Pool day

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Little Y/N. Switch Ally
Little Normani. Mommy Dinah and Lauren

It was a hot sunny day, perfect weather for the pool. You and Ally were at Normani, Dinah and Lauren's House. They had a pool in their backyard. You all had been lounging in the living room. "Guys lets get ready for the pool!!" Lauren shouts out. "Yay!! Pool time!!" Normani shouts and claps her hands. You join in too. "Let's get our babies ready." Dinah says to Ally. "Y/N, lets go in the guest room to get changed." You nod and happily follow her. "Babe?" Dinah asks Lauren. "Hmm?" "Who's turn is it this time?" "Um yours." She smiles and walks off to get ready herself. "Mani, lets go pick out your bathing suit!" "Okay!!!" Normani runs to her bedroom waiting for Dinah to catch up. She can't catch her breath "wow you're fast!!" Dinah says. She walks over to her closet and picks out a pink bikini. "What do you think baby? This pink one? Or..." Dinah grabs a black one. "Pink!!!" Normani shouts out and points. "That's what I thought." Dinah chuckles. "Why don't you potty first?" "I don't have to!!" "Just try, no peeing in the pool." Knowing she has done this a few times. Normani looks down and sulks to the bathroom.

Lauren walks in with a black bikini. "WOW." Dinah stares at her with her jaw dropped. Lauren blushes. "Thank you baby." She pecks her cheek. "So where's mani?" "In the bathroom." "Why don't you get ready and I'll take over." Dinah nods, grabs her things and changes in another bathroom. "Mani? You okay in there?" "Umm..." "Mama is coming in okay?" There was no answer but Lauren slowly opened the door to see Normani with no bottoms on sitting on the floor. "What's the matter baby? Hmm?" Lauren rubs her back. "I didn't potty..." She points at her shorts and pull up bunched up on the side. "Aww baby, it's okay. You were wearing protection. You're too little for the potty." Normani nods. "C'mon baby lets get you dressed." She holds her hand out and Normani grabs her hand.

With Y/N and Ally.
You had protested you could dress yourself but ended up getting tangled in your one piece suit. 2 legs in one hole and 1 arm out. Ally giggles "Here let me help you." You groan. "It's okay you tried your best!!" "Mommy I wanna swim!!!" "Yes me too but we have to fix your suit first." A few minutes of struggling she got it. "All done!!" You ran out excitedly. "Wait y/n!!!" Ally quickly changed into her one piece bikini.

She ran out to see you and Normani jumping up and down looking at Dinah. "What's going on?" Ally asks. "Popsicles. You want one?" "Sure, I'll have strawberry." Dinah hands one to Ally. "I wan strawberry too!!!" You shout. "I wan Orange!!" Normani shouts too. "Okay okay sheesh." Dinah giving them their popsicles. Lauren opens the back door to the patio. "No swimming yet okay?" Lauren yells out to you and Normani who ran out. "We need to put sunscreen too." Dinah says. "Aww" You pouted.
Ally and Lauren put lotion on you and Normani. "Hey Ally, I'll get your back!" Dinah says. "Okay thanks." Ally does the same for Lauren and Dinah.
You and Normani sat at the edge of the pool eating popsicles. Half of it melted on your faces. Ally sat next to you and ended up feeling small eating them. She had red popsicle juice all over her face and hands. "Mommy you messy!!" You laugh and point. "I not mommy! I baby!!" You and Normani look at each other. "MAMA!!! MOMMY!!!" Normani screams. Lauren and Dinah both rush there. "What's going on??" Dinah asks. "Ally baby!" Normani points to Ally who's messily eating and swinging her legs splashing in the pool. "OH."
Dinah had known about her being a little before she became a caregiver. "I didn't know she was a little." Lauren says. "I did. She's a switch." Dinah chuckles and bends down to Ally. "Hiii baby, is that popsicle good?" Ally nods and smiles big. "Good I'm glad!" Lauren gives Dinah some baby wipes. "Here let's clean your face and lap okay?" "Okay." Eating the last piece of the popsicle.

"Why mommy baby?" You pout at Lauren. Lauren bends down to you and Normani. "Ally is a little and a cg. Sometimes she will be little and that's okay. "Y/N, Ally is still your mommy no matter what." "Okay you be my mommy when she little?" "Uh sure!" Lauren says. Not knowing if Ally would be okay but agreed cause she didn't want to make you cry. "I wanna go in already!!" Normani protests. "Wait a little awhile, you just ate." Dinah says. "Humph!" Normani pouts and crosses her arms. "I no swim, I scared." Ally says trying to grab onto Dinah. "Ally it's okay you don't have to go in if you don't want to." Ally feels better. "Can I go in now?" Normani asks. "I"- Lauren gets cut off when Normani jumps in the pool. "Hey!!" Lauren shouts. She comes up from the water. "Mommy, mama come in!!" "Baby, we said to wait a little longer.." "but I wanted to swim!!" Normani pouting. "Okay well next time you listen okay?" Dinah says. "Okay I will. Now come inside!!" "Maybe later okay?" I want to get a tan." Laying on a towel next to the pool. Dinah walks back. "WATCH OUT!!" Dinah does a cannonball splashing you, Ally and Lauren. "HEY! You got me wet!!" Lauren shouts out. "Babe, lighten up, it's just water." Normani giggles. "Mama come inside and y/n and Ally!!!" Ally curled in a ball shivering. "Noooo I wan!!" You crawl over to Ally. "Don't be scared." You hug her. "Y/N, I-I'm sorry." "It okay." "Hey you guys alright?" Lauren walking over. "Yeah everything is fine." Ally walks off back inside. You want to cry but you run after her. The others are shocked and don't know what's going on.

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