Normally Mommies Little!Dinah

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Normani and Ally were trying to potty train their little, Dinah. That girl could be stubborn at times so it was even harder. It was 1 in the morning and Dinah had woken them up. Ally thought maybe she had gone to the bathroom and was proud of it, but it was the other way around. Ally had more patience than Normani, so she had let Normani sleep in this time. "Mommy I sorry." Dinah wanting to cry. "No no don't cry, it's okay!!" Ally comforted her and kissed her cheek. "C'mon let's see what happened." Dinah followed Ally slowly into the bedroom. Ally was confused when she didn't see anything on the bed. "Baby, there's nothing." Dinah shook her head and pointed at her shorts. Ally was confused, there was nothing. "I I wearing.." "I thought mama put you in your big girl pants?" "Sh-she did but I no like it so I put a diaper on after." Ally was shocked she didn't know what to say. She knew Normani would lose her temper but Ally, she could never lose her temper especially on Dinah. "Aww Baby, why don't you like the big girl pants?" "Because this more com-table!" Ally laughed a bit how she said that word. "Okay lets get you out of it, before you get a rash." Dinah hesitates to lay down but does anyway. Ally slides down her shorts and sees the underwear over the diaper. She wanted to laugh but didn't want to upset her. "Why do you have this over the diaper?" Dinah covers her face. "I dunno.ummm well I trying to be a big girl too!" "Okay baby." Ally took it off and changed her into a clean one. "I no wear that?" Ally didn't realize it. "Uh yeah for now you can wear the diaper." "Yay!! But we no tell mama?" "I'll tell mama, okay?" "Tell me what?" Normani walks in. "Shoot." Ally says under her breath. "Babe, I thought you were sleeping." "I was but I was wondering what was taking so long. "Dinah, um she had put a diaper on after you put her into bed.. but she put her underwear over it.." Normani went wide eyed and burst out laughing. Ally couldn't hold in her laugh either and laughed with Normani. Dinah looked at them and felt hurt. She thought they were making fun of her accident. "I HATE YOU!" Dinah shouted out and crossed her arms not wanting to look at them. Normani and Ally stopped and looked at each other shocked. "Hey Dinah, we weren't making fun of you." Normani comforted the girl. "Yeah mama and I are just tired. Plus you have to admit putting underwear over a diaper is kinda funny." Dinah cracked a smile but still tried to stay mad at them. "We're very sorry, I hope you can accept our apology." Normani says. "Yeah I'm so sorry Dinah." Ally joined in. Dinah turned to them. "It okay." "Yay!! Thank you for forgiving us!!" Normani hugs her. "So tell me why you put on a diaper?" "C-cause I a baby and I don't wanna potty, it take me out of little space!!" "Ohhh okay, why didn't you speak up?" Normani felt bad for the countless times she lost her patience and made Dinah cry. "B-because I was scared." "Aww baby I'm sorry for pushing you into something you didn't want to do." "Me too." Ally joins in. "So I don't have to wear those??" Dinah asks happily pointing to the underwear." "No, only if you want to." Normani says. "Yay!!!" Dinah smiles and claps her hands. "We love you, anytime you don't want to do something, please tell us, it's all about communication!" Ally says. "Okay mommy." "I'm sorry for the times I made you cry, if mama knew it was scaring you a lot, I wouldn't have forced you." "It okay mama, I love you." Normani tears up "aw I love you too baby."

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