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This roommate thing has been very hard. I use to love how much Dylan went without a shirt, now that I can't do anything it angers me. He's also decided to start wearing suits, I guess it's required for his job, but don't get me started on that. I watch as he quickly puts together breakfast, his tie slightly undone. He woke up late this morning so he's scrambling and his messy is very sexy. He's biting into a banana while shoving papers into his sort of satchel briefcase. My spoon falls out of my hand clinking loudly against the counter, making us both jump slightly.
"Sorry" I mumble, my cheeks warming.
"So I was thinking to have some people over, kind of a small party if that's okay?" He asks, a small blush on his cheeks.
"Sure, do you mind if I invite some people?" I ask
"No. So I'll pick some drinks up after work, would you mind getting some snacks, if you're not doing anything?" He asks
"Ya of course, and if you want I can just get the drinks too" I suggest, he bites into a piece of toast.
"Sure actually, that would be great" he answers and quickly rummages through his briefcase. He pulls out a couple of bills placing them on the island.
"Thank you, I appreciate it" he says, I nod.
"Bye" he calls before rushing out. I pull out my phone to call Laney when my phone starts ringing. Its's Kalani.
"Hey" I answer
"Hey, whatcha doing?" she asks I push away the half-eaten cereal.
"Nothing much, you?" I ask standing to stretch my legs.
"I was wondering if you wanted to go surfing, I kind of need the distraction." She explains, her tone stiff. I place the dish in the dishwasher.
"Sure, do you mind if I invite Laney?" I ask
"No, the more the merrier" she laughs
"Okay meet you there in half an hour?" I ask
"Sounds good, just our regular spot," she says, I nod even though she can't see me. After I hang up I call Laney.
"Hello bitch" she answers on the second ring.
"Hey, would you want to go surfing with Kalani and I?" I ask putting her on speakerphone so I can get dressed.
"I will float and tan, but no surfing" she says, making me laugh.
"Okay, I'll pick you up in twenty be ready," I say
"Hardly any time, I do have to look good for the beach boys" she whines
"Twenty minutes Laney" I order before hanging up. I quickly change into my black bikini and head to the backyard to grab my board. I notice the scrap wood Dylan's collected so he can start the shed. Things have been okay with him I guess besides being completely obsessively attracted to him. I pack my car, and lock up before heading to Laney's place. She's on the porch when I drive-in. She's wearing a white floppy hat, and a very bright yellow sundress paired with her favorite gladiator sandals.
"Hey bitch" she smiles hopping into the car
"Hey" I smile pulling out of the driveway.
"So Dylan's kind of having a party and I offered to get drinks and snacks, you down to help?" I ask
"As long as we can get blackout tonight" she cheers
"Ya sure" I laugh. Kalani's waiting with her board in her hand when we get there. I notice Kai's car still parked in the lot.
"Hey" she calls.
"Hey" I give her a small hug. She turns to Kai's car and waves. He starts the car and peels out.
"Sorry he's protective" she blushes, I smile.
"Honestly I wish I could surf, I just have no ability" Laney laughs as we wax our boards.
"I could teach you" Kalani offers
"Trust me I've tried just not for me, but thanks" she smiles kindly back at her.
"How are you?" I ask, she looks back down at the wax in her hand.
"Okay, it takes time I've heard so" she shrugs pulling her hair up.
"Oh I forgot to tell you Dylan's having a party, and obviously you're invited," I say
"Are you two back together?" She asks a confused look on her face.
"No, just friends I guess. I know it sounds dumb but" I shrug
"Have you tried the whole walk around half-naked?" Kalani asks, Laney laughs loudly.
"I told her to" she says, making Kalani laugh.
"Sorta, but he's always shirtless and it turns me into a blushing freak. Like I'm seriously awkward. It's like I've never seen the guy naked, great now I'm imagining him naked" I sigh, they both burst out laughing.
"That sucks, I would have already jumped him" Laney says, I shove her.
"What?" She asks, Kalani chuckles.
"I'm serious guys, he's so distracting I actually ran into a wall" I say, and then they both start laughing again.
"Well tonight's your chance, dress sexy" Kalani suggests, I nod.
"Ya, oh and you should see him in his suit" I stammer blushing. Laney throws sand at me, breaking me from my drool fest.
After we picked up the drinks and snacks, we drop Kalani off at her house to get ready.
"I love her," Laney says
"She's pretty awesome" I respond.
"So did you end up talking to Kai?" She asks, I sigh
"I did and I found out Dylan punched him and they got into a fight" I say, Laney's eyes widen immensely.
