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You were stressing out bad. About school, work, and everything. You knew you needed to regress but not with your gf staying over the past few weeks. This was the 3rd day and you could feel yourself becoming little at times. You didn't want to freak Ally out with your regression so you never told her. You looked over and Ally slept on her back, sound asleep. Her arms spread out. You look at her hand closest to you and play with her fingers. You look up at her, sound asleep. You cuddle into her thinking it help you sleep better. "Hmm? Oh baby" Ally turns facing your back and wraps her arms around you. You can't help to smile and blush. You loved being cuddled by her. You tried not to squeal but a quite one slipped out. You panicked a bit but Ally was still asleep. You sighed in relief and fell asleep shortly after.

It was 6am and Ally was the first to wake up, you were still cuddled into her. She thought you were the cutest thing. She reached over for her phone on the bed side table and checked social media. It had been 10 minutes and Ally decided to get up and have an early start to the day. She slowly tried getting up but ended up waking up. "Good morning baby." She says to you. You felt small and almost non verbal. You smile at her, feeling so happy. "Awww you're so cute!!" She kisses your cheek. You blush and smile even harder. "Aww my baby is blushing??" She giggles. You hide your face with the blanket. "Don't hide that pretty face of yours!!" You smile at her. "Well I'm gonna make some breakfast, get a head start." Ally about to leave but you whine. "What's the matter??" Looking at you worriedly. "Stay pease." You say quietly. "Are you okay??" You didn't answer instead pulled at her arm. She got back into bed with you. She was worried. "You okay y/n? You sick??" Feeling your forehead. "Hmm you feel fine. But I'll cuddle with you for a bit. She wraps her arm around you again. You play with her fingers. She giggles at your cuteness. After awhile Ally took her hand away. You pouted. Ally was on her phone watching Netflix. You were sad she wasn't paying attention to you. You turned to her and tugged on her shirt. "Yes baby?" She asks while still looking at her phone. You whine and tug again. "Hey shhh tell me what's wrong?" Ally turns off the video and puts her phone down. You point at her hand. "Huh?" You grab her hand and pull it close to your face to cuddle her. Ally was a little confused but if it made you happy, that's all that mattered. Having Ally's hand near you made you feel safe for some reason. You couldn't figure out why, it just did. Ally felt like she had to stretch but didn't want to upset you again so she just dealt with it. She watched you play with her fingers again and nudging your face against it. She didn't understand your fascination for her hand but she was all for it if it made you happy. "I need to stretch for a bit then you can have it okay?" You nod. Ally stretches her arms out and then gives you her other hand while laying on her side. Phone in her other hand watching some random show. You begin cuddling her hand again, you then decided to suck on her thumb to feel more safe. Ally felt something wet. She looked over and was a little shocked but decided to not do anything. She would ask later. After a few minutes you stopped and turned the other way around. Ally was confused. "Hey y/n what's wrong?" You tried not to cry but it was no use. "Baby, hey I'm not mad at you." "Just leave me, I'm a freak." "Noo no don't say that!!!" Ally cuddled you from behind. "Just tell me what's going on, hmm?" You still cried. "Shhhh it's okay baby, I'm always here." She kisses your cheek. She leans over to get a tissue to wipe your tears. You slowly turn to her. "Y/N it hurts me to see you like this, what's wrong? I'm not gonna be mad." You cry harder. "Aww baby. I love you." She wipes the tears away again. "Here do you want my hand again?" You don't say anything. She put her hand near your face caressing you. "Is that better?" You slightly smile. She began humming and it calmed you down. "Thumb make me feew safe!" You say. Ally was a little confused but tried not to show it. "Aww how come?" "I dunno it make me feew 'appy!!" Ally smiles. "It's okay y/n, I don't mind it it just surprised me is all. Do you suck on your own thumb?" You blush and look down. "Hey it's okay if you do, I was just wondering." "I do." "Aww that's cute." She boops your nose and you scrunch your face laughing. "Do you want my thumb again?" There was no answer. "It's okay if you do." You nod and blush. You slowly suck again, feeling safe and comfortable. She didn't understand it but she was for anything that made you happy as long as it wasn't hurting anyone.

sorry it's been so long! I've been busy with life 😭

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