Safe (Normally)

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TW: mention of abuse

Ally had told Normani about her age regression a week ago. It was over the phone. It was a surprise to Normani but she fully supported her. Whatever made her friend happy. Ally had only been into age regression for a month, it was still very new to her as well. She didn't want anyone to know but trusted in Normani. She also had a crush on her and wanted her to be her caregiver later on. That is only if Normani was up for it, she'd never force her into anything she wasn't comfortable with. They both had the day off and were catching up with each other at Ally's place. "So you wanna tell me more about your age regression thing?" Normani nervously asks. She was curious but didn't wanna intrude. "Um oh okay..." "Its okay, you don't have to, I know it's a personal subject.." "Mani, it's fine, so what do you wanna know?" "So how did you start doing this?" "Well um.." Ally started to get nervous, what was there to be nervous about? Normani would never judge her. "The stress and the pressure of this industry was burning me out. Especially after the hiatus.. I was leaning towards a lot of kid shows and toys and wondered if this was normal. I did some research online and found out age regression. There's a lot of people like me online..." Ally says not being able to look at Normani in the eye. "Hey, it's okay. I love that you're finding a positive way to cope with things." Normani places her hand on the shorter girl's shoulder. "I support you." "Thank you that means a lot. I was gonna show you what I bought yesterday but it's okay if you don't wanna see it.." "I'd love to!!" Ally was surprised how well she was taking this. She pulls out a plastic bag from behind her and brings it front of her. "Here you can look inside." Normani carefully looks though. It was a couple of sippy cups, a pacifier, some baby snacks, a princess plate with matching silverware and pull ups. "Cute." Normani didn't know what else to say. She didn't wanna upset her friend. "Y-you're not weirded out?" "No, you're still my friend." Ally started to cry and Normani pulled her into a hug and comforted her right away. "Shhhh shhhh it's okay. I'm never going to judge you." Ally cuddled into her, calming down. The sound of Normani's voice was calming to her. "Every thing will be okay, I won't tell anyone." Ally snuggled into her even more, she felt safe. "I love you Mani." "Love you too Alz." She kisses the top of Ally's head. Normani begins humming and caressing the shorter girl's back. Ally had never experienced someone so willing to care for her like this. She had never felt more cared for in her entire life. She ended up falling asleep.

After Normani was done humming she went on her phone for a bit, checking social media. She then realized Ally had fallen asleep sucking her thumb. "Awwww!!" Normani whispers to herself. She takes a photo of her. "You're so adorable." She whispers. Normani had the urge to look after her all of a sudden. She was always protective of her friends but this was different. She didn't wanna rush Ally either, all she could do was be there for her. After awhile Ally started to move and jerk in her sleep. "Mhmm! No! No!" Normani got startled and tried to wake the smaller girl up "Hey, Alz, wake up! Wake up!!" Gently shaking her. Ally shot up with tears in her eyes, breathing heavily trying to catch her breath. "Ally?" "Mani!!" She gives the girl a big hug, clinging onto her like her life depended on her. "What happened??" "I had a bad dream.." "Do you wanna talk about it?" "No just hold onto me please." "Of course." Normani embraced her into a hug and brought her onto her lap. "You're comfy." Ally nuzzles her head into her. Normani chuckles. "I'm here, nothing will hurt you." "I feel safe when you're around Mani." Normani rubbed her back and hummed. "C-Can I pease have my paci?" "Oh, where is it?" Ally pointed. "I don't know what you're pointing to dear. You have to tell me." Ally started pointing again. Normani got up and looked around. "I still don't know where it is." "Is in my bag!" Ally points to a bag on a chair nearby. "Oh okay!" Normani goes to look for one. There were 3. "Which one do you want?" "I want the pink one!!" It was a plain pink paci. "Okay, open up." Ally instantly took it and felt calmer. She got off the sofa and walked to the bag. She took out some baby toys a musical caterpillar and some building blocks. "Come pway wit me!!" Normani couldn't get over how cute this all was. She stooped down and played with Ally. The caterpillar was green with blue, yellow and red colors. It lit up and played music. "Elp me build a tower!!" The two of them stacked blocks taking turns until it fell over. "Awww!" "It's okay, we can try again!" "Okay!!!" Normani made sure the blocks were stacked up straight this time so it didn't fall. "Look at that!!" "Wow!! I never had it this tall before!! Tank you Mani!!!" She claps and looks in amazement. She then knocked it over and laughed. "Hey! I thought you liked it!" "I did but it fun to knock it over too!" They both play with her toys again. Til Ally got quiet all of a sudden. "What's the matter hun?" "You're gonna think I'm weird." "No I won't I wanna help you." Normani comforts the girl rubbing her back. "Are you hungry?" Ally shakes her head. "Do you want something to drink?" "No." Ally wipes her tears. "Why are you crying?" "B-because.." "What's the matter? Mani just wants to help you." "I um c-can't control myself sometimes." "Huh? Oh. It's okay. Nothing to be ashamed of." "A-are you sure?" "Yes it's okay." "I've been having accidents randomly so sometimes I need to wear...pull ups." "It's okay, you can't help that you do. Do you need help?" Ally nods. "Okay let's go into the bathroom then?" She follows the taller girl. There was a small spot on the girl's shorts. "Do you need to use the bathroom?" She shakes her head. "Are you sure?" "...yeah." "Okay.." She helps the girl take off her soiled clothes. Ally starts crying again. "Aww no don't cry, it's okay. You're safe with me." Ally seemed to calm down a bit. "I'll be right back." Normani goes to look for a pull up in her bag. She picked the one with the owl on it. She helped the smaller girl get dressed. "It wasn't so bad right?" "Tank you." Ally smiled big. It melted Normani's heart. She was the cutest little thing she'd laid her eyes on!
"I'm hungry." Ally says. "What would you want to eat?" "Cookies!!" Normani looked at the time, it was almost lunch. "How about we eat lunch first then you can have your cookies?" "Awww okay.." Normani looks in the fridge and freezer, she found a couple of kid cuisine Mac and cheese meals. "Do you wanna eat one of these?" Ally nods excitedly. "Okay dear." She heats up the food for her. She found a salad in the fridge with a note that said "for Mani ❤️" "Did you make this?" Ally blushes "Yeah." "Thanks Alz, you're the best!" She carefully takes out Ally's lunch from the microwave and brings it to the dining room table. "Can I have my princess spoon pease???" Normani takes it out for her and places next to her. "Be careful, it's hot!" She sits down next to Ally and stirs her food for her. "Your lunch smells good!" "C-Can you feed me? I'm too little to eat on my own." Ally looks up at Normani with beady eyes. It melted her heart and she couldn't turn her down. "Of course babygirl." Ally's heart fluttered at the nickname. Normani scooped some Mac and cheese and blew on it a few times before putting the spoon close to Ally's mouth. "Noooo you gotta do the airplane!!!" "Ohhh okay I'm sorry! Here comes the plane!!" Normani makes airplane noises swooping the spoon to her mouth. Ally opens up and eats. "Yummy!!" Normani does it a couple more times. "Ally can you be a big girl and try to eat on your own? I'm a little hungry too." Ally nods and eats on her own. Normani can't help to smile and starts eating her lunch.

