Fights (Laurmani)

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Normani texted and called her mommy Lauren 20 times since yesterday and still no response. They had gotten into their first fight. Normani wanted attention and Lauren was tired from working in the studio all day. Normani began to cry. She felt mad and sad at the same time. She wanted Lauren but at the same time was mad at her. She decided to call Ally about it.

"Hey Mani What's up?"
"Um mommy and I got into a fight and a-and I think she no like me anymore!!"
"Aww sweetie, I'm sorry. I'm sure mommy doesn't hate you. Maybe she just needs some space?"
Normani began to cry. Ally tried comforting her but it wasn't working.
"Do you want me to come over?"
"Okay I'll be there soon."

Normani laid on her bed staring at the ceiling. She missed Lauren a lot. It was all her fault. She began feeling guilty. How selfish was she? Lauren has been working extra hard and all Normani wanted was for her to sleepover. A few minutes passed by and Ally came in. She had her own key to the apartment. "Mani? Where are you?" She could hear Ally walking closer. She didn't respond. "Oh there you are!" Ally walked in her bedroom to find Normani laying on her bed. "Everything is gonna be okay." Ally sits next to her. "No it won't. Mommy not answering me she hate me it all my fault!!" Normani starts crying. "Aww baby, no it's not. She just needs some time. " Ally sees her pink deco hello kitty paci on the bedside table. "Do you want your paci?" Normani doesn't answer. Ally takes it and gives it to her. "Here you go baby." Normani takes it and calms down a bit. "That should calm you." Ally brushes the hair out of her face and continues to comfort her. Ally reaches for her hello kitty stuffie and place it next to Normani. "Tank chu awy!" "You're welcome sweetie." Ally kisses her on top of her head. Normani blushes. "C-can we cuddle?" Normani was scared of what Ally was going to say. Sure Ally has seen her regress before but not like this. "Of course." Ally scoots further back on the bed leaning against the pillows. Normani crawls next to her and puts her head on her chest. "Your heartbeat is niceee." Normani feeling calm. Ally smiles and runs her fingers through her hair. Normani had drifted off to sleep. Ally let her sleep on her even if she was starting to get uncomfortable. She tried moving Normani off so she could stretch a bit but Normani quickly grabbed the smaller girl. Ally chuckled. This was so cute. Ally texted Lauren to see if she'd respond to her. She did. Right away. She didn't wanna ask about her and Normani so she started off asking how she was doing instead.

Lauren- not good tbh
Ally- why not 😕
Lauren- my anxiety has been bad for the past couple days.
Ally- I'm sorry Lo, is there anything I can do to help you?
Lauren- I'll be okay..
Lauren- mani and I got into a little fight though..
Ally- I'm sorry to hear
Lauren- It's my fault. I shouldn't have yelled at her. I was tired from working from 3am to 9pm. All I wanted to do was relax. I should've just told her how I felt instead of yelling.. she hates me 😔
Ally- Aw no Lo, she doesn't hate you. She could never hate you. You guys just need to talk it out.
Lauren- I feel like a horrible mommy. What mommy yells at their little like that?
Ally- Lo, you were stressed and tired. Not excusing it but it's bound to happen sometimes.
Lauren- thanks ally, you always know how to make me feel better 😊❤️
Ally- of course! 💗
Lauren-So what you up to?
Ally- At Mani's...

Ally looked nervously at Normani who was still asleep on her. No reply from Lauren. She got left on read. Ally decided not to let it bother her. Lauren would come around when she's ready. She went to check social media for bit until Normani woke up. "Hey baby, how was your nap?" The girl rubs her eyes and yawns. "It good." Normani gets up and her eyes goes wide. "What's the matter sweetie?" Ally asks noticing Normani. "Nothing!" Ally raises an eyebrow at her. "Are you sure?" "Um I potty." Normani looks down, she didn't want to look at Ally. "You need to go now?" Normani shakes her head. "Ohhhh, it's okay, baby. It happens." "You're not weirded out?" "Of course not. Now let's get you out of those soiled clothes." Normani follows Ally into the bathroom. "Are you ready?" There was no answer. She was used to her mommy doing this, she felt weird putting her best friend through this. "Hey, Mani, you okay?" "Y-You don't have to do this Ally. I know this is probably weird for you.." "Nonsense, I'm here to help you okay? I love you." Ally kisses her cheek. "Okay." Ally pulls down her shorts. Normani blushes. "Um I need to potty again.." "okay dear, I'll get out of the way, just call me back when you're done." Ally walks out and closes the door. Normani did her business. "Okay I'm done!!!" She shouts out. Ally walks in "let's wash your hands." Ally helps her do that. Normani was nervous, she had thrown away her pull up and now was in her oversized shirt. She's self conscious of her body. Lauren always made sure to never judge her. She was scared of Ally seeing this vulnerable side of her. "Okay I got a clean pull up" Ally stops talking when she sees Normani wanting to cry. "Hey what's wrong?" "I want mommy!!" Ally felt a bit hurt but understood. "Shhh shh I know baby. Why don't we get you dressed and we can try to call her okay?" Normani sniffled and then nods. "Okay baby." "You're not gonna judge me right?" Normani asks. Ally was shocked. "Of course not, this is a safe place. I won't ever hurt or judge you. You're perfect." Normani smiles. "I'm sorry I don't know why I asked that." "It's okay love." Ally helps Normani get dressed. "Th-thank you ally. I usually only let mommy see this side of me." "Aw anytime sweet girl!" Ally gets her phone out and calls Lauren, putting it on speaker. It rings a few times and she picks up. Normani grew nervous. She didn't know what to say. "Hey." Is all Lauren said. "Hey Lo, what's up?" "Not much." Ally looks at Normani who looks scared and rubs her back. She mouths "it's okay." "HI MOMMY!!!" Normani shouts out. Ally was also nervous how this would play out. "Hey." Is all she got in return. Normani pouted and teared up. "Hey Lo, Mani really misses you and I'm sure you do too. I called because you two need to work things out." "Mani, I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you. It was a lot of stress and things going on. I didn't call cause I thought I was a bad mommy to you." "Awww mommy don't say that!! I'm sorry for begging you to come over when you were tired! You the best mommy!!" "I love you manibear." "I love you mommy!" "Awwww!!" Ally says. Normani looking at her, she had forgotten Ally was still in the room next to her. "Mommy can you come over now?" "I'm on my way! Thanks Ally, for helping us." "Anytime guys!" They hang up and Normani lunges herself onto Ally. "Thank you thank you thank you!!! I'm so happy!!!" "Aww it's no problem! I'm glad you guys made up fast!"
They watched some tv before Lauren came running in. "Baby!!!" "Mommy!!" Normani goes running into Lauren's arms. Lauren picks her up and spins her around. Ally couldn't help to smile at them. Lauren puts her down. "I'm so so so sorry baby!!" "No mommy I'm sorry!" "Aww baby, I love you and I'm glad you forgive me!" "Of course mommy!!" "Oh, Ally oh my god, thank you again!!" Lauren gives Ally a big hug. "No problem, I'm here to help you guys! Plus you're a cute couple, it hurt me to see you guys not talking." Both of them blush. "Mommy! Ally was helping take care of me earlier!! She a good caregiver too!!" "Really now?" "Well I tried." Ally says. "You're the best one!! Besides mommy." Normani says. Ally and Lauren both laugh.

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