Santa Claus!!

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"Time to write out your letters to Santa!" Normani shouts out. Ally and Dinah were playing with their toys. "But mama, Dinah can't write." "Thats why I'll be helping her baby." Ally nods and runs off to the coffee table where there's paper and markers. Dinah crawls over to Normani. "S-sana?" "Yes baby cmon we need to write your letters to Santa so he'll know what to get for you on Christmas!!" Dinah's eyes light up and jumps up and down. "Okay cmon lets go." They walk over to Ally who has written "deer Santa," and is thinking. Normani chuckles at her spelling. "Okay baby, go grab your favorite color. Dinah points to a blue marker. Normani grabs it and writes "Dear Santa," Dinah whines and tries to grab the marker. "I write!!" "Let mama write this okay? You can decorate it when we're done." Dinah nods. "Mama?" "Yes Ally?" "Can I have an easy bake oven?" "You have to ask Santa in your letter babygirl." Ally nods and writes it down. "So Dinah what do you want?" "Toys!!" Dinah shouts. "Okay but what kind of toys baby." Dinah shrugs. "Mama she wanted the whole frozen doll collection." "Did you want that?" Dinah perks up and nods excitedly. "Okay baby I'll write that down." "Oooh writing cards to Santa I see." Lauren walks over. "Mommy!!" Dinah and Ally both call out. Lauren chuckles. "Oooh an easy bake oven huh?" Lauren sits next to Ally. "Yup and I want a kitty cat and a pony!!" "Wow! Well hopefully Santa can get you most of those things!" Normani says between her teeth to Lauren. Lauren looks over to Dinah's "Frozen, good choice!!" Dinah smiles big. "Anything else baby?" Dinah looks unsure. "Baby, anything you want!!" "Um I want more onesies and diapees." "Aww okay of course we can put that down, nothing to be embarrassed sweetie." Normani kisses her cheek. Dinah blushes. "Babe I'm going to the gym, I'll be right back." Lauren says. "Okay love you." "Mommy's going to the gym, I'll be back soon." "Okay mommy." Ally still writing her letter now in the back of the paper. "Bye bye mommy!" Dinah waves. Lauren leaves.
"Okay I think that's enough baby." Normani says to Ally. "I'm almost done... now I done!!" "What Dinah want??" "The frozen dolls and baby things." "Me too I put that down too!!" Ally smiles.
Normani reads through Ally's letter, she could definitely get her the easy bake oven and the baby things. The kitten was iffy, she would have to talk to Lauren about it when she got back. The pony was out of the picture. Barbie dolls could do. "You think Santa can get me those things?" "I'm sure he can get most of these since you've been a good girl this year!" Ally claps happily. "Did you write your name and address on the letter?" "Oh I forgot!"
"Um I forgot our address." "It's 20 Rose lane, CA"
Normani does the same for Dinah's letter. "I draw?" "Yes baby you can draw in the back!" Dinah nods and starts drawing. "Mama, how Santa come inside?" "He comes down our chimney when everyone is asleep!" "Anyone see Santa?" "He knows when you're sleeping and awake!" "Wow!!" Ally listened. "I done!!" Dinah holds up her paper. It was a bunch of scribbles. "Good job baby!"

Fast forward to Christmas Eve.

"I wanna put the milk and cookies for Santa!!" "No I wanna do it!" Dinah shouts. "You girls both can do it." Lauren says, bringing out the gingerbread cookies they all had baked together. "I think Santa gonna like these a lot!!" Ally says. "Yes because Miss Ally here is the baker in the house!!" Normani says. Ally blushes. "I wan cookie!!" "Baby you already had a lot and we already brushed your teeth." Normani says. "Aww okay." "Tomorrow you can have more." Lauren joins in. Dinah nods. Ally and Dinah place 3 gingerbread cookies on a plate with Santa clause on it. Ally carefully poured the milk with Lauren's help. "I can't wait for Santa to stop by!!" Ally jumps up and down. Dinah could barely keep her eyes open. "Kiddos, time for bed time, got a big day ahead tomorrow!" Lauren looked at the time, it was 9:15pm. Way past Dinah's bed time. Ally rushed up the stairs excited for bed. "Hey Ally wait up!!" Lauren chases her. "Mommy carry?" Dinah almost falling asleep near the counter. "Yes baby of course." Normani carries Dinah up to their room and realizing she needed to be changed. Ally was in bed, Lauren tucking her in. "Dinah needs to be changed first." Lauren lays out the changing mat. Dinah basically sleeping, Normani lays her on it. She pulls down her pants. "Oh that reminds me, you should potty before bed." "I don't need to go." "Cmon sweetie, you don't want an accident on Christmas do you?" Ally quickly gets up and goes to the bathroom and Lauren follows her. Normani chuckles. It hard to change Dinah, with her sleeping but she managed. She pulled her up and laid her in bed, tucking her in. "Merry Christmas." Kisses the top of her head. "Love you." She waits for Lauren and Ally to return. Ally runs out of the bathroom full of energy and giggling. "Shhh Ally, it's time for bed! You'll wake sissy up!!" Ally stops "oh sorry I just excited!!" "We know but let's get you into bed." Ally crawls into her bed, both Lauren and Normani tuck her in. They read a book to her and she fell asleep before the end. "Goodnight, we love you." Normani whispers and kisses her on the head. They walk out closing the door and getting ready their gifts.