It was after lunch and Ally had gotten her food all over the table, her hands, her face and her hair. She started to eat with her hands and that's what caused the mess. Normani grabbed some baby wipes and helped clean off the girl. "Tank you mommy!" "What?" It caught Normani off guard. "I-I'm sorry, forget about it." Ally runs off to her room shutting the door. Normani was heartbroken. She wasn't mad, she wasn't expecting it. She cleaned up the kitchen and knocked on her door. "Ally? May I come in?" There was no response. "Ally? I'm coming in.." Normani opened the door and walked in. Ally was curled up in her bed. "No go away!" She didn't want to even look at Normani. "Baby, I'm not mad." Normani sits next to her rubbing her back. "I was just caught off guard." No response. "You can call me mommy, I think it's cute." Still no response. Ally still had her back turned to her. "Ally, please talk to me. It hurts me to see you like this." Ally finally turned around with tear stained cheeks and red puffy eyes. "I-I'm sorry, I thought you were mad at me and I thought you didn't like me." "Of course not baby, this is all new to me but I love this, I love that I get to care for you. It's cute... you're cute." Ally blushes. "I think you're cute too." "Ally, you can call me mommy, if that makes you feel safe." Ally lights up and hugs Normani. "I love you." "I love you too!" Hugging the smaller girl back. They embrace in a hug for awhile. Ally pulls away "um mommy?" "Yes?" "I need help." "Help with?" Ally just pointed to her pants. "I I can't help it I'm sorry." "Sweetie, why are you apologizing? Nothing to be sorry about." "Um remember my dream?" Normani nods. "Well um I had a caregiver before but she was mean and I got hit when I w-was bad." Ally starts crying. "Aw no shhh shhh it's okay, I would NEVER hit you. You're safe with me." Ally trying to catch her breath. "I-I kn-know now, but I still get dreams about it." "I'm sorry, I wish I could make it go away. But I'm here okay? Nothing will hurt you." She kisses the blonde on her head. "We take things slow if you get uncomfortable okay?" Ally nods into the girl's neck. Normani gets her a tissue and helps her wipes her tears. She carries the smaller girl into the bathroom and helps her change. "I-I'm sorry, when I get upset I get acc-cidents." "Hey it's okay, Ally, no need to explain." Normani kisses her on the cheek. Ally slightly smiles. "Thank you for being so nice to me. "Of course baby." "How about we watch a movie to get your mind off of things?" "Okay but can I have my paci pease?" "Yes Of course!" Normani picks her up and takes her to the living room and hands her paci to her. "What movie you wanna watch?" Ally shrugs. Normani decided to play Moana. "I wuv this movie!!" "Me too!" Ally cuddled up into Normani during the movie. Normani played with her hair. Eventually Ally fell asleep. "Awww. You're always safe with me." Normani kisses her head.

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