Onesie Troubles (Normani)

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Ally did the girls' laundry. It was something she loved to do weekly. Normani persisted she could do her own but Ally being the sunshine she is, decided to do it anyway. The clothes were now in the dryer. "Mani I ended up throwing your clothes in the wash since there was still room." Normani started to panic. She had a couple of onesies in her bag she forgot to hide. Did Ally see them?! "Oh okay. Thanks Al." "No problem!" The girls are lounging at their hotel rooms. Ally and Normani shared a room. "Well time to get the clothes!" Ally walks to the laundry room. Normani's chest started pounding and she started to sweat. She couldn't stop herself from thinking the worse case scenario which is Ally and the girls finding out her secret and judging her for it. She snapped out of her thoughts when Ally came in with a basket full of clothes. "Wanna help?" "Uh sure." There she sees her yellow onesie hiding in a pile. She quickly grabs it with some of her shirts when Ally isn't looking. Had Ally seen it? She was humming and folding laundry as if she was avoiding the subject. Normani started shaking. She couldn't handle the stress of it all. She put her focus on finding another onesie but it was nowhere to be found. Maybe she thought wrong and only had this one in her bag. Which it kinda looked like a bodysuit so maybe Ally didn't even notice it. Normani looked over to Ally who was still folding hers and the other girls' clothes into neat sections. She sighed in relief and started folding her stuff. "Mani, you have cute panties." "W-what?" Ally hands over her little girl underwear. Shit. They were bright pink with unicorns on them. "Oh thanks." She quickly takes them and put them away with the rest of her clothes. They finished up and Ally walked out of the room to the other girls to give them their clothes. Ally came back in the room. "Mani?" "Yes?" "I-Is this yours?" Normani is too scared to look but does and in Ally's hand is her pink onesie with fairies on it. "I must've dropped it on the way here and I asked the others if it was theirs but it's not.." Normani didn't want to answer the question and Ally knew that. "Mani, it's okay if it is yours. The girls and I would never judge you." By this point Normani can't help the tears from falling. "I Im sorry.." "Sorry for what?" Ally walks over to her comforting her best friend. "I don't know I thought you'd think I'm weird or something!!" "No what? Of course not. Mani, I've seen some of your diapers in your bag before. Dinah found your hello kitty sippy in the tour bus once. Lauren has seen it too. We all knew babe, we were just waiting for you to tell us." Normani was speechless she had no idea she was being that careless around them. "So you don't think I'm weird?" "No Mani, we love you for who you are." "Thanks Ally." They hug. "It's just that being in this industry stresses me out so that's my way of relaxing." "It's okay, no need for an explanation." Ally rubs her back. Normani felt relieved the girls was okay with her. She felt like a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders.

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