Chapter 1-Page 1

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They're just a bunch of guys in spandex and shorts, how impressive can they be? Honestly, I've met Natasha and Wanda and they seem cool. The rest I haven't met, I won't meet them until today. 

Dad's taking me with him to the tower, he says he wants me to train and join the Avengers or whatever they're calling themselves. They're getting a new recruit too, her name is Winona Constance Reed. She's another Speedy Gonzales, but she can bend time. Meaning she can stop, slow down, or rewind time. It's theoretically impossible to some, others thought it was possible. They thought it was going to be a machine to make it happen though. Those imbeciles.

 Hey, I do my research on people. I like to know the people I'm meeting that are interesting. 

I was finishing my coding on JARVIS's system as someone knocked on my door. I stood up from my red and black fishnet hammock and walked to my bedroom door. I opened the door fast and my fringe flew to my left where it was parted. My dad was on the other side of the door and he smiled as he put his arms out for a hug, to which I turned away from and went back to my net seat. I sat down and continued my coding as dad walked over to look at it besides me.

Who am I? Oh right, I am Lana Stark. Tony Stark's "brilliant, genius of a daughter". I graduated high school not too long ago, and dad was quote-unquote "glad" that I didn't end up like most kids. Anyways, to my description I guess, right? Well, I have brown hair, and chestnut eyes, I also have more of a heart-shaped head which goes pretty well with my long brown fringed hair. I have pretty fair skin and have never had acne ironically. Most importantly, I am five-six in height. I hate being called short.

Anyways, enough about me. Dad leaned over my shoulder as I typed on the clear virtual screen of my computer and asked "more upgrades for JARVIS?" 

I nodded and said, "now, JARVIS will answer you faster and speak more languages for translations." 

Dad nodded and stood up as he pat me on my back and said "good job". He walked towards the doorway and stopped. Then turned around to face me and asked: "why aren't you following me?" 

I looked up for a second and asked: "Was I supposed to?"

Dad looked at me and chuckled as he said "yeah, we're leaving to the tower now." 

I rolled my eyes and asked as I stood up "how cool can a bunch of guys in spandex be?" 

A smirk slid onto his lips as he suavely spoke, "ask them yourself when we get there".

 We walked to the room where the suits were, dad had been working on my suit for weeks to make it perfect. It was red, black, and silver all of my favorite colors. My suit was made for me by my design.

The suit had a black mask with the rest of the helmet in red, the main body structure was black and the bits that were shingled so that we could move more freely were silver. The gloves and toes were red and the symbol on my right shoulder was red as well. Around my suit's waist was a belt where some weapons were. They were synced to my suit so that if I ever had lost them after putting them down or taken away I could hit a small button on the belt and the lost item would fly back like a magnet.

After getting into our suits the virtual screen popped up along with JARVIS. We flew our suits to the tower and entered the building. Taking an accelerated elevator, which just means the speed was accelerated to make it move faster. 

As we made it to what looked like a lounge area I saw nobody there and smirked as I remarked sarcastically to my dad, "oh no, looks like nobody's here, guess we'll just have to go home so I can cry my heart out that I didn't meet the team." 

He looked at me and laughed as he mused out, "nice try, they'll be here in a minute. Put your suit in the lab and come back and sit." 

I rolled my eyes and walked to the lab. A man in a purple dress shirt and khaki pants with a pair of slacks on and glasses stood at a computer. He looked up from working on a robotic compulsory and sarcastically commented, "wow, nice paint job Emo man." 

I glared through my suit and said "nice dress shirt, Grape man." 

His look changed as he said, "you aren't Tony-" 

Looking at him unimpressed I sneered, "nice deduction Sherlock". I stood by the Iron Man suit area and got out of my suit. 

The man looked at me and said "oh". 

Dad walked in and smiled as he said: "Bruce, this is my daughter Lana!" 

I scoffed and rattled off, "Dr. Bruce Banner, age forty-eight, height five-ten, American, became the Hulk through a radioactive accident and becomes the Hulk when angry, oh and born December, eighteenth nineteen sixty-nine."

Bruce looked confused but impressed as he asked my dad "did you tell your daughter all that about me?" 

Dad shook his head and I told him "it's a habit of mine to conduct research on interesting people and people I will or have met. You, Mr. Banner, have the honor of being regarded as interesting to me." Bruce looked shocked and I flicked my hand shooing him to say goodbye and left to the lounge to see the rest of this team.

Captain America somewhat interesting but not very, Wanda, Natasha, Pietro, Bucky, Clint, Vision who was interesting to me a couple of months ago when he was being built still, Thor, and Spiderman who was pretty interesting as well. Then there was the new girl Winona Constance Reed, I could tell from her oval-shaped face, dirty blonde hair, boxy retro framed glasses, fair skin, and greenish-blue eyes. I walked up to each person and formally greeted them. As I walked up to Spiderman he raised his hand for a high five. I gave him an awkward high five since I was two inches shorter than him and continued on to Winona Constance Reed.

She and I shook hands and she smiled at me. Just like most of the rest did. 

Natasha and Wanda smiled at me and hugged me when I greeted them but, I was not expecting to get so many smiles. Especially from Winona. I looked her in her eyes to see what kind of person she was. She was a trusting, loyal, selfless person, intelligent, and caring. I wish I had the last trait of hers. I gave a small grin and continued to the couch beside her. I sat down and waited for dad and Dr. Banner to come back out. This was going to be one weird day. I can already tell. 

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