Different in person

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Trinden P. O. V

"And he what!!" Ebony gasped.

I rolled my eyes. "He offered to do my house for- didn't I tell yall to take yall lil asses upstairs!!?"

When they heard my voice they jumped.

"But we don't wanna." Davin pouted.

I pointed towards the stairs. "Goodbye yall got school tomorrow. Tell Ebony bye."

They wined as they walked over and hugged Ebony.

"He offered to do my house for free." I finished off.

She beamed. "Omg that's great news. Now you get to live in your dream house."

When she seen my face her smile dropped.

"I can't except it. Do you know how long it'll take for me to build my dream house? I'll have to spend plenty of time around him and his crew explaining what I want and how I want it. Meetings after meetings after meetings."

She nodded her head in a confused way.

"I don't want us to get close again or to go back to being friends or dating."

She rolled her eyes. "But he told you all he wanted to do was apologize not strings attached." She reminded me.

"Yes but it's Kill. There's always strings attached."

Kill P. O. V

"So how did the talk go?" Justice asked sitting down at my office table with me

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"So how did the talk go?" Justice asked sitting down at my office table with me.

I shook my head. "Don't worry about all dat. How you been in school? Wassup with dem grades lil nigga?"

He scoffed. "I can't help but worry. You've moved away, stopped talking to Tyler and now mom, Julione, and Jaden barely hear from you." He explained.

"Your point is?" I questioned.

"Trinden. Is all of this about Trinden?"

I laughed. "No not at all, I've set my ground with her when I apologized. I'm just here for work."

This time he laughed. "Work? Work! Get at of here wit that bullshit. Mexico isn't the most unfortunately low economic country you could've went to. There Africa. Certain parts of Africa need wayyy more help than Mexico."

I shrugged. "What can I say I just love this weather here. And the water."

"Look man all I'm saying is you should just let her go."

"I did." I argued.

"Sureeee. You could've sent her a text apologizing."

"That's not sincere." I said surely.

A heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I ordered while clenching my jaw.

I gave strick instructions to not interrupt me when my lil brother was visiting here.

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