You're Perfect (Laurinah)

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Dinah was self conscious of her body. So when it came to bath time, she would have panic attacks, thankfully Lauren being her mommy, knew this and knew how to calm her down each time. She wished Dinah could see how perfect she was in each way. It broke her heart seeing her hating her body. "D? Time for your bath." Dinah was curled up in a ball on the floor next to her bed. "I I don't wanna!" "C'mon it's getting late, you have to take a bath!" Dinah put her face down. "I have your favorite bubble bath and your toys waiting for you!!" Lauren walks over to her and extends her hand out. "C'mon every thing will be okay." Dinah slowly gets up and takes her hand hesitantly walking to the bath room. She sees the tub filled with bubbles and her toys floating. She had no idea Lauren had already set her bath up. "Okay baby, no judgements remember? You're perfect just the way you are!" Dinah slowly nods and smiles. "I um can't get this off!!" Dinah tugs on her shirt. "Well that's why I'm here to help you, little one." Lauren boops her nose. Dinah giggles. "Arms up!" Dinah instantly covers herself. "I'm gonna help you undo the rest? Is that okay?" Dinah nods. "Okay baby, I love you very much!" Lauren helps her undress and Dinah gets into the tub. "See that wasn't too bad right?" There was no response, she just looked down. "Hey, what's wrong?" "When you say I'm perfect are you just saying that? Or do you really mean it?" Lauren's heart shattered. "Baby, I would never lie to you, never ever. You're beautiful and perfect in every single way." Dinah started to tear up "tanks.." "okay now let's start with washing your hair!" Lauren took the lavender shampoo and washed her hair. "That feeeeelssss niiiiceeee." Dinah enjoying Lauren massaging her scalp. She giggles "I'm glad that feels nice to you." Dinah then put a bunch of bubbles to her face "Look I got a beard!!" "You do? Oh my god how'd you grow one so fast??" Lauren continues washing her. Dinah then reaches for her bath crayons and writes "I love mommy" with a big heart on the bathtub wall. "Look mommy!!" "Aww I love you too baby!"
Dinah spent awhile more playing with her bath toys until it was time to get out. "Alright, time to get out!" Lauren says draining the tub. "Aww but I having a lot of fun!" "Your fingers and toes are shriveled up, cmon time to get out!" "Okay..." Lauren brought out Dinah's hooded stitch towel and helped her dry off. She followed the Latina into her bedroom and sat on the bed wrapped in her towel. "What do you wanna wear?" "My space onesie!!" "Okay baby. Do you need protection tonight?" "No!" "Are you sure?" "Umm yeah." "How about a pull up just in case?" "Okay!" Dinah started to feel self conscious again. "You okay?" Dinah shakes her head and wraps the towel around her more. "Hey what's the matter? You were okay just a few minutes ago." "I don't want you to see me." "Baby, you're perfect and beautiful, okay. I love you very much." She kisses her cheek. Dinah blushes. "Can I have my paci please?" "Sure thing!" Lauren gets her a big shield purple paci from the bedside table. "Here you go!" She instantly takes it and let's Lauren help her get dressed. "Tank chu mommy!!" "You're welcome babygirl." "I wuv you so much!!" "I love you too."

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