I Like You... A Lot

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We break apart, my lips still tingling from our kiss. He smiles at me, his hand resting on my thigh, goosebumps break out on my skin, from the contact.
"That was unexpected" I say, pushing the hair out of my face, he laughs, which makes me laugh.
"Why are you laughing?" I was still giggling at his laugh.
"You're just very cute" he says, making me blush
"I'm really not that cute, you should see me when I wake up" I say slipping my feet off the dock.
"I'd like to see that" he smirks, I stare at him shocked
"I didn't mean it like that, I just meant I bet you're cute when you wake up" he stammers nervous, making me laugh
"I didn't know you knew how to be charming" I say, making him laugh loudly.
"What can I say, the more you know.," he says making me snort-laugh, I cover my mouth embarrassed.
"Now that was cute" he says, squinting at me from the blazing sun.
"You're too nice" I say staring at the water, he laughs
"Thanks, I guess" he says still chucking. Silence surrounds us, but it isn't awkward or filled, its nice like we can just enjoy each other's company.
"Can I ask you something?" I asked breaking the silence, he looks at me now, his skin glowing from the sun.
"Of course" he says, his eyes tracing my face, it sends shivers down my spine. I was going to ask what he liked about me, I mean why me, but for some reason, nothing came out.
"Can we get food I'm starving?" I say instead, making him laugh.
"Wow way to make a guy worry," he says, standing up, and extending his hand to help me up. I bounce up, our bodies so close I can feel the heat radiating from him, it warms me.
"Well you should be it's our first date, and I'm hungry not a good sign" I say, as we walk towards the beach.
"A date" he says, looking down at the dock, smiling slightly.
"Oh, you thought you were just gonna kiss me and then it not be a date, what kind of girl do you think I am?" I joke, making him laugh.
"Well I guess I should hurry and get your food, I don't want to disappoint" he says running now towards his car, I chase after him.
"Okay, so what are you in the mood for?" He asks pulling onto the street. We had raced to the car, and I'm extremely breathless, god I'm embarrassing.
"I really want fast food, any kind," I say, as my stomach rumbles.
"In and Out okay?" He asks, his smile bigger somehow
"Yes!" I say excitedly I hadn't had In and Out in forever. Wait by Maroon 5 comes on, so u turn up the volume.
"This song is so good!" I say as I belt out the lyrics, he laughs. I wouldn't usually do this, I'm too introverted, but around him, I feel different. I continue to belt out the lyrics, he starts singing along loudly, making me laugh. He gets the lyrics wrong, and he's completely off tune, which makes him even cuter if that's possible. Finally, we pull into the In and Out drive through, I turn down the music. We order
"God I haven't had this in forever," I say taking a giant bite of my burger.
"You're so different," he says, popping a couple fries in his mouth. I don't know if I should be embarrassed, my cheeks heat up at the comment, thank god I'm tan.
"It's a good thing, I just mean.. you're so easy going, in the best way, you just relax me." he says, his eyes looking across the parking lot, my mind whirls from his words.
"You relax me too, I mean you should see me stressed I'm crazy" I say, trying to lighten the mood, even though it's true.
"I'm sure you're not crazy, but you should see me when I'm nervous, tired, anxious, pretty much any emotion, I'm batshit crazy " he says making me laugh, for some reason I don't think he's joking.
"Who isn't crazy?" I say, taking another bite of my burger, he stares at me now, my body heating up instantly.
"What?" I ask my mouth full, his smile widens
"Nothing, I just like you a lot" he says, turning away to take a bite of his burger. His words make me shiver, no ones ever made me feel so.... normal, so much like myself.
"Well who wouldn't, I'm pretty cool" I say, making him laugh, and me snort again... god. We sit in the parking lot of the In, and out for a while, talking about a lot of things, mostly joking around.
"There is no way you haven't seen Step Brothers" I say shocked, he shakes his head.
"How?! It's the absolute best" I tell him, bringing my knees up to my body, suddenly chilly.
"Well I guess We figured out date number two" he says, placing his jacket across my body, and leaning against the head rest. Shivers run up my spine at the prospects of another date.
"I guess so" I say, trying to hide the smile making its way onto my face, of course, I fail.
"It's already 7" He says, looking at the red numbers on his radio
"Wow, I guess you can be entertaining sometimes" I joke
"Ha ha, so do you want to go home, or.." he leaves the statement open-ended, and I'm super happy at that.
"There is something I really want to do" I tell him, he looks at me intrigued. We end up driving to the nearest beach, my body humming as soon as I see the ocean.
"Swimming, really don't you do this every day?" he says, as we walk down to the ocean.
"Yes smartass, but I didn't get to today because of you, so we're going now." I tell him stripping down to my underwear, I obviously forgot my bathing suit. He follows my lead, taking off his shirt, and for some unknown reason It look's like he's taking it off in slow motion, god I hope my mouth is closed.
"Take a picture it will last longer" he says, making me laugh. I run now, to the oceans open arms. I dive in and let the salty water wash over me. I stand, the water laps at my waist, and Kai pops up beside me. He looks me up, and down sending electricity shooting through every nerve in my body. I smirk at him, letting his eyes roam over me, before I splash him.
"Take a picture, it will last longer" I reapeat what he told me earlier, making him laugh loudly, and I think it's my new favorite sound!

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