Flashbacks and Flashbacks full of shit

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Okay guys don't hate me but there are a lot of flashbacks in this chapter, it's the only way for you guys to understand why Trinden hates Kyle so much. Also Kill might have a few also..........but you'll have to wait for that😊💖💖and do not I repeat please don't forget to read The Best Worse Thing. If you guys do who knows things might get spicier in this story 😉



*Ding* Ding*

The sound of the automatic gate opening for the police officer to come over to my cell.

"Your lawyer is ready to talk to you." She said looking at me in pure disgust.

I rolled my eyes as I stood up out of my seat and followed her to the sealed room. The room where every officer figured that you assumed that the mirror in there was just a mirror, when in reality it's a way for others to listen and speak cheap about you without you listening.

I sat down at the seat. "Susan." I said blankly.

"Trinden." She responded in deep disappointment.

I ran a hand through my curly wild hair. "Let me guess you can't get me out?"

She sighed. "Do you know how much you have on your record? It's a shame that you had to spend your 13th birthday in jail. I swear if Jens would've been her-" I cut her off.

I stood up halfway because of the hand cuffs pulling me down and I pointed at her. "It's Erin!! Don't you ever call her that and don't you ever talk about her!!" I yelled.

She smiled and leaned back against her chair. "Why not? Your father does."

I smacked my lips. "Kyle? That piece of shit is not my father," I stopped and smiled. "Seems like he's not a good husband either. Huh?" I asked pointing at her ring finger which was blank.

She placed her hand under the table. "This isn't about me," She whispered. "Two weeks ago on Friday June 3rd, the day your mother died you had a panic attack. You blacked out, you destroyed her room and damaged most of the hallways and rooms which consisted of owing 18,ooo $. When nurses and doctors tried to calm you down you then grabbed a knife that you found in the surgeon room and stabbed.....Nurs. Winston," She paused and looked at me. "And then when the police came you attacked not one but two officers, one of them you gave a black eye and the other had to get 6 stitches in his hand because you bit him. And all because they didn't want to hurt a child."

I rolled my eyes. "Was I a child when the same police officer's I assaulted threw me up against the car and tazed me, was I a child when they held me down and beat me repeatedly saying that I was fighting resistance?"

She sat there.

I fake laughed. "You don't know shit about me Susan."

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