Hurts worse than death could compare

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Vix P. O. V.

I sat in the hospital chair rocking back and forth.




I fucking hate that sound, but I also love it at the same time. I hate it because it's a reminder that he's in a coma, but I love it because it's a reminder that he's even here at all.

Regardless of how much I hate him with a passion he....he, he saved me.

Never once has someone did something like that for me.

But soon he'll wake up, and when he does it all feel like a dream. Like everything's fake.

"What are you doing here?" Justice asked taking a seat in the hospital room.

I glanced at Trinden then back to him.  "I was with him when the drive by happened."


I'm not perfect, I'm a liar, I'll do what I gotta do to be understood.

I knew keep down inside that if I admitted what Trinden did that Icolas would hate her with a passion. And he'd hate me even more considering it could've been me on that bed.

Trinden sighed and Icolas reached over rubbing her stomach. "Calm down, I don't want you to put stress on yourself and our baby."

The words sickened me, the scene sickened me because she's not perfect. She shot a innocent person today, and her and Kill murdered Ebony right in front of us. She doesn't deserve to be married, or in love or to have a family. Or a baby. I've been through hell, I deserve that. I need that, and I'd do anything to get it. But I'd also do anything to forget about it.

"W-what happened to him?" A familiar voice croaked out.

I looked up and was met with brown eyes. It took everything in me not to scream, my body felt broken and with each glance I lost myself even more. I felt disgusted with myself, ashamed, horrible. This treacherous feeling wouldn't go away. Make it go away.

My breathing got heavier and heavier I grabbed onto the arm of my chair and used it to help me stand up. I felt dizzy.

"Vix, hey Vix, you okay?" Justice asked his eyes widened as I felt myself tipping and I almost fell until a arm grabbed mine and pulled me up closely. My skin burned from his touch. His horrible touch, those eyes.

I snatched away from him like my hand was on fire and grabbed my purse hurrying out of the room. I sped walk down the hospital hallway hearing footsteps and his deep voice calling my name. "Leave me alone K-kio." I stuttered. He gripped my wrist yanking me back.

"Don't touch me," I spat rubbing my wrist to make the red mark go away. "You know the rules, you stay away from me. That was the plan."

"Vixington what happened to-"

"He was shot, a drive by. That's it and that's all." I explained.

Pain flashed in his eyes when they met mine. "Vix look......I'm sorry, okay? I wasn't in my right mind, you know that. The doctors explained that to you and-"

"Fuck you," I spat watching him wince at the power my voice held. "If you think that them bullshit doctors explanations will make me feel better about, you. About what you did. Then your a fucking idiot, I'm leaving. Don't follow me or I swear to God."

I turned on my heels walking away until the sound of his voice made me stop in my tracks.

"I know it was you,"

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