New year

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Ally was afraid of any loud noises. The girls knew that but didn't know the extent of fear she had for fireworks. they're pretty, but the noise made her want to hide and cry. The girls were over Lauren's house for a New Year's party. Ally wanted to stay home but didn't want to let the others down. It was almost 12am, Dinah and Normani went outside to look at the fireworks. Ally sat on the sofa in a ball staring blankly at the tv. "Hey everything alright?" Lauren asked. She was concerned for her friend who looked scared. Ally nods. "You sure?" "Yeah I'm fine, just tired is all." "So you're not coming outside with us to watch the fireworks?" "I am!" Ally got up and walked out passing Lauren. Lauren was shocked but followed along. Dinah wrapped her arms around Normani. Ally looked around, there weren't any yet. Lauren stood next to Ally and watched her from the side of her eye. *BOOM* *BOOM* A couple went off, making Ally jump. "Hey you sure you don't wanna go inside?" Lauren suggested. "N-no I'm fine." *BOOM BOOM CRACKLE BOOM* Ally covers her ears and closes her eyes. Dinah notices this, more fireworks blow up in the sky. Ally seems terrified. "ALLY!!" Dinah shouts, "GO INSIDE!!" Dinah points. Ally shook her head. Dinah worries for her and looked over to Lauren and Normani who also seemed concerned. Ally was terrified but wanted to prove to herself she could handle it. She covered her ears, still loud but not as bad. "ITS THE NEW YEAR!!!" Lauren screamed out. Ally backed away to a corner while loads of fireworks blew up in the sky. Dinah and Normani shared a kiss. Lauren blew confetti and drank. "Let's make a toast!" Lauren says. "Did Ally go inside?" They look around. "Yeah probably." They toast and take a sip of their wine. "I'm gonna check on Ally." Normani says. They nod and continue to watch the fireworks. She walks in the house and can't find her. "ALLY?!?" She paces around looking for her. "ALZ?!" She runs back outside, looks around and sees Ally curled up in a corner crying. Her heart broke. She walked over to her. "Hey Alz." Normani says laying her hand on her shoulder. The girl jumped but her eyes grew content when she realized it was Normani. "Hey let's go inside shall we?" Ally nods. Sniffles. "Okay let's go." Ally looks at her and looks down. "Hey what's the matter baby?" Ally reaches her hands up to Normani. Normani was confused at first but thought maybe she was so scared she didn't want to walk. "Okay lets go." She picks up Ally and walks into the house. "Now you're safe." The girl nuzzles her face into Normani's neck. And holds onto her jacket, rubbing the velvet material between her fingers. Normani was about to set her down on the couch but Ally whines. "Hey shhh what's wrong?" Ally whines more. Normani didn't know what to do. She just held onto her friend. Dinah came in "awwww!! Look at little Ally!!" Ally blushes at the nickname. "Yeah she was scared, still is. And wanted to be held." "Awww that's so sweet." Lauren walks in too. "Awww that's so cute!" Ally smiles. "Hey would one of you hold her? I need to use the bathroom." "Why can't you just put her down?" Lauren asks. "Because she whines when I try." "Okay... well I can hold her!" Dinah says. "Alright Ally, Dinah's going to hold you while I go to the bathroom okay?" Ally shook her head. "Why not? I thought you loved Dinah?" "Come here baby!!" Dinah says with a high pitched voice. Ally looked at Normani and then accepted Dinah. "Good girl." Normani says and walks to the bathroom. "Okay let's sit." Dinah let's Ally sit on her lap, while Dinah looks for something to watch. Ally started whining again. "Hey what's the matter?" Ally covering her ears again. "Hey Lo, maybe we should close the windows. It's scaring Ally still." "Good idea!" Lauren closes them. "Is that better?" Ally nods slowly. She cuddles into Dinah, her head resting on her chest. She liked Dinah's heartbeat and warmth. Dinah smiled and caressed her hair. "Hey relax baby." Dinah could feel Ally still being tense. Ally got more comfortable and relaxed into Dinah. "Awww!!" Normani walks out and sits near them. "You feel better now?" Ally nods. "Good." They turn their attention to the tv. Ally ends up falling asleep on Dinah. "So what now?" Lauren points to Ally. "Aww she's so cute and looks like a baby." Dinah gushes looking down at a sleeping Ally on her. "I don't want to wake her up." Dinah says. "Yeah but we should lay her on her bed. It's getting late." Lauren yawns. Dinah checks her phone and it's nearly 2am. "Wow I didn't know it was that late." Lauren says. "Okay baby,lets go." Dinah carefully gets up and carries Ally to one of the guest rooms. Ally groans rubbing her eyes from Dinah having to turn on the light. "I'm sorry!" Dinah whispers and rubs her back. "Do you want to change into your pjs?" Ally sheepishly nods. "Okay." Dinah is about to sit her down on the bed but Ally whines. "Hey shhh what's the matter?" Ally shakes her head with tears in her eyes. "Aw Alz, don't cry." Dinah kisses her cheek. Normani walks in. "Hey what's going on?" "I don't know why Ally keeps crying." Dinah says. Normani shrugs. "Let's just help her into bed so we can cuddle." Dinah didn't want to let Ally out of her sight but thought she was worrying too much. She sat her down. Normani and Dinah found Ally's pjs. It was a red plaid set. "Aww these are cute." Dinah set them down. "Good night Alz." "Night." Normani and Dinah about to leave when they hear sniffles coming from the girl. They both look at each other worried and go back. "Hey what's got you so upset?" Dinah asks. "Me and Dinah just wanna help you." Ally looks down swinging her legs at the edge of the bed. "Ou ange me?" Ally says softly. "Huh?" Dinah asks. Normani also confused. Ally repeats and tugs on her shirt. "Ooooh you want us to change you?" Ally nods. Normani and Dinah look at each other not knowing if that's what she really wanted. "Are you sure?" Normani asks. "es pease." the girl looked at them with beady eyes. "Awww okay of course we can." Normani says with a big smile. Ally lays down. Dinah helps take off her shirt and Normani takes off her pants. Her eyes went wide. "What?" Dinah looked "Aww that's so cute." It was kid underwear with Princesses. "Okay sweetie lets get you into your-wait do you have to use the bathroom?" Ally's eyes went wide. They took it as a yes. They carried her into the bathroom and cracked the door open a bit. They waited awhile. Didn't hear anything "Im coming in okay?" Dinah asks. Still seeing the girl looking nervously in her shirt and underwear. "Hey what's the matter?" She points to the toilet. Dinah decides to pull her underwear down and place her on the toilet. A few moments later, she finally went. Dinah sighed in relief. Lauren walks in. "Oh my god I'm sorry." walks back out. Dinah laughs. "Okay sweetie, you're done?" No answer. Dinah folded some toilet paper for her "here you go." No answer again. "Here. Wipe." Normani walks in. "What's taking so long?" "She won't say anything, I don't know if she's done or what." Dinah rubs her eyes. She was getting exhausted, so was Normani. "You done or not??" Normani asks harshly. Ally slowly nods. "Hey stop you're scaring her." Dinah says. "I'm sorry but I'm just tired." "I know so am I." "She still needs to wipe.." Normani sighs and takes it from Dinah. Quickly wipes Ally. "There. Now let's go." Dinah was shocked. "What?? Let's go." Dinah carried Ally off and flushed. She helped Ally wash her hands and get dressed. "Seep wif me?" Ally asks Dinah. "Of course." "Now go to sleep, I'll be right here." Ally quickly falls asleep. "Let's go!" Normani says. "No I'm staying." "What?" "I don't want her to wake up and realize I'm not here." Normani knew Dinah was right. "Fine, well goodnight. Love you." They kiss and Normani leaves closing the door behind her."Don't worry, baby, I'm here." Dinah kisses her cheek. She slowly gets up from the bed. She changes to her pjs and takes off her makeup. She crawls back into bed and falls asleep.

