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Dinah couldn't stop crying. She felt like the world was against her and that she didn't have a purpose in life. Ally came in her room at 1pm, realizing she's been in bed all day. "Hey love, what's going on?" Ally was her best friend but she had developed a crush on her. The two decided on renting an apartment together a few months ago. "Nothing." Dinah stares aimlessly at the tv. "Are you sure?" "Yeah I'm fine." "D, I can tell your depression is getting bad again. Cmon lets get up and atleast wash your face." She didn't say anything cause she knew her friend was right. She wasn't taking care of herself like she should've. Ally turned off the tv. "Hey! I was watching that." "Cmon let's go." She tried pulling her out of bed. "Dinah you'll feel better."
She thought about it for awhile. She was scared of eventually regressing around her. She didn't know about it. "Fine." Dinah got up and followed her into the bathroom. Dinah washes her face and Ally hands you a towel. "Better?" "I guess." She looks at her smiling. "What?" "Nothing, you just make me happy." She walks out and hands the girl a PB&J sandwich. "Eat." "Thanks Alz." "Now eat and get something in that tummy of yours!" She rolls her eyes and start eating. Ally goes through her phone sitting across her. Dinah ends up getting jelly on her cheek causing Ally to giggle. "What? What's funny?" "You must've been hungry, you got something on your face." Ally pointing to her own face. "Oh my god!" Dinah quickly wipes her face but doesn't get it off. Ally laughs and gets a wet napkin and does it for her. Dinah couldn't help to blush and kick her legs happily. "You're too cute!" Ally playfully pinches her cheek. The poly ends up finishing her sandwich "c-can I have chocolate milk please?" "Of course!" "I want a lot of syrup!!!" "Maybe another time okay? There was a lot of jelly in the sandwich." Dinah pouts and crosses her arms. Ally turns around and chuckles. "Dinah, here's your milk. There's chocolate." She looks at the glass. She wanted it in her sippy but was too afraid to drink from one with Ally around. She carefully picks up the glass with two hands and sips on it. "Yum!" She starts drinking faster and then ends up tilting the glass too much and spilling it all over herself coughing. "Dinah!" Ally runs to the girl patting her back. The girl cant speak and just coughing and gasping for air. Ally was worried but kept patting and rubbing her back. After a few minutes she finally stopped. Ally hands her a napkin to wipe her face. "You should shower. When was the last time you showered anyway?" "Um yesterday!" Ally thinks for a moment "no you didn't, I think it was 3 days ago. Cmon lets go, you'll feel better." Dinah pouts but follows along. "I can take care of the mess while you shower." Dinah tears up. "Aww honey, don't cry, what's wrong?" Ally was worried for her friend. She knew she was getting hate online but this was the first time she's gotten this emotional. She looks down playing with her thumbs. "Dinah, please tell me, I care about you." Ally rubs her thumb on her hand. "Y-you think I'm
Fat?" Ally goes wide eyed. "No, stop you're perfect okay?" "B-but the people on-line say that." "DONT listen to them okay, they're miserable in their own life so they see you, a beautiful confident talented woman and want to see you knocked down. Don't let them win okay?" Dinah wipes her eyes "thanks Alz, I've just been more sad lately." "We all have days like this no need to apologize." "C-Can you-never mind." "What is it?" Ally asks. Dinah shakes her head. "Just tell me, I won't judge you." She looks at the smaller girl who looks worried, she didn't want to worry her friend. "I was um gonna ask if you can stay wif me....in my bath." Dinah says the last part softly. "Aww of course." "R-really??" "Yes of course." "Cmon lets go." Dinah sat there in shock thinking her friend would think she's weird. She felt lucky to have a friend like Ally. She could feel herself getting a bit regressed. "Are you coming?" Ally peeked her head from the door frame. Dinah nods and walks quickly, she sees Ally has been running a bath for her. "I wasn't sure which bubble bath you wanted but I used the lavender one to help you relax." "Thanks Alz." "Um there's another thing.." "What is it?" "C-can I have bath toys?" "Sure! Do you have them?" Dinah leaves the bathroom and comes back with a few rubber ducks and bath paint. "Aww great!" Ally stops the water. She felt awkward but she wanted her to stay right? "Okay well you can go in anytime. Do you want me to stay or turn around? Dinah stood there looking everywhere, she was nervous and Ally could sense that. "Hey what's wrong?" "H-help." Ally wasn't sure what she meant by that. She grabbed Ally's hand and put it on the hem of her shirt. "Off!" "Ooh you want me to help you?" Dinah nods. "Okay no problem. You're gonna have to bend down a bit so I can get your shirt off." She nods and Ally helps her get undressed to her colorful underwear. "Sweetie we have to take this off too so you can go in the bath. Would you like me to step out?" Dinah shook her head. She didn't want Ally to see her diaper rash from a few days ago. "Cmon I won't judge you okay? Plus I've seen everything before." Dinah finally let go of Ally's hands and nods. "Okay thank you." She got her undressed and noticed the rash right away but didn't want to say anything to make her uncomfortable. "There, that wasn't too bad was it?" "No.." Dinah carefully steps in the tub then sits down, wincing at the pain below. Ally wondered what happened there but didn't want to ask in the moment. She watched the girl play in the tub with her toys instead of getting cleaned up. "Hey you gonna wash yourself?" "You do it!" Dinah says with a high pitched voice. "Are you sure?" Dinah nods. "Oh okay." Ally grabs her wash cloth and pours a generous amount of body wash then begins washing the girl. "This my favorite one!!" Dinah holds up a pink duck. "Aww it's cute." Ally turns on the shower head so she can get her hair wet to shampoo her. Dinah closes her eyes and spits water out. "I no want that." "Why not?" "The soap go in my eyes." She pouts. "I'll make sure that won't happen, you just have to keep closing them." "Promise?" "I promise." Ally says and Dinah feels better about it. She lathers the shampoo in her long brunette hair. Dinah leans her head back, enjoying it. "Mhmm feels nice." Ally laughs "I'm glad you like it, I've never washed anyone's hair before." Then it was time to rinse. "It'll be okay, no soap will go in your eyes, just tilt your head back and keep your eyes closed until I say." Dinah nods and cautiously does what she's told. "Good job!!" Dinah smiles.

