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I strip off my salt filled clothes, throwing them in my dirty basket, the memories of the kiss washing over me.
~Kai walks me to my door, his wet shirt sticking to his body, outlining every muscle.
"Today was great," I tell him stopping in front of my door, he smiles, making my heath stammer.
"It was, so... is tomorrow too soon for date number two?" he asks, making me smile.
"I mean it does seem eager, but I'm willing to let it slide," I say excitement courses through me.
"Good, I mean I do need to watch Step Brothers before your opinion of me starts to decline" he jokes, making me snort again...
"Jesus, I need to get that under control," I say making him laugh
"I think it makes you cuter, so unless you want my opinion of you to decline, keep up the snorting," he says, making me blush.
"Okay, anyway, goodnight Kai" I say, the slight breeze chilling me from my soaking clothes.
"Goodnight Violet," he says, we both  stand in our spots, waiting. He finally leans in, his body heat warming me intensely. His lips finally touch mine, and sparks ignite all over my body.  He pulls me closer, our bodies smashing together, his hands tangled in my partly wet hair. His lips taste like the ocean, and I can smell his cologne, it invades my senses, making my knee's weak. His muscle contracts as he pulls me deeper into the kiss, my body responding instantly. We finally break apart, and I crave his lips.
"Alright, now for real goodnight," he says, smiling widely. His lips look swollen, and it makes me feel proud. He pecks me once more on the lips, leaving me yearning for more. ~
Now I'm in my room, reminiscing about my kiss from 15 minutes ago, it was that good. I hop into bed exhausted, I'm definitely not taking a shower even if I smell like algae. My phone beeps, breaking me from my flashback, I grab it off the floor from my bag and see a message from Kai.
"I know we just saw each other and said goodnight, I just wanted to say it again... I told you I was crazy" he writes, butterflies erupt in my stomach.
"Goodnight Kai, You're not crazy," I write back, my body feeling light. I go to bed that night smiling, and it feels good. I wake up to a knock on my door, my eyes open instantly to the bright light.
"Come in" I yell, my voice hoarse with sleep.
"Hey, You have some company," My aunt says smiling, In comes Kalani. She's wearing a black tank top with blue shorts, her hair is tied into a big bun on top of her head, her baby hairs frame her face. Her face doesn't seem as bright as usual.
"Morning Bitch," She says hopping on my bed, I stare at her confused.
"Hey" is all I say still surprised at her appearance. She plays with my furry blanket, her eyes glued to my bed.
"Alright, I'll leave you two alone." my aunt says closing the door behind her.
"So, I kind of needed a girlfriend, and I thought of you so.," she says after my aunt leaves.
"Okay, what's up?" I ask, finally sitting up, and stretching the sleepiness away.
"Haku," she says, and I get it.
"What happened?" I asked moving closer to her, I can tell she's super upset which surprises me, she always seems so full of life, and strong.
"I saw him kissing Lily, and we're not exclusive or anything, but It hurts because I thought he just wanted to be with me, and I know this sounds lame, and pathetic....." she says her words rolling to a stop.
"It's not stupid, or pathetic Kalani, you're allowed to be upset, Haku shouldn't have been kissing anyone else. It doesn't matter if you're exclusive or not" I say, suddenly angry at Haku for making Kalani so upset. 
"You think so, I'm not overreacting?" she asks, lying down on my bed fully. Her eyes follow my ceiling fan around, and around.
"No, you're not," I say, she groans loudly, shutting her eyes tightly.
"Okay, we're going to my house," she says suddenly confusing me.
"We are?!" I ask making her laugh, she hops off my bed.
"Yes, we're going to Netflix the day away," She says, pulling her long black hair out of the bun that lays perfectly atop her head. Her hair is especially curly today, or maybe I just didn't notice it before but it's beautiful.
"Why can't we do that here?" I ask getting up
"Well we could, but my mom just bought a lot of food, and my parents will be out all day," she says.
