Cutest Thing Alive!

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I wake up to a snap from Kai, a smile instantly forms on my face. I grab my phone off the side table, dropping it on my face.
"Shit" I say, as a stinging occurs where the phone collided with my nose. I open my phone as fast as possible, then realize maybe I'm being too eager.
"Okay just wait five minutes" I say to myself, flattening down my hair from the mess of bed head, as if he can see me.
"Fuck it" I say after a couple seconds. I open it, and it's Kai, still in bed, without a shirt, heat burns my cheeks.
"Kalani woke me up wayyyy to early" it reads, making me laugh. I put the big mouth filter on, and try to not look like a dick in the picture.
"Well, you woke me up with this snap... so" I write, and send it. I put my phone face down, trying to calm my frayed nerves. My phone dings, and I open it immediately. It's his face again, this time he's smiling.
"Well sorry you're not like a normal person who turns their ringer off" he responds, making me laugh out loud.
"Shut it" I snap back, and then decide to get up and brush my teeth. I walk to the bathroom, a permanent smile stuck on my face. I finish up in the bathroom, and head to the kitchen
"Morning" my aunt says out of nowhere
"Jesus, you scared me" I say, as I grab a mug from the cupboard.
"Sorry, So you were up late last night" my aunt says, a smirk on her face.
"Yeah sorry if I kept you up" I say pouring myself some coffee
"No, it's fine, were you talking to Kai?" She asks
"Yeah" I say, her smile widens. I take a sip of my coffee, letting it warm me.
"So?" She continues
"So, Nothing, we just talked, but I have a plan" I respond
"And what's the plan?" She asks, her smile widening. "It's still being written" I say, as a bunch of tactics pop into my head, god who have I become?!
"Alright then" she says still smiling. I hear my phone beep, and my excitement rises instantly. I pick up my phone from the counter, it's another snap from Kai. I open it, and it's him in a mirror, wearing camo pants, and a white v neck.
"Wanna hang" he writes, he put a smiley face sticker on his face. I take a pic of my coffee, and write back.
"I guess, you know since I have nothing better to do" smiling widely at my phone, I head to my room to get dressed. I grab some denim shorts, and my plain white tee. I grab my sandals, and beach bag, and head outside to wait. 
"I'll see you later" I call to my aunt
"Have fun" She yells back. I wait outside for five minutes before he shows up.
"Hey" I say as I get into the car 
"Hey" he responds smiling at me
"What?!" I ask confused at his smile.
"Oh nothing just can't wait to see your reaction" he says backing out of the driveway. Before I know it, we're at the ocean, he parks beside the beach, turning to me.
"You ready" he says, I look at him completely confused.
"For what?" I ask
"To see the cutest thing alive" he says, still smiling. His smile brings goosebumps to my arms.
"If you're implying that you're the cutest thing alive.." I say, he laughs now.
"No, but I'm really flattered that you consider me cute" he says getting out of the car. I follow him out, and down to the beach.
"Okay so what am I looking for?" I ask, he points to a bunch of baby seals.
"Oh my god!" I yell, as I watch them slide into the water.
"I told you, they're called Hawaiian monk seals"he says
"They're so cute, like extremely cute" I say stepping closer to the water.
"I have another surprise" he says, I turn to him my mouth open wide.
"How could you possible beat this" I say, he laughs, and grabs my hand. A bolt of electricity runs through me as our hands connect. He takes me down a long dock, we sprint to the end.
"Okay just wait, and you'll see" he says sitting down, and pulling me down with him. I stare down at the water, curiosity courses through me.
"What am I looking for" I ask when suddenly a burst of water comes my way, and he starts laughing. That's when I see them 2 dolphins swimming toward us.
"Dolphins" I say, completely shocked. I've always wanted to see dolphins in person.
"I come here all the time to watch them" he says putting his hand in the water. He grabs mine now, placing it down into the water. Suddenly the dolphins swims to us, and I touch it's slippery fin. It stays in place, smiling at us while Kai, and I pet it, it's the most magnificent feeling ever.
"This is amazing" I say, as the dolphin splashes water in my direction.
"I've always wanted to pet a dolphin" I tell him.
"I thought you'd like this" he says smiling at me. Our eyes connect, and my body fills with excitement.
"Thanks for this" I say breaking the filled silence.
"No problem" he says, his eyes still glued to my face. The space between us feels charged, like something is pulling us closer. I can tell he's moving closer, heat emanates between us. Fear mixed with yearning makes its way through me, and I don't know how to react.
"I really like you" he says, my stomach flutters.
"And here I was thinking I'm a full on drag" I joke, but his face stays serious.
"I'm serious Violet, I like you a lot" he says, my body hums at the mention of my name.
"I like you a lot to" I say, my voice sounding shaky. He moves in now all the way, his lips millimetres away from mine, his hand is on my face, his fingers brushing my cheek, when a huge gush of water smacks us in the face. We both burst out laughing.
"Did that ruin the mood?" He asks still chuckling.
"Not at all" I say, his laugh stops, as he take my face, and kisses me. Electricity shoots between our lips, and I melt into his body. His hand tangles in my hair as our kiss heats up, my body instantly responds, pushing my body closer to his. I guess I never needed a plan!

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