Sicky (Dinah)

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"Mommy I no feel too good." Dinah says to Lauren. They were at the park. "Aw sweetie, let me see." She feels her forehead. "Oh no you're burning up baby, cmon let's get you home right away." Dinah can't help to cry. "I feel sicky." Rubbing her eyes. "Okay baby, lets get into the car and we'll go home right away!" Lauren drives as fast as she could back home. "I'm gonna have you take a cold bath to get that fever down when we get home." "Okay mommy... ummm I went potty.." "it's okay sweetie, you're not feeling well. It's a good thing you have a diaper on right?" "Uhh.." "Dinah.." "I wearing a pull up cause I a big girl! But I'm not today." "Aw no sweetie, you are a big girl, you're just sick and it's okay to have accidents." They pull up on the drive away and Lauren helps Dinah get out of the car. She was relieved to see that she didn't leak on the seat.
Dinah follows her into the house. Lauren puts her bag down on the counter. "Okay let's get your bath ready so then you can rest." Dinah nods and follows her in the bathroom. "Okay so the water will be a little cool but we need to get that fever down okay?" "Otay mommy.." Lauren helps the girl get undressed and in the tub. Dinah shivers "it cold! it cold!" "I know baby, that's what I told you." Lauren begins washing her hair. "Where my toys?" "Oh I didn't know you wanted to play with them!" Lauren puts a few rubber ducks and turtles for Dinah to play with, she grabs her rubber turtle and fills it up with water and shoots it at Lauren. "Ahhh! Stop that!!" She screams out with her hair and face dripping. "I'm sowwy mommy." Lauren grabs a towel nearby and wipes her face. "I'm not mad but please keep the water in the tub, okay sweetie?" Dinah nods. "But you look funny!!" The girl points and laughs at Lauren's mascara running down her face. Lauren can't help to chuckle and continues to bathe her.

"Okay time to get out!" "Nooooo!!" "Baby, you've been in here over 20 minutes, your fingers and toes are already shriveling up." "Aww otay." Lauren drains the tub and helps Dinah get out to dry her off. She helps her out on a diaper and her purple onesie. "Now I want you to rest okay? I'll be in the kitchen making you some soup." "Aww but I wanna watch tv!!" "You can watch tv but you need to lay down." "Aw otay." Dinah pouts but listens. Lauren puts on The Lion King knowing it's one of her favorite movies. She goes downstairs to make her some soup.

10 minutes past and Lauren comes back with a bowl of chicken noodle soup, her favorite bottle with water and some medicine. "Okay baby, you don't have to eat the whole thing, just a little bit if you want. Dinah sits up a bit rubbing her eyes. "My head hurts.." "I'm sorry baby, I wish I could make it go away. But that's why you need to take some medicine." "Nooooo!!" "Baby, it's either this or you won't get better! I have the kid's medicine, no pills okay?" Dinah was relieved. "Can you feed me?" Lauren usually wouldn't do this but knowing her little was sick, she couldn't say no. "Of course Baby." She grabbed the spoon and blew on it a few times before putting it up to Dinah's mouth. "Yummy!! You make good soup!!" "It's only from the can, sweetie." Lauren giggles. "Oh." Dinah laughs a bit. "It still the best cause you made it!" "Aw I love you." "Love you too mommy!" Lauren continues feeding her until she gets full. "Okay now for the fun part!" Lauren fills up the syringe with the liquid medicine. Dinah looks at it in fear. She covers her mouth. "Baby, it's not that bad, you've done this before!" She shakes her head. "I have your baba, you can drink it as soon as your done." Dinah thinks about it for a moment and then agrees. She opens her mouth a bit so Lauren could give her the medicine. Dinah makes a disgusted face. "And here you go, I'm proud of you baby!!" Handing her the bottle and Dinah instantly starts drinking fast. Lauren lays with her until Dinah falls asleep.

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