Protect Me Norminah

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Dinah was making breakfast when she felt someone tugging on her sweatpants. She looked down and it was Normani sitting on the kitchen floor. "Hiii baby!!" Normani covered her face and blushed. Normani then makes grabby hands. "Okay babygirl." Dinah puts down the whisk and picks up the girl. "I woke up feewing small!" "I can tell!" Dinah patted her bum noticing she needed a new diaper. "I hungry mommy!" "Let's get you changed first okay?" Normani hid her face into Dinah's neck. Dinah chuckled and carried her into her nursery. She put Normani down and laid out a changing mat, pink diaper and wipes. "Okay sweetie, lay down." Normani hesitates but does it. She was self conscious but didn't want to be uncomfortable anymore. Dinah unbuttoned her pink and white onesie. Normani began to tear up but tried to wipe it away quick but it was too late Dinah saw. "Hey what's wrong?" "N-nothing." "Please tell me so I can help you." Dinah caresses her cheek. "I-I'm scared." "There's nothing to be scared about okay? I'm gonna do this quickly as I can" Dinah tried her best to do it fast and realized she got her period. "Aww baby it's okay, it's a natural thing." Normani sniffles. "I can give you something to make you feel better okay?" She nods and starts sucking her thumb. Dinah knew how much her cramps would hurt her, she wish she could take it away especially when she was little. "All done! Now we can eat!" Normani ends up softly crying. "Hey what's wrong?" She shakes her head and crawls away from Dinah. "Hey, it's okay, we don't have to eat now, let me know what you want." Dinah stoops down and cuddles her. She kisses her cheek and rocks her. Normani was calming down a bit. "I-It hurts" "shhh shhh that's why I said I can give you something to make it go away." "I wan warm milky!" "Okay let's go, then." Normani nods. Dinah carries her into the kitchen and sits her into a chair while she got her bottle ready. Normani leaned forward and started to cry, she was in a lot of pain. It broke Dinah's heart to hear how much she was in pain. She crushed some Advil into her milk and added chocolate syrup to hide the taste. "Here you go baby." Normani gasped "It chocolate?!?" "Yess you get a little treat for being mommy's good girl!" Normani squealed and drank it while swinging her legs happily. Dinah went ahead to finish the pancakes.

Normani ate 4 pancakes she was hungry. Dinah ate 3. "Good girl! You finished your plate!!" Normani was licking the plate getting syrup all over her hands and face. Dinah thought it was so cute. "Someone needs a bath now." "No no bath!" Normani yells out. "But maybe a nice bath will help with your tummy too, don't you think?" "Uhh I guess so."
Dinah got a damp cloth and wiped her but she still had a sticky residue. "Yeah you definitely need a bath." "Awww.." "You have your toys!!" "Okay.. But I don't wanna.." "Why not?" She shrugs. "There has to be a reason." "No it dumb." "Hey, nothing you say is dumb, okay. Mommy just wants to know what's going on." "Can you be with me?" Dinah was confused she didn't know what she meant. "Huh? What do you mean?" "Ummm" "I'm giving you the bath sweetie." "Um I want you to take a bath with me." "OHHHH. Okay we can do that." "Yay!!!" Normani runs off to the bathroom excitedly. Dinah laughs and chases after her. "Mani? Mani??" Dinah looks all over. "BOO!" Normani comes out from the shower curtains. "You scared me!" Dinah says holding her chest. "I got you so good!!" "You really did!!" "Okay let me get changed to a bathing suit first then we can get started." Normani frowns "b-but why that?" Dinah was baffled, Dinah would be with her at all times, she didn't get why Normani wanted to be in with her suddenly. "I don't wanna be alone inside." "Why not baby?" "The drain scare me." Normani points. "Ohhh, don't worry you won't go down, okay?" "I had a nightmare that I did and now I wan you to protect me." "Ohhh okay. I'm sorry I wasn't getting what you meant earlier." "It okay." Normani pouts. Dinah's heart broke seeing her so afraid. "Okay we can even use a bath bomb if you want and look at the pretty colors!!" "Okay!!" Normani's voice picked up. Dinah draws the bath and gets out a galaxy bath bomb from a basket nearby. "Do you have to potty?" Normani shakes her head. "Mani, I don't want you to pee in the bath." "I'm not!!" "Just try okay." Normani gets on and ends up using the bathroom. "Good girl!" Dinah feels the water making sure it's the right temperature and stops the water when it's at the right level. "Here you go!" Dinah hands the bath bomb to Normani. She drops it in and Normani is amazed at the colors shooting out. "Wow!! It's so pretty!!" She gasps. "It sure is!" Now let's get in. "You first mommy!" "Okay but let's get you undressed first. Normani does a happy dance. She was excited. Dinah gets undressed and sits in the tub. "Okay baby, come inside." Holding her hands out. Normani cautiously holds onto Dinah and gets in. "There we go that wasn't so bad huh?" Normani looks around and at Dinah. "N-No, but hold me please." Normani clings onto her. "Baby everything is okay, nothing will hurt you, that's why I'm here." Normani nods. Dinah gets out her bath toys. "Here why don't you play with these while I wash you." "Okay mommy." Dinah takes a rubber ducky and makes it talk "Hey Mani there's nothing to be afraid of! Come play with me!!" Normani giggles and splashes the water. Normani relaxes a bit and plays with the toys while Dinah lathers baby lavender shampoo in her hair. "Mmmm." Dinah massages her scalp. Normani stops playing with her toys and leans back into Dinah, enjoying the massage. Dinah holds back a laugh, she didn't expect that kind of response. "Don't stop peaseee!!" "I'm glad you find it calming baby girl." Normani smiles at the nick name. She continues for a couple more minutes and then stops. "Hey! Why you stop?" She pouts. "Baby, I have to rinse your hair." "Aw alright." "Close your eyes." She does what she's told and Dinah uses a container to rinse her off a few times. "Mommy I love you!! Thanks for coming in with me!!" "Aw I love you too, I'm glad I did too." Normani grabs a green bath crayon and scribbles all over Dinah's stomach while laughing. "Hey!! Hey! Stop that!!" while laughing. Normani giggles and covers her mouth. Dinah shakes her head and rinses herself off. "Hey that my masterpiece!!" "Baby, we need to get out soon. And I'm sorry but maybe you can draw another picture on paper for mommy later okay? That way it'll last longer." "Okay!!" Dinah unplugs the drain and Normani panics. "Hey baby, calm down, I'm here, it's just the drain." Normani almost crying and holding onto Dinah again. "Shhh everything will be okay." She places a kiss onto her cheek. Dinah and Normani stand up and reach for a towel. Dinah helps Normani dry off and wraps her in a pink hooded towel. Dinah gets herself dried and a robe on, they walk to the bedroom. "Okay let's get a diaper on you quick." Normani lays down on the bed and Dinah dresses her up in a yellow onesie. "You're such a cute baby!" Dinah tickles her sides and kisses her all over her face. Normani laughs. Dinah gets dressed quickly and cuddles her little. "Mmm you smell so good!" Normani blushes, you too mommy! Um.. I tired." "Probably from the medicine I gave you earlier in your milk, we can take a nap if you want." Normani nods and cuddles into Dinah. "Love you my little princess. Dinah kisses her cheek.

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