You're Important To Me

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Panic rises in my chest as I wait for Dylan, scared of what he's going to tell me. I pick grass from a small green patch, the motion calming my frayed nerves.
"Hey" he says making me Jump, his hands up in surrender.
"I didn't hear you" I say, my heart thumping.
"Sorry" he responds
"So, what's up?" I ask, after a minute of silence, he looks tired like he hasn't slept.
"I'm scared" he admits, his finger brushing the lines on his shorts in a consecutive pattern. I can tell he's anxious, his moves rigid.
"About?" I ask, as we sit down on the grass.
"I'm scared she isn't going to want me after she sees that side of me" he whispers, his eyes darting from one object to the other.
"Dylan, why would you think that?" I ask my heart aching. He doesn't answer for a bit, his mouth in a thin line.
"My parents, they're divorced, when I was diagnosed they starting fighting about what to do with me, it really made them drift apart..... if my own parents can't handle me, how should I expect Kalani to?" He explains finally, his words filled with repulsion, my stomach twists at the familiar thoughts.
"I'm sure your parents divorce wasn't your fault
Dylan, you're not hard to handle, quite the opposite actually" I respond, but his face doesn't budge.
"It was, all their fights were about me, how much each one sacrificed for me, how much of a burden I am" he tells me. My body turns cold thinking about Dylan listening to this every night, feeling so alone.
"Parents... people they sometimes don't know how to love someone the right way. My parents were the same way, and it was bad for a long time but you made it better. Having you in my life has really helped me. You are not a burden Dylan" I assure him, hoping he heard the sincerity. He turns to me now, his eyes watery, I hold back tears of my own.
"I'm scared" he admits, I grab his hand squeezing it.
"I was to, but this wise guys once told me that every relationship comes with doubt, even ones without anxiety ridden people" I recite making him chuckle.
"I'm sorry for making this seem like an emergency" he says after a while, wiping some tears from his face.
"Don't be, you're important to me Dylan so I want to know when your upset, and I'm happy you came to me" I say honestly, he grins.
"So you like her" I continue, he blushes slightly making me grin.
"She's great" he responds, his eyes lighter.
"Kalani likes you Dylan" I tell him, his grin widens.
"I'm going to screw it up" he renders
"Everyone screws up, you just need to try" I tell him, he smirks before pulling me into a tight hug.
"You're cool you know that" he says, making me bark out a laugh.
"I know" I respond. We sit outside for a while, talking about his parents, they're very similar to mine. I don't know when I became so close to him, but it makes me happy.
"Kalani's asking if we're okay" I tell Dylan reading the text, he smiles.
""let's go to the beach" he cheers standing I follow.
"We're back" I yell entering the house.
"Hey" Kalani appears out of nowhere, her eyes wide.
"Hey" Dylan responds. They stare at each other, smiles on both their faces.
"Does this mean I get my girlfriend back?" Kai asks pulling me into a kiss.
"Yeah sorry, anyway Vi said we're going to the beach" Dylan says his  smile changing slightly, my stomach drops.
"Yes, except I don't have a bathing suit" I comment, looking down at Kai's shirt.
"Maybe we could stay home and do some activities that require no clothes" Kai smirks, setting my body on fire. I blush pushing him slightly. He laughs loudly, while Kalani pretends to gag.
"Eww no, you can borrow mine" she says, pulling me away from Kai towards her room. She shuts the door quickly, looking worried.
"What happened?" She asks, instant guilt fills me. I can't tell Kalani about Dylan, it's not my experience to tell.
"He just wanted some advice" I reply nonchalantly, she groans.
"About?" She continues, making me groan.
"All I can tell you is he likes you K" I say, and she seems to accept that happily.
"Okay" she says dreamily making me chuckle. She throws me a red one piece.
"So what's the next step?" She asks as I quickly put the bathing suit on.
"For?" I ask pulling up the strap.
"Operation sexy" she exclaims.
"No more operation sexy, you got your kiss now it's time to just be you" I tell her, grabbing Kai's shirt off the floor, she grins.
"He really likes me?" She asks, I nod opening the door.
"I'm ready" I exclaim loudly walking down the hallway towards the living room. Kai, and Dylan are sitting far away from each other, awkwardly.
"I'm ready" I reiterate, they both look up, Kai standing.
"You sure you don't want to stay home?" He whispers, making me giggle. I card my fingers through his hair, he moans quietly, kissing me.
"We have all night, plus K needs me" I say as we break apart, he nods.
"You're amazing" he states, his arms dropping to waist.
"Oh I know, I'm also cool" I joke, making Dylan chuckle. He winks at me, making me snort-laugh.
"Can we go before they start making out again" Kalani says coming out of the room in a purple bathing suit.
"Yes, come on let's go" I tell Kai pushing him to the front door, he groans. Kai runs his fingers along my thigh throughout the drive, sending electricity through me. I can't seem to keep my hands off of him, even if it's just my shoulder against his. The ocean breeze hits me as I get out of the car, the smell relaxing me. Dylan and Kai unpack our boards, as Kalani and I grab the towels, and bags.
"I'm really nervous" Kalani whispers
"Don't be you already know he likes you" I tell her as Kai passes me my board.
"I know, but I just want him to ask me out" she whines.
"I'm ready to get knocked out by some waves" Dylan jokes once we all have our boards.
"You're sick" I laugh, he nudged me rushing to the water. Kalani follows him, her board tucked under her arm.
"She really likes him" Kai states now beside me, I nod.
"He likes her to" I respond
"You have to get along better with him" I add, he chuckles but I glare
"I'm serious Kai, he's probably gonna start dating your sister, and he's one of my best friends" I exclaim, he becomes serious.
"I know he's important to you, and he seems important to Kalani so I'll try" he responds, making me smile.
"Thank you" I say, pulling him into a kiss.
"Guys get in the water" Kalani yells already paddled halfway out, I smirk rushing into the water, Kai close behind.

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