Loosing it all for who knows how long

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Icolas P. O. V.

She stared at me. They all stared at me, shock written on there faces.

Also disappointment but that mostly came from my father. Heartbreak from my mother. Disbelief for my brothers and guilt from Trinden.

"Crippled," my father repeated for the hundredth time. "You tell me my son is a crippled?"

I winced at the word. My life is over with, my used to be gang filled life with drug connects out of town and around the world is over.

I'm over.

"I'm sorry." Trin repeated also for the hundredth time today.

My mother shook her head as a tear slipped her eye. "You'll be okay. He'll be okay. It's not a big deal legs aren't a b-"

"So your telling me my damn son will never be able to walk again!! To fuck again!!! To drive again!! He's not a man anymore!!" He screamed.

The doctor tried to explain. "It appears that another bullet must've hit him when Trinden wasn't looking. Because a bullet hit his stomach and went so far deep that it hit his spinal cord which can cause in most cases.....to be paralyzed."

For once Justice looked at her with a look of anger. "You didn't see it? How could you not see another fucking bullet flying mid air?"

I was taken back by his language, Justice was always happy. He adored Trinden completely and now he just about hated her.

"Hey, hey," I whispered making all their heads turn to me. "It's not that bad, I'll be okay. It's not her fau-"

"It's exactly her fault, but it's even more your fault for fucking that whore." His father ranted. "That thieving whore who even slept with your brother. That fucking bitch, she's the reason why you are like this."

I looked over at Trin how stood there shaking. Shaking with anger, sadness and embarrassment.

"You know what," I paused then smiled. "Get the fuck out."

"Nicolas." My mother gasped.

I shook my head. "No cause I'm just a crippled who fucked a so called whore. But she's MINE. You hear me? Mine. So don't even try to sit in my damn face and talk badly about a woman that's mines. And yeah I got shot and paralyzed and it was because of her but.......but I'd get shot and loose both of my legs completely just to stop anyone from ever talking badly about her again," I paused again. "I don't care if you don't like her. She's a woman, have some respect."

My father looked at me like I lost my damn mind and to be honest I've never spoken to him like that before. "You were right about one thing," he stopped. "We can leave."

They all followed behind and Justice, and Luca shot me a smile on their way out.

"Come here." I spoke softly. She didn't move, instead she stared at the ground in defeat. "Ven aca bebé (come here baby)." I repeated.

She walked over slowly. "D-did you take your medicine today?" She stuttered.

I shook my head making her scold me.

"Why? You know what happens wh-"

"I was around something calm, something that makes me happy. I could never loose my temper with that." I spoke making her blush slightly.

She mumbled under he breath making me ask her to speak up. Her eyes met mine and my body burned with the need for her to touch me. To be close, to let me hold her. My body yearned for her to kiss me for her to feel up and down my body. For her to speak to me for hours, to tell me and share with me more than she ever could with Kill.

Or ever did.

"It's all my fault, I took everything away from you." She croaked. My eyes widened when I seen a tear sliding down her face.

"Hey," I whispered lifting her chin. "It's not that big of a deal, it's just legs. Maybe this is for the best, it'll give me time to focus on other stuff."

She sniffled making me lean in and kiss her. She kissed me back instantly and I moved back looking at her. "I got you bebé, okay?" I asked pecking her on the lips at the end.

She smiled. "Yeah and just like you got me I got you."

I raised an eyebrow. "Meaning?"

"That's I'm going to take over it all, the drug deals. EVERYTHING." She spoke smiling to herself.

I laughed shaking my head. "No not at all. It's too much, some day you might have to kill somebody or make a choice that gets someone killed. I have my own gang in every country and your in charge of making sure they do their job. You'd have to go to meetings meeting some of the most dangerous men in the world. One wrong word and they'd kill you on the spot. It's just a year in therapy, I could just have Mikeal and Luca take over."

She shook her head. "I've got it."

" I won't let you-" She cut me off by gripping my neck softly and trailing her tongue down the side of my neck then looking me in my eyes.

"I said, I've got it."

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