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Normani couldn't stop crying. She had wet the bed for the 3rd time in the past 2 weeks. She had no idea why she couldn't control it. The first time she woke up in the middle of the night and quickly washed her clothes and sheets. Told the girls she started her cycle unexpectedly. The 2nd time no one noticed, but this time it was 9 in the morning. It was now 1pm and she didn't want the girls to notice her sheets gone again. Normani slipped her thumb into her mouth, it made her feel calmer. The past year with a lot of stress, she noticed a change in her. She would feel relaxed sucking her thumb and watching kids show. She only did this on her alone time. No one could find out her little secret until Dinah barged in her hotel room. Finding Normani in her pink pajamas, her hair up with clips, sucking her thumb, sniffling while Sofia The First was on tv. Normani quickly pulled her thumb out, sat up and turned the channel. "Hey I didn't mean to startle you.." Dinah looking at Normani with a reassuring smile. "We were just worried, you didn't want to go clubbing with us last night and you weren't answering your phone." Dinah sits next to her. Normani still quiet and not moving. She didn't know what to say. That last night she wanted to play with her toys and make blanket forts instead of clubbing? What kind of answer would that be. "Mani?" She looks over to Dinah who pushes a few strands out of her face. "What's wrong? I'm worried for you." "I said I wasn't feeling good." "Mani.." Dinah says. Normani bouncing her leg and looking down. "Babe, you don't have to be embarrassed.." Dinah putting her hand on Normani's shoulder. She couldn't help tears falling down, she tried wiping them away but it was no use. Dinah sat there and comforted her. "Baby, it's okay if you like Sofia the first!" Dinah changes the channel back. "This hairstyle is adorable too baby." She kisses Normani's cheek. Normani was speechless, she didn't know what to say. She wanted Mani to be herself. She had her suspicions about the girl for awhile but didn't say anything. She didn't want her to be sneaking off and crying. Dinah got up and got her a glass of water. Normani slowly drinks it. Dinah helps wiping her tears with a napkin. "Babe let's get you dressed, maybe you'll feel better?" Normani shook her head. She didn't want her to see her bed soiled. "Babe you'll feel better." Dinah knew what she was hiding. She could smell it as soon as she got close to the girl. "Baby there's nothing to be ashamed of." The girl's eyes went wide. How did she know?? "Cmon, I can wash everything. Normani hesitantly nods and walks to her bed room. The spot on the bed was slightly dried but still noticeable. She looked at Dinah who was looking in her bags for extra clothes. "What would you like to wear?" "I do it!!" Normani shouted. She didn't want her to come across certain things. Dinah jumped "Okay well I'll take care of your sheets while you shower." "Shower?" "Yes I think you need one." Dinah says while holding the sheets in her arms and walking out. Normani pouted and crossed her arms. She didn't want to shower. Dinah walked in. "I forgot- hey, what's the matter?" "I don't want to shower!!" "Why not?" Dinah goes to look inside her bag when Normani snatches it away and holds it tight. "Babe, what's going on? I'm worried." Mani didn't want want her to worry but was afraid of telling her what's going on. She didn't even know how to put into words what she was feeling. Dinah rubbed her back as it seemed to calm her down. "Baby, You will feel better." Normani slowly nodded. "Okay now look in your bag for clean clothes." She looked inside and found a white dress and underwear. She was nervous, she wanted to try out pull ups that were in her bag too but didn't want Dinah to see it. "Okay now lets get you dressed! Arms up!" Normani cautiously raised her arms. "DJ?" "Yes?" "D-Do you think I'm... weird?" "Nooo why would you ask that? I think you're amazing." Normani blushed. "Okay you have to stand up to get these shorts off. She cautiously stood up and Normani tugged down her bottoms. She felt exposed and covered herself. "No baby it's okay, you're beautiful. You want to shower?" "Y-you help me?" "Yes, of course!" Dinah leads the way to the bathroom. Normani follows to see the girl testing the water making sure it's the right temperature. "Okay you can get in." She wanted her to come in and wash her. She just stood there. "Hey what's wrong?" "I um never mind." "You want me to wash you? I can do that." She nods. "Okay go sit on that bench."

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