"Okay, your house it is, " I say grabbing a pair of shorts, and a top from my closet, heading to the bathroom. I get ready quickly, leaving my hair down, and brushing my teeth, while simultaneously putting on deodorant.
"Okay I'm ready," I say, slipping on my sandals, and grabbing my bag. Kalani has an apple in her mouth while heading towards the front door.
"We're walking," She says, her mouth full, I follow her out. Kalani tells me about her, and Haku's relationship while we walk, how they met when they were little, she had the biggest crush on him but didn't have the guts to tell him.  Last year, he started flirting and leaving hints, but at that time she was with someone else. It wasn't until about three weeks ago that he finally kissed her, now they're in this limbo.
"So why don't you confront him about the kiss?" I ask, she shrugs.
"I should, I should also tell him he's either my boyfriend or nothing, no more of this in-between," she says, her eyes determined, finally we're at her house, the heat is making me dizzy. I get hit with an instant blast of cold air as I walk through the front door, it actually chills me.
"Sorry it might be a bit cold, my mom can't stand the heat," Kalani tells me, making her way down the front hallway, towards what looks to be a kitchen.
"Food, then we'll grab blankets form my room, and head to the living room" Kalani informs me, grabbing a bunch of snacks from the cupboards. She hands me bag after bag of chips, candy, popcorn etc..
"This is my drawer, no one is allowed to touch my food," she tells me popping a sour gummy into her mouth, making me laugh.
"Good to know," I say as she opens the fridge
"Okay, we'll grab blankets, and pillows, then drinks, I think," she says mostly to herself. She drops most of the snacks on the counter, then proceeds down the hallway. The house is a light shade of purple, lilac I would say, with white trim, it's gorgeous.
"This is my room," Kalani says opening the first door on the right, I follow her inside. Her room is a pastel pink, with surf posters, and boards everywhere, it surprises me. That's when I see a poster just out of sight, a one direction poster, I'm sure my mouth drops to the floor.
"You like one direction?" I ask moving towards the poster, he face flushes.
"Ugh, I know it's sort of embarrassing" She stammers obviously embarrassed.
"No, I love them to" I say, she smiles now
"Seriously?!" She asks excitedly, we continue to bond over one direction, before grabbing all her pillows and blankets, and heading to the living room. I set up as she grabs the drinks, and snacks from the kitchen. Her hands are full as she balances two coke cans, and all the snacks we got earlier. I quickly grab some of the bags from her filled arms.
"Thanks" she says her mouth full. After organizing everything across the table, and taking a refreshing sip of my coke, we settle in.
"Okay what to watch" Kalani says, her eyes trailing the Netflix originals. After a couple minutes we decide to watch sisters. The movie is so hilarious we laugh the entire time.
"Thanks for coming over" Kalani says in the middle of the movie
"No problem, I'm glad you invited me" I say grabbing some popcorn from the bowl, she smiles, and I realize I'm actually super glad she invited me. After Sisters, we watch the good dinosaur, and obviously cry our eyes out.
"God what did we do this" I cry, making Kalani laugh through her tears.
"We're obviously masochists" She says, now making me laugh.
"Why do I hear crying, and laughter?" A familiar voice asks, I turn and see Kai, he seems surprised to see me.
"Hey" he says, smiling slightly.
"Hey" I respond, my stomach doing that weird floppy thing.
"We we're watching the good dinosaur" Kalani says, passing me some tissue, her voice breaks our glances, but Kai jumps onto the couch between us.
"Without me?!" He says faking anger, it makes me laugh.
"Can we watch Step Brothers, I haven't seen it in so long, and my dumb ass brother hasn't seen it" Kalani says, clicking on the title. Kai, and I stare at each other, and smile.
"I'm in" I grin, he smirks in response.
"I was told that my reputation would diminish if I don't watch it... so it's a must" he says, I almost laugh snort, but hide it, obviously not well.

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