Little Lauren

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It's been a few days after the girls been on hiatus from the group and Lauren couldn't help to feel anxious on her own. She's always dreamed of it but being surrounded by 4 and then 3 other girls is all she knew. She was always terrified of screwing something up being on her own. She had come across age regression on tumblr and that instantly sparked something in her. It was exactly what she has been doing for awhile but without knowing there was a word for it. She felt a little better about this. She had a few days off before going into the studio and working again. She thought about this, was this really her? A grown woman wanting to use pacis, wearing onesies and even wanting to wear diapers? Was this normal? She had found a whole community of people just like her on tumblr but she wondered if anyone she knew or met was into this too. Lauren snapped out of her thoughts when she heard her phone go off, it was a text from Mani. She opened it and Mani was asking what she was up to. The girls knew she had anxiety and was feeling it ever since the hiatus. They still kept in touch in a group chat and through texting. She wondered if she should tell her, but what if this wasn't actually her? She thought of the countless times her and Mani would talk about anything they were going through and she never judged Lauren. So why was this any different? Lauren took a deep breath. "Can I tell you something?" She texts back. She instantly gets a reply "of course Lo."
Lauren starts sweating, she didn't even know where to begin or how to tell her.

Lo: So I figured something out about me..

Mani: okay, what is it?

Lo: I like baby things..

Lauren's heart wouldn't stop beating fast. She was scared of how she'd react. Maybe she shouldn't have said anything maybe she should've worded it a different way.

Mani: What do you mean by that?

Lo: like I involuntarily regress to a toddler or a baby because of stress. I finally found a word for it. Age regression. I wanna try it out.

Mani: I can't say I'm surprised lol

Lo: what

Mani: yeah idk you seemed to have a child like behavior sometimes. It doesn't bother me, you're still my friend ❤️

Lo: oh lol. Thank you Mani I'm so glad to have a friend like you!

Mani: of course girl, you do you. So are you telling the others or they already know?

Lo: you're the first person I've told 🙈

Mani: I feel honored!!

Lo: 🙄

Mani: you love meeee

Lo: What do you think the others will say?

Mani: Honestly, idk but we've been through so much, I don't think it will phase them. You always have me if anything ❤️

Lo: Thanks Mani ❤️

Mani: no prob!

Lauren stared at her phone, wondering if she should tell the others. What would their reactions be? Should she just randomly say it or hint at it? She decided to let it be and when the time came, she would tell Dinah and Ally.
She grabbed her keys and bag, she drove to the store. Thankfully no one recognized her. She made her way to the baby department. She had never been to this area of the store before but she was fascinated with everything. From the bottles, to the pacis, to the toys and the diapers. She came across this lion toy that had crinkles, she loved that sound and feeling it gave her. She jumped when an employee asked "Ma'am, May I help you with anything?" She stared blankly at the woman before being able to speak. "Oh um no thanks, I'm doing okay." "Okay." The lady walks away. Did she catch onto Lauren or just think of her as someone buying a gift for a baby? Or maybe she thought she was a mother? Lauren, snap out of it, people don't give a shit what you're buying, she thought to herself. She put the lion toy in her basket. She already had gotten a couple of adult pacis online. She came across a pink sippy cup with a bumble bee. She had to have it. She quickly put it in. Lauren looked around to make sure no one was looking and sure enough no one was. She kept reassuring herself no one was watching her. She made her way to the diapers, she knew she wouldn't fit into baby diapers but saw online that some people used goodnites. And sure enough there the packages were. It was like she found the jackpot! She quickly put it into the basket. She had bought some other random things she needed to make it look less suspicious. Lauren made her way to the self checkout line. Every thing went fine until.. shit. There was Dinah and Ally walking in. "Hey Lo!!" Ally yells and they run over to her. Lauren panicked, and made sure the other stuff were covering her baby stuff in her bags. "H-hey guys! What are you guys doing here?" "We were out shopping all day and Ally wanted to get some snacks." "Hey! You know I love to eat!!" Lauren laughs a little. "Well it was nice seeing you guys but I gotta go." "Where?" Dinah looks at her questionably. "Uh I have other things to do. Um I'll text you guys later." She quickly hugs them and walks quickly out of the store. "What's with her?" Ally asks. Dinah shrugs. "Something is definitely up with that girl."
Lauren gets into her car. She can feel the anxiety worsen. She almost got caught. Once she was able to calm herself she drove home. She opened the door and emptied her two bags. She stared blankly at the baby items not knowing what to do. She almost wanted to cry. She felt overwhelmed and so she called Normani.
"Hey Lo!"
"Mani please help."
"What's wrong???"
"I don't know I'm scared.."
"Where are you?!"
"At home."
"I'll be right there!!"
"No mani I-

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