Meeting and Anxiety

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Hey guys so I've put a lot of thought into what book I'll be choosing because sadly no one commented. Which really broke my heart. But it's fine I'll make the decision alone. I think I'll choose The Best Worse Thing.💖💖💖💖💖💖If I do write this book I hope that it will get as much love as this one.


Trinden P. O. V

I stepped out of the house letting the cold air hit me. Don't be mad or disappointed in me but I'm late to my meeting. I'm also late to pick the girls up from school.

I hurried up and took out my phone and dialed Whiteboy's number.


"Whiteboyyy." I wined.

He groaned. "What do you want?"

I laughed. "Can you please pick the girls up from school?" I begged.

", Davinita, and Chilo are way across town. No where near their school. Why didn't you ask Ebony?"

I rolled eyes as I got in the car. "It's 5:30 which is her so called 'get it in time' for her and her man."

He apologized and hung up.

I let my head hit the steering wheel. Feeling the need to cry, I've never been late to pick the girls up. Negligence is something I've never wanted them to feel or have. They were already abandoned and gave off by their ORIGINAL parents. I looked into their history and found out that her mother was just a piece of shit, she had no reasoning for giving them away. Their mother had 6 abortions and 1 miscarriage, it was by the grace of God that she put them up for adoption instead of killing them like her other 6 children. No hate against abortions but I don't agree with getting them like their condoms for every time you make a INTENTIONAL mistake.

I love them, their my pride and joy. Some people judge me for adopting, some even judge me for getting children this young. My mother certainly did but that's another story.

My phone rang making me jump. I scrambled to get it and pressed answer.

"Yes?" I asked nervously.

"Trinden.......I've been patient with you and haven't let my anger take control of me. Yet you find the need to be 3 hours late to our meeting. I have colleagues that were there, waiting for you, do you understand how unprofessional I look? They think that your a irresponsible woman who doesn't deserve to be given the most beautiful home we can offer. FOR FREE might I add."

I couldn't answer, nor could I stop the tears from sliding down my face. His voice was demanded and stern yet calm as if he didn't want to yell at me too bad.

"So? Explain yourself." He said sounding madder.

"I-I," I stuttered. Maybe me being a mother now has given me a soft side. "My car has been acting up for the past few weeks and it finally went dead today and won't start. I r-really don't know what to do because Davin and Danny are at school and I was supposed to pick them up 2 hours ago I'm so sorr-" he cut me off.

"Baby," he sighed. "I'm sorry Trinden. None of this is your fault."

I shook my head as if he could see me as tears poured down my face. "Everything is my fault. If I would've been a responsible adult and parent and just got my car fixed when I noticed something was wrong."

"Trinden," he warned. "None. Of. This. Is . Your. Fault. Now here's what's going to happen. Are you listening to me?"

"Yes." I answered sniffling.

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