The Party

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We're on our way to the party, and Kai looks absolutely amazing. He's wearing a black V-neck, with a pair of sweats, and he smells like a god. I know he's dressed simply, but I can't keep my eyes off of him. He turns to me now, his eyes grazing over my body, heat erupts throughout me. Every time he looks at me my body feels electric, he makes me feel so sexy, and it's something I've never felt before. We finally pull up to Luna's house, it's huge, and a lot of cars are piled into her driveway.
"Jesus," I said, unbuckling my seatbelt, and push open my door.
"I know, you should see inside," he says, locking the car, my stomach twists thinking about how he's been here before. I know it's irrational to be jealous, I mean he's mine now, but I'm jealous, and mad at myself for being jealous.
"Hey, we can leave if you want," he says taking my hands in his, I smile.
"No, let's go in," I say pulling him towards the house, he looks at me skeptically, I smile and kiss him lightly.
"Come on let's go," I tell him, he nods, and we walk the ridiculously long driveway. When we open the door, we're met with a lot of people drinking, and dancing, my breathing becomes heavy. We walk in, and I have to squeeze Kai's hand so we don't get separated, that's how crowded it is.
"Want a drink?" he yells over the pounding music, I nod, and he drags me to what I think is the kitchen. The kitchen is less crowded, but people are still scattered everywhere, making out. Kai hands me a red solo cup, filled with a slightly warm liquid, which I think is a beer. The one good think about so many people is that Kai's body is pressed close to mine, his warm breath tickling my ear.
"let's go outside, by the pool," He says smiling, I nod, and we head out. We sit down, our feet dangling inside of the enormous pool.
"Are you sure you don't want to leave?" he asks, pulling one of my legs across his lap.
"Yes, I promise," I tell him leaning in closer, he smiles.
"I do want one thing though," I say, our faces inches apart, he smirks, and my body floods with an emotion I've never felt before.
"And, what's that?" he asks, his smirk making me go crazy.
"You" I whisper, before closing the distance between us, his lips devour mine, and I run my fingers through his hair, tugging slightly.
"Guys! get a fucking room" someone yells breaking us apart, I look up, and see Kalani, Haku, Jay, Kaira, and Luna, looking down at us, I blush.
"What do you guys want?" Kai asks, sounding annoyed I smile, Kalani sits down next to me, everyone else following her.
"Well, this is a party, you should be socializing," Jay says, making me laugh.
"Yeah like all those parties you and Kiara socialized" Kai retorts, making Kiara laugh loudly
"Exactly, plus we are here to celebrate you, and your win," he says, a mischievous look on his face.
"No" is all Kai responds, I'm completely confused. Suddenly, Jay is throwing Kai in the pool, making us all laugh loudly. Kai pops up, trying to hide a smile, I'm still laughing loudly, at how much he resembles a little kid right now.
"Hey, you're supposed to be on my side," he says, the water only comes up to right under his pecks, so he walks towards me.
"I am, It's just super funny," I say, finally taking a breath, Kalani is still laughing. Before I know what's going on, I'm getting dragged into the pool by two strong arms. I swim to the top of the pool, definitely not tall enough to stand like Kai.
"Hey!" I say, my hair over my face, Kai moves it away, smiling proudly, I splash him. Suddenly everyone is in the pool, splashing around us, of course except for luna, who seems to be moping, I actually feel bad. Kai wraps his arms around me now, and I swing my legs around him.
"Look's like I got you all wet," he says, making me laugh, loudly if I may add, he smiles and laughs too.
"You're disgusting," I said still laughing, he shrugs, and I can see all his muscles through his wet shirt, it's mesmerizing.
"I got you, so I must be doing something right," he says, his voice breathy, making goosebumps rise on my arms.
"true," I say, he chuckles, and it's the best sound. He kisses me softly at first, taking my breath away, but it soon becomes heated.
"Jesus guys, seriously?" Kalani yells, swimming up to us.
"Sorry I'm attracted to my girlfriend," he says, and butterflied swarm through my body.
"Well keep it to your self, I don't need to see it," she says, climbing on my back, making me sink, I kick her off. We all get out of the pool now, and I watch as Kai climbs up the stairs, his wet shirt, and sweatpants clinging to his body, showing off his muscles. He shakes his hair out, the water spraying towards me, making me laugh.
"I have towels upstairs," Luna says, her eyes glued to Kai's body, my body turns cold
"Kai knows where," she says, moving her icy glare my way, I roll my eyes. I follow Kai through the crowd, and up the stairs. He passes me a towel, I wrap it around me, my body cold from the blasting AC. I look around the hallway, there are pictures of Luna everywhere. Tons of her on horses, swimming, and a picture of her dressed in a blue poofy dress smiling widely at the camera.
"Yeah, it's a lot," Kai says, now beside me.
"Yeah, she seems like a lot," I say, he smiles, but it's strained, and stiff. I walk into an empty room, there is a huge bed, but no pictures or anything memorable in the room so I assumed it's just a guest room. I sit on the bed, suddenly feeling exhausted. Kai sits next to me, I'm sure we're getting the bed wet, but I don't seem to care for once.
"You know I don't think I ever told you how things ended between Luna, and me" Kai states, his eyes scanning the room, I feel nervous now.
"You don't have to," I say, hoping he doesn't feel pressured, he looks at me now, his eyes sad, I touch his face.
"I want to, I mean you're the first person I've ever wanted to tell," He tells me, his voice quiet.
"She cheated on me" he continues
"It was actually here I found them, I came here to talk to her about my grandparents getting sick, I was sad, and needed someone, I thought..... well I thought since she was my girlfriend that she was the obvious person to go to. So I let myself in like I always did, and came upstairs, I found them in this bed. She apologized saying it was just one time, that she didn't mean to, but that was the last straw, It wasn't the best relationship even before her cheating, so it wasn't worth fixing." he says, his eyes glued to his lap, my stomach churns with anger at Luna. I couldn't imagine someone being able to hurt him, he was such an amazing person, and he trusted her.
"I'm sorry you went through that," I say, my voice quiet, I grab his hand, squeezing it, he looks at me now, his eyes intense.
"I'm not, If she hadn't done that we would probably still be together, and I wouldn't be with you," he says matter of factly. I can't explain the emotion that runs through me, all I know is I'm falling for him, hard. I move now, straddling him, his hands are on my waist, bringing me closer. I kiss him passionately, as his hands roam over my body. My body's on fire, as he trails his hands up, and down my back, and takes a hold of my neck, gently running his hand through my hair.
"Vi, I need you to be sure," he says against my lips, his eyes closed, my body hums against his.
"I want this, I want you," I say, and that's all it takes, he flips me onto the bed, his kiss making me dizzy. God help me, I'm so in love with Kai.

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