Apologies? something I've never heard of

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Trinden P. O. V

I stood there speechless until reality hit me.

The text was a warning. I'd gotten too comfortable here. I figured since it's been 3 years this was over.

Oh God my kids, what if he's taken my kids.

I turned on my heels and ran out of the office I heard Whiteboy calling my name as he raced after me. My first thought was to take the elevator but the wait would be too long so I aimed for the stairs. I sped down from the 17th floor to the first floor.

By the time I made it downstairs I was out of breath but I kept going. My arms and thighs burned.

I was weezing as I ran out side and leaned against the wall thinking I lost them.

"What's the matter with you?" Whiteboy asked making me jump realizing he was here the whole time behind me.

I shoved him. "What kind of friend are you?  You knew what he did to me!! He's bad people Whiteboy!! He ruined me!! Don't you know that!!" I shouted at him as he looked around angry like I was embarrassing him.

"Trinden you need to calm dow-"

"Why cause I'm embarrassing you!!! Fuck that!!"

"Trinden can you let me explain?" Kill asked stepping next to Whiteboy.

"Explain what? I'm here now in the flesh if your going to kill me just do it but please spare my babies."

He sighed. "Trinden I'm not gonna- wait did you say babies?"

I nodded and he looked confused but then shook his head.

"No this can't be. If they were mine you would've told me. Right?" He asked sounding calm.

Calm Kill scared me more than angry Kill did. If he was calm I didn't know what to expect or think.

I laughed. "They are not. I adopted."

He nodded his head. "Look can we just talk?" He asked sounding sincere.

But this is Kill the same man that brutally punished his brother Nicolas, the same person who lied and cheated on me. He's a trained liar.

For once I didn't argue.

I agreed.


"I hate you. I mean not in a joking way like I really really hate you." He spoke calmly.

He didn't raise his voice, or scream or even hit me. He talked to me like a person, like a adult........like a


I scoffed. "Hate me? This isn't my-"

"Let me finish," his voice was demanding yet begging. He waited a few minutes then continued.

"My father messed us up, he treated us like nothing so we became the best Nothings we could be. I wanted to he an amazing father. You know I had dreams of leaving the trap life? I had plans too. You know I was taking therapy for my anger? ........I did it all for you. But what you did for me is.....it's something I could never return." He spoke softly.

I stuttered. "W-what do you mean?"

He smiled to himself. "I'm better now Trinden. This isn't a fake or a sham I actually feel better. I don't feel like the Kill who murdered all those people. Do you know I've killed children?-"

I winced. "Kill I don't wanna hear that-" he cut me off.

"You've killed a child too. The only difference is I regret it."

My mouth dropped. "Regret it? You think I don't regret it? You think I don't wish I would've done things differently?" My voice rose.

"You've never said it."

"Never said what?" I questioned as I leaned back against the leather seats in his large truck.

He sighed. "You never told me sorry. Okay? You've apologized to Ebony but never me. I don't give a fuck if she is the mother. I'm the father. I had to move on alone, I had to forgive you even though I felt like you weren't sorry...........but that's why I'm thanking you. I've lived life killing people for hurting me. Hurting people and never forgiving. I've held so many grudges that it hurts to even say I forgive you. But I'm sitting here today. As a man, and I'm telling you. Trinden it doesn't matter if your sorry or not sorry. I still forgive you."

I sat there in a daze. Confused.

Is this a dream?

It's gotta be it has to be. The same man that would shoot a nigga because he didn't say sorry after stepping on his shoe is the same one that's apologizing.

To me?

"My company will still build your home. For free too." He smiled.

"Your company?" I asked confused.

He nodded.

"Kill I'm sorr-" before I could finish he got out the car leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I just kept hearing the same thing over and over again.

It doesn't matter if you apologize or don't. I still forgive you.

Should I forgive him too and move on?

Sorry for the short chapter but what do yall think?💚💚💚💚💚

Should she forgive him?❤❤❤❤

Do you like the new Kill better than the old?💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

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