Night routine norminah

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"Mommy??" Dinah shot up from her bed after having a bad dream. She looked around it was dark and quiet. Normani was working late hours in the studio. She looked at her phone, it was 10:20pm. She fell asleep earlier than usual. There was a text from her. "Baby I'll be home soon. I miss you 😘" it was 10 minutes ago. Dinah quickly texted back. "Mommy I just woke up I need cuddles instantly!" Normani texted back "I'm almost there baby and of course I'll cuddle you!" Dinah was so happy she kicked her legs on the bed. She quickly got off and ran to the living area and turned on the light. She patiently waited on the sofa with her fav build a bear her mommy got for her. It was a tan bear named Raider dressed in a football jersey. "You think mommy on her way?" She spoke to the bear. "I hope you're right." She scooped the bear into her arms and cuddled it. There was the sound of someone unlocking the door. Dinah shot up and got happy. Normani walked in. "Mommy!!" Dinah jumps into her arms. "Awww hi baby!" Normani cuddles with her. "I miss you a lot!!" "I missed you too! You aren't tired?" "N-no, I woke up from a bad dream and then I saw your text!" "Aww I'm sorry." Normani kisses her cheek. Dinah blushes. She puts Dinah down and puts her bag on the counter. "Man I'm starving." She looks in the fridge and there's left over fried chicken. "What did you eat baby?" Normani still seeing the kids meal in the fridge. Dinah remembered she didn't, she forgot. She was missing mommy so much she just went to sleep. "Uhmmm..." "Did you eat?" "Umm I forgot." Normani gasped and realized how late it was. "Aren't you starving?" "I-I kinda am now. But I miss you so much I didn't wanna eat alone so I just went to bed." Normani's heart broke, she didn't realize Dinah would need to be looked after this much. "Aw baby, c'mon let's get you something to eat." Dinah walked to the dining table and watched her warm up a cheese burger and fries. She put it on her kiddie plate and poured water in her lion king sippy. "Here you go sweetie." "Tanks!!" Dinah started gobbling the burger up. "Hey slow down, you're gonna get a tummy ache." "S-sorry I just reawy hungry." Dinah pouted. "I know but slow down." She nods. Normani sits down with her fried chicken and sparkling water. Dinah watches her eat. "What's the matter?" Dinah tries to grab a drumstick from her. "Hey! You have your own food!" Dinah pouts. "I thought you liked your cheeseburger." "I do but I want your chicken too!" Normani broke some pieces off and put it on Dinah's plate. "Yay thank you mommy!!" "You're welcome." Normani looked at the time, it was getting really late. She hoped Dinah would fall asleep after she brushed her teeth. "Thanks for the yummy food!!" "You're welcome baby." Dinah was so hungry she didn't speak. Normani finished first and started cleaning up. "Hurry and finish your food, it's getting kinda late." Dinah now playing with her food and laughing. Normani walked back over to her. "Are you done eating?" Looking at her plate there was a small piece of her burger and some fries left. Dinah nods. "Okay baby. Good job!" Normani takes her plate and cleans. Dinah began singing a made up song. "What song is that?" "I dunno it's a silly song!!" Normani shakes her head and laughs. she's does cleaning up, "okay let's get your teeth brushed and potty then we can sleep." Dinah nods excitedly and follows her into the bathroom. "Mommy can you put lotion on me?" "Of course after this okay?" Dinah nods. She struggles getting the toothpaste on her pink light up toothbrush. "I can't do it!!" "You got it baby, that's good!" Dinah pouted and handed the toothbrush to Normani. "Okay open up." "Ahhh!!" "Good job!!" Normani brushed Dinah's teeth and helped her rinse. "Now time to potty!" Dinah looked around unsure. "What's the matter?" "Um I don't have to go." "Well just try okay?" Dinah shakes her head. "Why not? Do you want me to step out?" "Um something wrong." "What's wrong baby? You can tell me anything." "I don't wanna potty." Dinah almost wanting to cry. "Okay, shhhh shh it's okay." "Can you just try for mommy?" "N-no." "Okay, and that's fine." Normani hugs her and pats her bum realizing she needs a change anyway. "Why don't we get you changed and I can put your favorite lotion on okay?" Dinah sniffles and nods. "Aw baby I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry." "It okay." Dinh's walks out and waits for Normani. "why don't you lay on the changing mat,okay?" "Okay." Dinah lays down and waits patiently for Normani to come back with a clean diaper and wipes. She pulls down Dinah's shorts And undoes the tapes. Normani realized she had a horrible rash,maybe that's why she didn't want to use the bathroom. "Oh honey, I'm sorry, please let me know next time." She cleans her up. Normani goes over to a drawer to get diaper rash cream. "This might be a little cold." She cautiously rubs the ointment on. Dinah winces in pain. "Sorry baby, almost done!" She puts the new diaper on. "You still want me to put the lotion on you?" "Yes pease! The lavender one!!" "Okay!" Normani grabs the baby lotion on the nearby bedside table. She rubs and massages the lotion into the caramel girl's skin. The scent made Dinah feel calm. "Mhmmm.." Normani smiles. She then works her way onto her stomach which Dinah is ticklish and starts giggling. "Mommy stop!!" Normani decides to playfully tickle her sides anyway. They both laugh. Normani stops since she didn't want her to become too hyper. She finishes by rubbing it into her arms. "Mhmm you smell so good!!" Normani smells her. "I so happy!!" "I'm glad, baby." Dinah scoots on the bed higher up getting ready for bed. "Wait where Raider?!?" Normani looks around. "Where did you last see him?" Dinah looks around. "Uhhh I can't remember!!" Normani began to panic knowing she wouldn't be able to sleep with her favorite stuffie. She looked all around the house until she found him on the couch. "Found him!!" Normani yells out and takes it to Dinah. "Yay!! Tanks Mommy!!" Dinah cuddles him. "You're welcome, he was on the couch." "Oooh yeah!!" Dinah now remembering. "I'm gonna get ready for bed okay?" "Okay I'll be waiting!!" Normani changes into her pjs, brushes her teeth, and uses the bathroom. She walks out and Dinah is already sleeping. In a way she was relieved that she was able to fall asleep early tonight. Normani looked at the time and it was almost 2am. She yawned and got into bed cuddling her little.

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