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Trinden P. O. V

I walked downstairs to get some water before I went to bed in the same bed as Kill cause I didn't know how to shut the fuck up and follow orders.

I seen a figure sitting out on the patio and when I opened it Justice was sitting in a chair wrapped up in a large blanket.

It was cold out there to me because I had on a large shirt and some shorts but I still went out anyway.

As I sat in the chair he didn't even look over at me as he passed me the half of the large blanket.

"You okay?" I asked looking over at him.

He shrugged. "Sometimes. Sometimes not." He said still not looking at me.

"Nothings wrong with being gay you know?"

He laughed. "Yea I know. I just wish they knew."

"Why do you go through that?" I asked curiously.

He smiled. "Cause family is family and no matter what they do you always stay with them. Even if their homophobic and even if their gay."

I looked down at my lap. "Not the same for me."

"No family?" He asked looking shocked.

I nodded. "If had some don't you think they'd fight to get me away from Kill?"

He nodded and it was silent for a while.

"If Kill didn't have you right now and you were back home. What would you do? What would you be?" He asked motioning out towards the stars in the sky.

You gotta love this kid.

I shrugged. "A long time ago I used to have this big dream. I used to want to be a Plastic Surgeon. I've just always liked the thought of changing yourself to make what you believe is a better version of yourself and not caring what anyone thinks." I said smiling then I looked over at him. "What about you?"

His eyes met mine and he gave me a amused look.

"Your gonna laugh." He said not wanting to tell me.

I shook my head. "I promise I won't."

He sighed. "Is wanna be a photographer. Take pictures and turn it into a piece of abstract art. Like the first person the white house calls when they need pictures for their family room or something. Or when someone's making a movie or show and they need a front cover. I take the pictures and create that front cover." He laughing.

"Nothing like a drug dealer." I whispered.

"Nothing like it at all." He said sadly.

I stayed quiet while he continued.

"Who knows maybe it's because when I was younger I preferred to stay with my mom instead of my jail crazy father like my other brothers. But I'm 17 I just graduated. Why can't I be something?" He asked/begged.

I pulled some money out of my bra which made him start laughing louder.

"This is only 1,500$ it's leftover from your brothers money I stole. It's not alot but it's enough to get you a bus ticket and go to that college."

He shook his head. "I can't my brothers need me. And yeah I did get in and they have dorms and stuff but I could never do that to them."

I placed the money in his hand as a tear sliding down his face.

"Kill is gonna hurt you if he finds out I left."

I shook my head. "Don't worry about it. If your brothers love you as much as I know they do then they will respect you decision to do what you want." I said.

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