It was 11am. Normani had told Lauren everything. They were concerned for their friend. They slowly opened the door and saw Dinah still sleeping but no Ally. They got worried and looked all around. Lauren saw the bathroom door cracked open with the light on. "Ally??" "Y-yeah?" "Everything okay?" "Um... yeah!" "I'm coming in.." Lauren says. She opens the door to see the girl with tear stains on her face, her underwear and pants in the sink. She was already in a pink dress. "Hey what's going on?" "Um I started my period." "Oh honey, that's okay, here let me take your dirty laundry. Did it go on the bed too?" Ally looked down. "WHAT THE HELL?!" Dinah shouted. They run out and see Dinah in bed with the covers off, half of her pants were wet and so was the bed. Lauren already knew. "Hey, it's okay sweet girl." Ally wanted to cry. She was humiliated. Normani also went to comfort Ally. Dinah got up. She saw Ally crying, she felt bad. "Hey I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell, I'm not mad, just shocked me." Ally smiled slightly. She was relieved her friends didn't tease her. "Well I'm gonna take care of the sheets, Dinah just leave your pants out so I can wash everything together. Dinah slid them down and tossed it to Lauren. "Hey!" Dinah laughs. She went to shower. Lauren took care of the laundry. "That's a pretty dress!" Normani says. Ally twirls "thank you mani!" "So what's going on? I'm just worried for you, we all are." Normani asks. She was scared of asking but wanted to know what caused her behavior. "I'm fireworks make me scared!" Ally hides her face. "I know but is there anything else? It seemed like you were a baby last night.." Ally's cheeks went red. "Aww someone's blushing." Normani playfully teased. "Um when something scares me or my anxiety gets bad I revert to the age of a toddler or a baby sometimes. I'm sorry if it's weird.." "hey you're not weird, it's super cute and thank you for telling me.. can I tell the others?" Ally nods shyly. "It's okay I don't have to." "No they need to know." "Come here!" Normani brings Ally into a hug. Lauren walked in "alright everything is in the wash! Hey what happened?" Noticing Normani and Ally hugging. Dinah walks out with a towel on. "Put some clothes on!" Normani playfully covers her eyes. "Please you've seen everything." "Okay we don't need the details!" Lauren shouts. "So Ally said her mind goes to a toddler or baby when she's scared." "Aww that's precious." Lauren pouts. "That's so cute Alz." Ally was relieved. "Thanks guys for taking care of me last night, that's the first time I was that little. I could barely speak. "It was no problem, it was cute. Reminded me of my siblings back at home." Dinah says. "Yeah it was adorable." Normani chimed in. "Little you is too pure for this world." Lauren says. Ally blushed.

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