It was 6am in the morning and Ally woke up excited. "It Christmas!!!" Looking over to Dinah who's still asleep. "Dinah it Christmas!!" Dinah pulls the blanket over her head. Ally runs out and looks downstairs. Her eyes sparkle with joy seeing loads of presents under the tree. "Santa came!!" She rushes into her mommies room, it's dark and they're asleep as well. She crawls into bed and bounces a bit. "Mommy? mama?" Normani wakes up. "Hey baby, what time is it?" "I dunno but Santa came!!" "He did??" Ally nods. "Wow looks like you've been a good girl after all." Normani playfully pinches her cheek. Ally laughs. "Mommy wake up!!" Ally shaking Lauren. "Mhmm.." "Hey Ally, why don't you try wake sissy up and then we'll get you two okay?" "Okay!!" Ally runs off. "Thanks babe." Lauren says. "Of course."
"Dinah wake up!! Santa came!!" "Santa?" "Yes!! There's a lot of presents by the tree!!" Dinah quickly gets up. "Mommy and mama?" "They waking up and said they coming!!" Dinah claps excitedly. "I hungry." Dinah pouts and points to her tummy. "Me too but mommies coming soon!" "I hope Santa likes his cookies we made!" Ally says. "I want cookies for breakfast!" "Me too!!" They waited and waited for what seemed like forever. They both decided to walk in their mommies room. "Mommy Santa came!!" Dinah jumped on Lauren. "Ugh! Hey stop jumping please, it's still early in the day, I'm waking up." "Girls did you go potty yet?" "Yes!" Normani looks at them. "No..." "okay let's go, while mommy wakes up." Normani gets up and follows them into the bathroom. Ally nervously looks at them. "What baby?" "Um i not a good girl." She begins to cry. "Santa take my toys away." "Hey, shhh it's okay, you're not bad, you've been really good this year." Dinah starts crying on the ground. "Hey what's the matter?" Normani comforts her. Dinah didn't like seeing her sissy upset, it made her sad. "Hey why are they crying? It's Christmas!!" Lauren walks in. "I bad." Ally says. "Me too." Dinah pouts. Normani pats their bum and realized Ally had an accident for the first time in a long time and was probably embarrassed. Dinah liked to copy her. Normani gets up and whispers to Lauren. "Hey Ally, it's okay to have accidents, that's why you have protection okay? You're not bad." Lauren says. "C'mon turn that frown upside down." Ally tries smiling while sniffling. "Okay mommy." "Now do you still have to potty?" Ally shakes her head. "It wasn't like this when I woke up, I forgot cause I was excited. I'm sorry." "Hey no need to apologize." Normani kisses her head. "C'mon Dinah why don't you potty." Dinah sits on the ground, not moving." "Well someone needs to be changed now.." Normani glances over her. "I copy sissy so she not sad!" Lauren and Normani chuckles, they didn't know what to say. Dinah pouts and whines. She was starving and feeling uncomfortable. "Okay okay let's get you guys changed. Normani took on Ally and Lauren took on Dinah.

Dinah ran down the stairs and Ally followed after. "Look Santa came he ate the cookies and drank the milk!!" Dinah shouts. "That's what I told you!!" Ally exclaims. Normani comes down and starts preparing their breakfast. Pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon. Lauren turned on the tv to keep them occupied while they cooked. "I wanna open now!!" Ally shouts out. "Wait let's eat first." Ally pouts. "It okay sissy, you might get a tummy ache." Ally thought about it for awhile and then agreed. They all ate breakfast and then sat next to the tree about the open gifts. "I wanna open that big one first!!" Dinah points out. "Go ahead baby." Normani smiles and Lauren filming her from her phone. Dinah opens the wrapping paper and it's a Frozen doll house. "Oh my god look Santa got what I wanted!!" Ally jumps up and down. She looks for gifts with her name and opens them quickly. She got frozen toys, stuffies, a tutu, some onesies and a new paci. Dinah also got more things for her little self, diapees like she wanted, onesies, baby bottles and baby toys. "There's one more for each of you, from mommy and mama." Normani brings out a box. Ally gets excited, so does Dinah. Ally takes off the top of the box and it's a striped gray kitten. Ally gasps "MAMA?? MOMMY? Really?" Ally now starting to cry while picking up the kitten. "It ours?" Dinah asks. "Yes baby her name is Elsa." Normani says. Dinah and Ally both gasp at her name. "I hold too?" Dinah asks. "Of course!" Ally puts her on her lap. The kitten purring and snuggling into Dinah. "Awwww she cute!!" Dinah says now hugging her. "So guys Elsa is cute and all but we all need to help take care of her." "I will I will I will!!" Ally says, she looks in the box and there's a couple of balls and toy mice. They play with Elsa.
"Are you sure this was a good idea?" Lauren asks. "It is, look how happy they are." They both look at their littles giggling and playing with the kitten. "Mommy Mama play with us!!" Dinah shouts out. "Okay coming!!" Normani and Lauren join in laughing and playing with their new family member.

Hope you all had a great Christmas!! Or holiday!

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