all sit down at the table, mom sits right across from Kai, her smile never leaving her face.
"So Kai, are you in school?" she asks, before taking a sip of her wine
"No, I'm helping my mom and dad with their Diner, and surfing competitively," he says, I smile up at him.
"Oh, you surf, I always thought surfing was such an intertesting sport," she says, making me scoff
"Just a week ago you told me you hated surfing" I interrupt, she glares slightly in my direction
"Nonsense I merely think it's a man's sport" she states
"Vi's really good, and she just started at the beginning of summer," he says, grabbing my hand under the table
"He's being nice I mostly fall on my ass" I respond, he scoffs now
" You're better than a lot of the guys I surf with" he states simply, making me blush
"You're biased" I respond popping a tomato in my mouth
"Just cause I find you irresistible doesn't mean I'm lying," he says, making me blush harder, my aunt smiles in our direction.
"So is that what you're planning to do for your future, pro surfer?" My mom asked, breaking us from our trance
"Well that would be amazing, but I actually plan to open my own surf shop," He says
"Yeah, he makes these amazing surfboards, they're gorgeous" I butt in, making him blush.
"So what about you sweetheart what are your plans?" my mom asks, I chew the piece of chicken in my mouth slowly, not at all wanting to answer.
"I don't have any plans," I say, taking a sip of my water, my throat dry.
"So you expect to live off your father's money forever," she asks, my stomach lurches at the comment, Kai squeezes my hand under the table.
"I'm not living off dad's money, I have money saved, and I'm getting a job," I say, my voice hard, she grimaces at my response
"But you need a career" she responds
"I know that mother," I say
"Well isn't it better for her to take time and figure out what she wants rather than be stuck in a career she can't stand." Kai states, making me smiles.
"Amen to that" my uncle respond, making Kai chuckle.
"What do you do?" Kai ask, my mother looks shocked at the question
"I don't actually work" she responds, Kai nods slowly
"Kind of hypocritical don't you think, living off money from your divorce, but telling your daughter she can't " he says, as he takes a bite of his pasta. My mouth drops open at his boldness. No ones ever stood up to my mother, especially not for me. My mother continues smiling her lips shut tightly, it looks more like a grimace.
"Well I do want better for my daughter" she answers Kai nods.
"I'm sure" he responds, I can't help but giggle slightly, he smiles down at me, his thumb rubbing circles on my hand. After an awkward dinner, Kai offers to wash dishes, while I dry.
"Thanks for that" I whisper, while drying off a plate.
"For what?" He asks, passing me a clean wine glass.
"Standing up for me" I state, he chuckles, and it vibrates through me sending shivers across my body.
"I was just stating obvious facts" he states, making me smile, god he's great.
"Learn to take a Thank you" I tell him, as he passes me the last dish to dry.
"Sorry your right, you owe me big time for all my gentlemanly manners" he says, making me snort laugh, which makes him laugh. I lean up, kissing his lips lightly, he grabs my waist pulling me into a deeper kiss. I run my fingers through his hair, he moans slightly into my mouth, urging me on. Lust fills my body, as he squeezes my waist slightly, his fingers blazing a trail across my neck as he moves my hair back.
"We should probably stop before I get caught in a harder situation" he says, his lips still grazing mine, making me smirk.
"If you insist" I whisper, he chuckles, and his stubble rubs against my cheek.
"I do unless you want your mom, aunt, and uncle walking in on us having sex on the counter" he says, making me swallow slowly.
"Your right, but it's hard" I admit, he smirks
"Your telling me" he replies, making me laugh again, as we pull fully away from each other.
"You guys almost finished in here we're going to play monopoly" my aunt says from the doorway, we both nod quickly, I hope I'm not blushing too hard. Monopoly is actually fun until my mom turns it into a lecture about my money spending again.
"Thanks for coming Kai" my aunt says giving him a hug, before we head to the door.
"Yeah, I had a great time thanks again for having me" he says
"Well of course I needed to meet my daughters first real boyfriend" she says, sending an ache through my chest. I end up walking Kai to his car, he pulls me into a deep kiss, that makes everything around me disappears.
"I had a great time" he says, his hands sliding down my spine, making it impossible to think clearly.
"Your sweet, but your lying. My mother is awful." I say, my arms still around his neck.
"She is annoying to say the least, but I got to spend the night with you, so I did have a great time" he says, his voice deep, and sincere. He leans into my neck inhaling, it makes my heart slip violently in my chest.
"I'm glad you came tonight" I say, pushing his hair back, he closes his eyes savouring the moment.
"Even though you didn't want me to?" he asks
"Yes even thought I thought this was a bad idea, I'm glad you came because it means you love me" I say wistfully, he laughs.
"Oh are you just now figuring that out?" He asks, his eyes bright now.
"Well I might need some more convincing" I say, pulling him further into my body, he smirks, and kisses me. He tastes divine, it's like all the hurt, and pain disappears when I kiss him. My mom, Amanda, dad all go away. It's just Kai, and I, and it's the absolute best feeling Ever.

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