Dentist (Lauren)

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Lauren was being a fussy baby and Dinah couldn't figure out what was wrong. "You want your baba??" Dinah hands her bottle filled with milk to her. Lauren shakes her head. "Are you hungry? You want a snack?" "Nuh Uh." "Baby, you have to tell mommy what's wrong." Lauren cries even harder. Dinah picks her up from the ground and tries to comfort the girl and bounce her. "You sure you don't want your baba?" Now sitting on a rocking chair with Lauren cuddled into her lap. No response except sniffles from the girl. Dinah sighed, she felt helpless. This has been going on almost all day. It was now 7pm. Lauren barely ate dinner. "Are you feeling sick?" Still no response except soft crying. Dinah takes a pink paci from her pocket and puts it in her mouth. Lauren takes it out and throws it. "I don't wan it!!" "HEY! We don't throw things!" Lauren still crying and nods. "Baby, please tell me I want to know what's wrong." Lauren looks at Dinah then points to her cheek. "Use your words please." "Um when I eat or drink baba my mouth hurts." Uh oh did she have a cavity? "Ohhh I'm sorry baby, lets get you some medicine to help with that." Dinah gets up and gets her the Advil. "Open up baby." Lauren hesitates at first but then takes the medicine. "Good job! That should help okay?" "I wan baba peaseee?" "Of course!" She hands her milk to her. Dinah had to take Lauren to the dentist tomorrow, she didn't wanna tell her this since she had a fear of dentists and wouldn't go.
"Okay now lets get you bed." "But I'm not tired!!" "You will be soon with the medicine, now c'mon let's go." Lauren pouts but then listens.

It was the next morning, 9am and Dinah had called the dentist for Lauren and she had an appointment at 11. Dinah decided to wake her up. "Baby time to get up!" "Nooo I don't wanna." "C'mon! You don't want kissies from mommy??" Dinah begins kissing Lauren's face all over. Lauren giggles "stop mommy stopppp!! Okay okay I'm up!" Dinah laughs "good morning baby." "Good morning mommy. I'm hungry!" "I bet you are, you hardly ate last night. Now c'mon." Lauren looks down. "What's wrong?" "I I um not a big girl." Dinah realized what she meant. "Aw no honey that's okay." Dinah moved the blankets away and saw a huge wet spot and internally sighed. "Were you wearing protection?" Lauren shakes her head. "Aw baby it's okay but next time let me know and then we can at least put you in pull ups. "A-Are you mad?" "No, of course not, now let's get you cleaned up." "Uppy!! Up! Up!!" "Baby, I cant carry you, I'm gonna get messy. Mommy already showered." "Awww" The girl follows Dinah into the bathroom while Dinah gets ready her shower. "We can't spend too long in here, we have to go out soon." "So no bath?" "No sweetie, we just have to do a quick shower today. But if you behave you can get a toy later on!" "OKAY!!!" Lauren perked up.
"Also you have to be big when we go out." Lauren pouted. "I don't wanna!!!" "At least try okay?" She nods and lets Dinah help her shower. "How about you get to wear a pull up then? But you need to be big." Lauren thought about it for awhile and agreed. "I'll get myself dressed." Lauren walks to her bedroom. Dinah goes to put the sheets in the wash and prepares a pb&j sandwich for Lauren.

Lauren gobbled down the sandwich. "Woah slow down, Lo!" "Sorry! I was starving!" Dinah chuckles. "Well we gotta get going soon." "Can you tell me where we're going?" "The dentist." "What." "Your mouth is hurting so I made an appointment. Everything will be okay. I'll be with you the whole time." Lauren just stared blankly and gulped. "C'mon we have to go." Dinah takes her hand and out the door they go.

They arrive at the dentist office and Dinah signs her in. Lauren became fidgety in the waiting room. "It's okay babe." Her girlfriend rubs her back. "Lauren?" A woman calls out. "Over here! Um can I come in with her? She's a bit nervous." "Of course!" The woman lets them go in first then follow her into a room to wait for the dentist. "Mommy I'm scared.." Lauren whispers. "Shh shh it's okay." Dinah goes to comfort her. "Look who I brought?" She takes out a stuffie from her bag. "NALA!!" Making grabby hands. "Here nala will help you get through this. Remember what I said if you're good, we can get a toy after!" Lauren nods excitedly then taking Nala.

The dentist comes in "Hello Lauren! Hi Dinah! So I heard you've been having some pain?" Lauren just stares at the dentist, too afraid to speak. "Yeah, she said it hurts to eat and drink." Dinah answers for her. "Okay well let's look inside!" The dentist puts on some gloves and grabs his tools, getting ready to examine. When Lauren covers her mouth with her hands. "I'm just gonna look inside, nothing will hurt. No response. "Listen to the dentist, the longer you wait the longer we'll be here." Lauren looked at Dinah who gave her a reassuring smile then at the dentist who did the same. She slowly opened her mouth and let the dentist do his job. After a couple of minutes, the dentist was done. "So it looks like she still has baby teeth and the one that's hurting, is loose." (A/N: this is a real thing, this happened to me at 16 and I still have baby teeth in by early 20's lol) "Wait What?" Dinah says in shock. Dentist laughs "Some people still have baby teeth into adulthood, she doesn't have a permanent tooth under it so it's just falling out on its own. She's gonna have to need an implant later." Dinah and Lauren just sat there in shock, they had no idea. "So either we let it fall out on its own, or we can pull it out." "No! No! No! No!!!" Lauren says. Dentist chuckles "it was just a suggestion. So that's it!"

They leave the dentist and get into the car. "I'm so proud of you for being brave baby girl!!" "Thank you mommy I was scared but I'm happy you were there too!!" Lauren looks into the mirror and wiggles her tooth. "Baby, don't touch that, let it be." "I want it out now!!" "I know but you need to let it fall out naturally otherwise the dentist will pull it out." Lauren quickly stopped. Dinah chuckles. "So let's get you a new toy!" "I'm tired.." "Oh! You wanna go home instead?" "Yes mommy." " okay baby."
On the way home Lauren falls asleep a few times. When they pull up into the driveway, Dinah had to carry her into the house. She realized Lauren had an accident. "Baby let's get you changed first." "Okay.." Dinah puts her down in the bathroom and pulls down her pants and her pull up. "I wasn't a big girl I'm sorry mommy." Lauren on the verge of tears. "Yes you were you stuck it out like a big girl!" Dinah wiping her tears away. "No I'm not." "Baby, it's okay if you were scared, you got through it, that's all that matters." "But I went potty there..." "OH. Well that's okay, accidents happen, I'm still proud of you. You're still my big babygirl!" Dinah kisses her on top of her head. Lauren smiles. Dinah finishes cleaning her up. She yawns "I'm tired.." "okay baby, you can take a short nap." She follows Dinah into her bed and falls asleep shortly after. "Love you baby." Dinah kisses her head.

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