"Ya, that's why Dylan had a cut on his lip and his jaw was bruised. Honesty,y though Kai looked worse, his face was scattered with bruises" I say
"Well he kind of deserved it" she quips
"Ya" I mumble
"It's weird because Dylan's the calmest person I know, except for that time a guy was all over me like a very creepy vibe and he wouldn't leave me alone then he punched him, as well as one of Kai's friends who said some shit about me, I forget the details but he's a dick so," I say
"Wow, now I know why you're so attracted to him" she smirks making me shove her. We pull into the driveway.
"He does it cause he loves you idiot" she says opening the car door.
"You don't know he loves me Laney so stop saying that" I say, she shrugs.
"I know what I know" she responds
"That doesn't make sense" I retort making her laugh.
"Shut up and grab some shit" she remarks making me laugh. We lug all the bags in and it's a lot of stuff. I didn't know exactly what to get so I got a little of everything. I put all the dips in the fridge and fill the big cooler I got with ice for the beers and coolers.
"I'm having one" Laney grabs a beer from me
"Can you open one for me too?" I ask, she smirks and nods.
"Cheers bitch, to a very interesting night" she winks I clink my beer with hers.
People start arriving before Dylan gets home, he texts me to apologize, said he got held up by his dad. Laney's already tipsy and flirting with some blonde guy I've never seen before. I watch the door for Dylan and Kalani, she's still not here. Finally,y she steps in, she's wearing her favorite purple sundress, her hair is up in a tight bun.
"K" I call, she turns I'm surprised she heard over the loud music. She rushes over, an amused look on her face.
"Wow it's bigger than I expected" she laughs
"I know, and Dylan's still at work" I say, she frowns.
"Well you look very sexy" she states making me blush. I decided to wear my black ripped denim shorts, with a very short tank top crop, that I borrowed from Laney.
"Thanks, it's not too much" I pull at the hem, she shakes her head. The door opens again and this time it's Dylan. He looks around his eyes widen slightly. His tie is off at this point, and he looks tired. I stand and walk towards him.
"Hey, how was work?" I ask, he looks me up and down, and I can't help but smile.
"Stupid" he responds I chuckle.
"Well booze in the kitchen and you'll be lucky to find any snacks, your friends are animals," I say, he laughs and nods a soft look on his face. I lace my hands together to keep myself from reaching for him. He moves past me and down the hall probably to change. I walk back to Kalani, who's smiling widely.
"He totally checked you out" she squeals excitedly making me blush. There's a loud knock on the door, I push past the crowd to answer it. Kai stands there, hands in his pockets.
"Hi" I stammer, he looks nervous.
"Sorry to interrupt, I need to talk to Kalani" He explains, I nod. I turn to Kalani, who's sipping her drink and staring off.
"Come in, I'll get her" I instruct, he steps in awkwardly. I rush over to Kalani, she turns smiling.
"Kai's at the door, he needs to talk to you," I say, she looks concerned, but nods. I turn watching her as she walks that way. I spot Dylan, he's staring at Kai, a hard look on his face. I feel my heart start pumping loudly, Dylan turns to me. His eyes are soft, and he looks upset. It makes my heart hurt. I start walking, needing to explain, but his face becomes hard and unreadable, making me halt. Our eyes are locked, and I can feel the anger from here. I look over at Kai and Kalani. Kai's looking between us now, his face normal. I turn back to Dylan, and now he's staring daggers at Kai. I shake away the nerves and walk towards Dylan.
"He just needs to talk Kalani" I blurt as soon as I'm in earshot
"It's fine, he can stay if he wants" He responds his tone cold, and unattached.
"Dylan, I'm sorry" I mutter, he looks away from me.
"It's a party, have fun" He states before rushing off. I stare after him, completely bewildered.
"I should go" I hear Kalani say behind me, I turn.
"You're leaving?" I ask
"Ya, I have to talk to Jackson, sorry I really wanted to be here" She explains
"That's okay, text me after tell me how it goes" I say pulling her into a hug. I catch Kai's eye, and he smiles lightly. I watch them leave, before turning to find Laney. I push past groups of people, heading to the kitchen. I find Laney there, laughing at something someone said.
"Hey can we talk?" I ask,  she turns to me her smile falling slightly.
"Ya of course" She hops off the counter, and I pull her along to my room.
"I don't know what to do" I mutter, she looks confused
"Dylan" Is all I say dropping onto my bed. I can see the pity in her eyes as she sits next to me.
"Maybe you just need to focus on something else" She suggests sounding unsure herself, I nod. I lean against her, feeling overwhelming emotions burst through me. I sit up, and she looks startled.
"Let's go have fun" I smile, she nods apprehensively
"We can just sit here" She states lowly
"No, come on go make us drinks, I'll be right out" I assure pushing her to the door. She looks at me like I've grown a third head, but she doesn't say anything, just walks out. I take a steadying breath, closing my eyes.
"Focus on something else" I mutter to myself, hoping it sticks. I grip onto my door handle tightly, taking another breath before walking back into the madness.

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