But I'm too little (Norminah)

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Dinah has noticed Normani regressing more and more now. It wasn't a problem but she wondered why the girl would act more babyish than as a toddler. She used to say her little age was 4-5 but Dinah was thinking more like 2-3 or sometimes even younger than that. Currently Dinah was watching tv with Normani with her head on Dinah's lap. She had fallen asleep after they went out to lunch. Dinah thought about the things happened at the lunch table that concerned her.

They were sitting down at the table and Normani was fidgeting more than usual. "m hungry!" "I know but we have to order first." "I-I'm too little to order!" "Yes baby, I'm ordering for you." She ordered Normani, chicken tenders with fries and herself, a cheeseburger. The food arrived and Dinah is about to eat when Normani got quiet all of a sudden and sat in her seat. "What's the matter? I thought you were hungry?" "I-I am. B-but..." "but what sweetie?" "I'm too little to eat on my own!!" That shocked Dinah, she always wanted to show Dinah she could eat without any help. "Oh okay." Dinah cut the chicken tenders into smaller pieces. "There you go." Normani shook her head. Dinah sighed. "I have to eat too, can you be a big girl and try to eat on your own?" "N-No I too little." Normani wanting to cry. "Aww no shhh shhh, I'm sorry. I'll help you." Dinah felt bad and comforted the girl. She didn't want Normani to feel upset and cry in the middle of a restaurant. Dinah grabbed one of the pieces and dipped it in the ranch "open up babygirl!" Normani smiled at the nickname and took a bite. "Yummy!!" Dinah couldn't eat her own food, if she tried, Normani would whine, so she had to be fed her whole meal to her. When Dinah ate, Normani was super quiet. "Here, why don't you watch some videos or play some games on my phone?" She nodded. It kept her occupied while Dinah finished her lunch. They were ready to go when Normani didn't wanna walk. "Why can't you walk baby?" Normani started swinging her legs on the chair. "I dunno." "C'mon it's not a far walk. We parked close remember?" "Y-Yeah..." "Let's go then!" Normani hesitantly gets up and follows Dinah. She grabs onto Dinah's hand.

Dinah snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Normani sniffling. "Hey, what's wrong?" Normani still in her lap, sniffling. "I had a bad dream.." Normani wiping her tears. "Awww I'm sorry, it was just a dream. Nothing is gonna hurt you baby." Normani held onto Dinah like a koala. Dinah wiped her tears, "You wanna tell mommy about your dream?" "Um.. I didn't know where I was it was a scawy dark fowest and I couldn't find you." Normani cries harder. "Awww it's okay, Mommy's here. That wasn't real. I'll never leave you. I love you." Dinah rubbing her back. "I wuv you t-too!" Normani stops her crying and looks at Dinah smiling. "I wuv you so much!" "I love you more!!" "No I love you a hundred times more!!!" "A thousand." "No, a billion million trillion times more!!!" Normani says while spreading her arms wide. "Okay baby," Dinah kisses her cheek. "I believe you."
"I n-need to change.. The dream..." "That's okay, you can't help it." "Uppies pease!" Normani makes grabby hands to the taller girl. Dinah picks her up and carries her to the bathroom. "I'm sorry, I'm twying to be a big girl but I'm too little!!!" "Hey, Mani, it's okay, you don't have to prove anything okay? I'm here to care for you." Normani nods. "Maybe we should put you in some pull ups again?" "Yes!!!!" Normani smiled. Dinah helped her take off her soiled shorts and underwear. "Do you need to potty?" She shakes her head. "Mani, are you sure?" "Um okay." Dinah goes to get new clothes when Normani calls her out. "MOMMY WAIT!!" "What's the matter? I'm just gonna get new clothes for you." "No pease don't leave me." Dinah was a little taken a back, she wondered why Normani didn't wanna be left alone and was acting younger than she was. "Okay do you want me to wait outside?" "No... just stay here." This was vulnerable, she was basically on the toilet but wanted her to stay in with her. Dinah just waited on a step stool across from her. Normani hummed and sang made up songs with made up words. "You're silly!" Dinah says. "Are you done now?" Normani doesn't respond and keeps humming. Dinah internally sighed. A few minutes passed by. "Okay you're done now right?" She nodded. Normani got off and flushed the toilet and about to run out. "Hey wait you need to wash your hands!!" "Aww." "C'mon we don't want icky germs!" Dinah helps the girl wash her hands and dried them off. Normani runs off onto her bed crashing down into her stuffies. Dinah chuckles at the girl's antics. "Okay time to get dressed!" Dinah walks over with a pull up and a pair of pink shorts. "I no wanna!!" "Mani, c'mon you can't stay like this." "Okay..." Normani tears up when the pull up is on her. Dinah didn't notice this til she put her shorts on. "Hey, why are you crying?" "I'm sorry." "Why are you sorry??" Normani sighs. "I know you're getting annoyed with me I'm sorry." "Im not annoyed!! Where is this coming from?" "I've been trying to act my little age but I think I might be younger than that." Normani pouts. "Aw baby, that's okay!! Mommy knew you were regressing younger! It doesn't bother me! As long as you're happy! I don't care what your little age is!" "Are you sure?" "Yes, so how old are you?" "I think I'm 2 but sometime I wanna be a little older..." "That is fine with me!" "You're the best mommy!" "Of course!!" Dinah picks her up and hugs her tight.

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