New pet Little!Lauren

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"Baby?" Ally calls out. "Yes?" Lauren turns her head from the sofa. "I have a little surprise for you!" "What?!" "You have to come here!" Lauren runs to the front door and sees Ally holding something behind her. "What that mommy?" Ally smiles big and brings out a small pet carrier. The green eyed girl gasps. "Mommy!! Is it really???" There's bumping around going in the carrier with excited panting noises. Ally bends down and opens the carrier and out jumps a small mixed breed brown and white puppy. "Oh my god it's sooo cute!!" The puppy jumps on Lauren's lap, licking her face. Ally smiles at the interaction. "His name is Buddy, I couldn't resist when I saw photos of him. Someone at work, their dog gave birth to five puppies and this was one of them!" Lauren giggles while Buddy licks her face all over. "Buddy is our pet?" "Yes baby, he's ours!" "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!" Lauren yells out clapping. Scaring Buddy. "Oh no. I'm sowwy. I didn't mean it." Lauren pouts. "It's okay sweetie, Buddy just needs to get used to us." Lauren felt better by Ally's reassurance. "I'm gonna be the best puppy owner ever!!" "I know you will be." Ally hugs Lauren then unpacks a bag full of puppy supplies. Lauren watches her mommy and looks at each item's details. "It his toy?" Lauren picks up a rubber ball. "Yes baby, maybe you can play with him to help him get used to his new home." "Okay!!" Lauren takes the ball and runs over to Buddy who's in the living area. "Hi buddy you wanna play?" Buddy looks at her panting and wagging his tail. Lauren throws the ball "fetch!" Buddy runs after the ball and starts running around with it in his mouth. "Hey! Give it back!!" Lauren chases him around the house laughing. "Buddy!! Come here!!" Lauren trying to coax him to come over. He was just chewing on it. Lauren ran over and tried grabbing it from him. They were playing tug o war for awhile until Lauren felt pain on her hand. She looked down and Buddy had bit her hand by mistake. She cried out loud. "What's going on?" Ally runs in and then noticing the girl on the floor, crying. "Baby, What's the matter?" She crouches down. Lauren pouts and shows Ally her pointer finger. It was bleeding a bit. Ally gasped. "What happened?" "Buddy bad!" Lauren pointed at the puppy who was still playing with his ball. "I'm sure he didn't mean to, he's a playful little guy." Lauren didn't believe her and pouted. "Buddy would never hurt anyone especially you on purpose, I'm sure it was an accident. Now come on, let's get it cleaned up and a bandage on." Ally stands up holding her hand out. Lauren takes it and follows Ally into the bathroom. "Mommy it hurt I don't want!!" "Baby, we have to clean it so it doesn't get worse okay?" Ally holding a cotton ball soaked with rubbing alcohol. "It'll be quick, promise." Lauren nods. "Okay baby girl." Ally quickly but gently wipes the cut, the girl winces at the pain. "Good girl you're doing so well." Ally blew on it and put a Sofia the first bandage on it. Lauren examined the bandage. "Can you kiss it?" "Of course." Ally kisses her finger. "All better! You did good Lo." Lauren smiles. "Now wanna tell me what happened?" "Umm Buddy no give the ball to me and I tried grabbing it from him.." "ohhh okay, well now we know not to do that right?" Lauren nods. "Good." They walk out and Buddy runs to Lauren jumping up on her. "See? He loves you!" Lauren giggles and picks him up. "I love you buddy I sorry I blame you." Buddy licks her face all over. "Awww I'm glad you two made up!" Ally watches smiling at their interaction. "Thanks mommy!" "For what?" "Being the best mommy ever and getting Buddy!" "Aww I love you baby."

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