85. Already~ Brandon Ingram

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Underdog Series [15]
Featuring Brandon Ingram

Brandon stood in the kitchen preparing lunch for his two favourite girls. Y/N, his wife and Breanna, his five year old daughter, were on their way back from a mini spa day. Yesterday he decided that he wanted to treat the two leading ladies in his life to a special day and here he was in the kitchen cooking up his famous southern style dinner.

Always remember that he is a Carolina boy.

He moved around the kitchen, dredging the chicken in his special coating as he nodded his head to sounds of Future.

Small giggles snapped him out of his trance as he noticed his wife and his daughter standing at the entrance of the Kitchen.

"I see you guys are back." He said with a small smile. Breanna ran towards him as she clings her small body onto his. Brandon let out a small chuckle as he kissed her forehead making sure keep his hands that were messy away from her. Y/N walked towards them and kissed his lips before picking Breanna up to sit at the island.

"How are my girls doing? How was the nail salon?" He asked as he placed the first batch of chicken in the deep fryer.

"It was awesome. I got my nails painted a glittery pink." Breanna said as she showed them off to her father. Brandon squinted his eyes as he looked at them before giving her an approved nod.

"Ooooo I like them. They look cute on you." He said making her giggle.

"Thank you Daddy. I wanted Mommy to get the same colour as me but she said you wanted them a dark purple. I told her she didn't had to listen but she still did." She ranted as her face went to small pout. Y/N laughed at her daughter as she shook her head.

"It's just a favour Daddy requested sweetie. I asked him for his opinion and told him I'll go with whatever he chooses." Y/N said with a small smile as she kissed Breanna's cheek. "Now next time I'll make sure I get the same colour as you."

"Ooo. That means I am a bad girlfriend. John said to go with blue but I went with pink. Oh well." She said with a simple shrug. Brandon paused in his movement and watched Y/N then Breanna and back to Y/N again.

Y/N watched her shock as their daughter went back to admired her nails.

"Girlfriend?" The both parents asked at the same time.

"You have a boyfriend?" Brandon asked in worry and confusion.

"Yes Daddy and mommy. I thought you knew. John, uncle Jordan's son, is my boyfriend." She said simply as she smiled at her parents. Y/N and Brandon watched each other with raised brows as they were both unaware of the situation.

"Since when boops?" Y/N asked, calling her by the nickname they gave her.

"Since we visited them in Cleveland in April."

"When did you have this conversation about your nails? Yesterday when they came over?" Brandon asked as he continued to interrogate her. Breanna nodded her head as she watched her parents like nothing was wrong.

"Yeah and then we kissed, but then I ran away."

Brandon almost dropped to the ground at the shocking news. His hands were on his chest as it was moving rapidly. Y/N let out a small laugh at her husband's dramatics as she turned to Breanna.

"Boops, go up stairs and change into some house clothes as I help Daddy finish with lunch okay." She said as she kissed her forehead. Breanna nodded her head and jumped off the seat before running towards her room.

"They kissed Y/N. They kissed. I thought I had at least ten more years before she mentioned boyfriends." Brandon said as he shook his head, flipping the chicken. Y/N laughed again as she checked the oven, taking out the corn bread and macaroni and cheese that he made earlier.

"It's okay B. It's only a small little puppy love. They will be over it before the summer ends." She said to herself. Brandon sucked his teeth as he shook his head.

"There is no way. They've been together since April and if that little boy in Cleveland touching any other girls in Kindergarten ima hammer his ass."

"Brandon he is five."

"Y/N he is Jordan's son."

"Touché." She said chuckling a bit. "However I don't want us to break them up. She gets exited talking about him lets just see how it works out and if anything happens we are there to comfort her." Y/N said as she kissed his lips.

"Now you go wash those hands of yours and call Jordan, because I know that is what you about to do. I got the chicken." Brandon let out a laugh as he washed the few dishes in the sink and scrubbed his hands clean.

Picking up his phone from the counter, he dialed Jordan's number and put it on loud speaker.

"Heyo." Jordan's voice said through the phone.

"Aye fam, do you know that our children are dating?" Brandon asked as he sat on the counter. Jordan let out a loud chuckle as he let out a loud "oh."

"Everything makes sense now." Jordan said laughing. "Yow John, come here a second."

"He was mumbling all day that he hoped Bre got her nails painted blue. I was confused as hell. Now it adds up." Y/N laughed at him as Brandon shook his head.

"Yes Daddy." John said as he stood next to Jordan.

"Little man, when were you going to tell me that you and Breanna are boyfriend and girlfriend?" Jordan asked. The line went silent as John rocked back and forth.

"You better answer my question boy." Jordan said sternly.

"I wanted to tell you guys yesterday but I was afraid that uncle Brandon would get upset." He said quietly. Brandon let out a small chuckle as he let out a small sigh. "Go back to your toys. I'll talk to you later."

"Looks like this entire relationship is real. This is so weird." Brandon said as he watched as Y/N took out the last chicken.

"Man looks like we got to start planning a wedding." Jordan said with a high pitched voice.

"Ooo the colours can be blue and white and we could have it on the beach." Y/N jumped up as ideas spurred out of her head.

"Babe. Relax. They are five. Relax."

Okay this one was really cute lol.


If you guys hold on for a couple minutes the surprise is on its way.

One Love
Kam 🖤

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