It had been half an hour and Dinah was finger painting with her bath paints. She drew a flower using the red paint with grass and a sun. She then wrote "tank u Ally!" "Awww that's so cute!!" Dinah squeals. "But it's almost time to get out, your toes and fingers are shriveled." Dinah pouts but knew she was right. Ally unplugs the drain and hands her a towel to dry off. Dinah follows Ally into her room. "Do you still need help or?" Ally not knowing if she was invading or not. "Help." "Okay I'm just making sure." Ally went to look for clothes in Dinah's closet and closed the door behind her. In there she saw a suitcase she never seen before. She didn't want to invade her privacy but curiosity got to her. She ended up going through it and found diapers, baby powder, wipes, diaper rash cream, same underwear like she was wearing earlier, onesies, knee high socks and some baby toys. "Ally??" Dinah called out. She quickly grabbed the rash cream and zipped it back up. "Yes??" "I cold." "Okay sweetie hold on." She grabs a white t shirt, underwear, and gray sweatpants then walked out. "Okay let's get you nice and warm!" Dinah bounces on the bed giggling. "Oh and I think we should put something on that rash of yours.." Dinah stopped bouncing and looks down. "Hey nothing to be ashamed of." "You found my stuff?" "Yeah, I'm sorry Dinah I shouldn't have snooped." "It okay, I wanted to show you those things for the past few weeks but I backed out." "Aww DJ, I still love you." "I love you too." "So you want to tell me what this is all about?" "It my regression bag, sometime I regress to a baby or toddler cause of stress! It makes me happy! But sometimes I don't know what I'm doing so I need help." "Aww babe, that's so cute, thank you for telling me." Ally kisses her cheek. Dinah blushes. She looks up at Ally who's still looking at her. They both lean in and kiss. Dinah pulls away "oh my god I'm so sorry." "No no I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that." Dinah sighs. "Ally I've liked you for awhile." There was no answer. "Oh great I blew it." "No! No! I like you too! It's just that I've been nervous this whole time." Ally blushes. "Me too!!" "So what now?" "We'll we still need to get you dressed." Dinah looks down and blushes hard. "Did you want to do this?" "Um I still need some help." "How did you get that?" Ally points to the rash. "Um I stayed in a diaper for more than a day." Dinah looks down. "Aww honey, please don't, now that I know, please let me know." "B-but it gross." "No it's not, it's a natural thing. I will help you in anyway that I can." "Tank you." Dinah lays down. "Did you want a diaper instead?" She hesitated but then nods. Ally comes back with a diaper and powder. "So you'll have to lift up your legs so I can put the cream on. Dinah blushes hard and tries thinking of something else. She winces in pain when she gets to the raw part. "I'm sorry I'm sorry!" Ally says. She diapers her up and helps her get dressed. "There you go honey!" "Tank you! Can we watch tangled now?" "Of course." Ally sets up the tv in front of the bed. Dinah gets comfy. The movie starts and Ally climbs into bed with her. "I love you smallz." "I love you too biggie."

And with that I'm ending this book. Hope you guys like these little one shots. I started this book 2 years ago when I first got into age regression. I never thought I would have over 50K reads and so many other people who regress too. I have gotten some creeps in my messages asking if I need a daddy but for the most part it's been a great time on here. I'm still updating my other book but after that I probably won't write much or at all. Thank you for reading this book.

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