Playdate (Laurinah & Normally)

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Little Lauren Mommy Dinah
Little Normani Mommy Ally

Dinah and Ally had planned a play date for their littles. They had not hung out while especially with their girlfriends in headspace so they were nervous how this would turn out. They planned to have a picnic at the park. Ally and Normani was already there, Ally had set up a blanket on the grass and had set down their bags and a cooler. "I hungry mommy!!" Normani cried out. "I know baby but we have to wait for Dinah and Lauren first!" The younger girl crosses her arms and pouts. Ally chuckles and takes out an activity book with Disney princesses on it. "Here why don't you color something for Lauren while we wait?" "OKAY!!" Normani excitedly looks for a page to color. Ally gets a text from Dinah that they're running a little late because Lauren is throwing a tantrum.

With Laurinah

"NO! Noooo!" Lauren cries out on the floor. "Lauren Michelle.. stop that right now. Ally and Mani are waiting for us. I thought you were excited?" "NO!" The green eyed girl cries harder. This all started when Dinah woke her up from a nap. She woke up cranky. "Sweetie, what's wrong? Hmm?" Dinah stoops down to her level. "I no w-wan to go." "But why?" "I dun-no." "But aren't you excited to see Mani?" "I scared." "Why? Tell mommy why you're scared. I want to help." "People." "Okay?" "I don't w-want peo-ple to find out.." "Aw baby, no ones gonna find out you're little. This park is private." "Reawy?" "Yes babygirl." The dark haired girl perks up. "Okay let's go!" Dinah chuckles. "Next time you tell mommy first okay?" "Okay mommy. Up up!" She picks up Lauren with her purse and out the door they go.

At the park/20 minutes later:

"Mani!!!" Normani looks up and sees her friend Lauren running to her. She runs mid way and they hug. "So sorry we're late!!" Dinah tells Ally. "It's okay, things happen. Now let's eat!!"
They all sit on the blanket and Ally takes out the plates, utensils and food. "I made pb&j sandwiches for the kids and brought some fried chicken, potato salad and some watermelon slices! I have Capri suns and water bottles for drinks!" Normani instantly grabs a sandwich and starts eating. "Whoa slow down baby. You're going to get a tummy ache." "Sorry mommy but I'm STARVING!!" Lauren laughs and begins to eat her sandwich as well. "Thanks for making the food Alz, I could've brought something." Dinah eating some of the chicken. "Nah, it's my pleasure!" They converse and eat their lunch.

"Wow I'm full!" Dinah says while rubbing her stomach. "I'm glad you guys liked the food!" "Tank you Ally!" Lauren exclaims. "You're welcome Lo." "Wanna play?" Normani asks Lauren. "Wait you two, rest a little while before playing." Dinah tells them. "Awww!!" The two girls say at the same time. "Why don't you show Lauren your coloring book Mani?" "Oh yeah!!" Normani reaches over to grab the book. The two littles giggle and color together. "So what happened with Lauren earlier?" "Oh, she was just afraid of being little in public, but I assured her no one would find out." "Aww well I'm glad you two were able to come today! We needed some quality time together!" "I agree!"
"No it mine!" "Nuh uh I had it first!!" Lauren says. "Girls, hey, what's going on?" Ally asks. "Mommy, she take my crayon!" While pointing at Lauren. The green eyed girl now pouting with tears in her eyes and crawls to Dinah. "Mani.. you have to share with Lauren." "But it mine!!" "Yes baby, but she is your friend. How would you feel if she didn't let you play with her stuff?" Normani looks down "sad..." "okay now play nicely and apologize to Lauren." She sighs "I sowwy Lauren you can come back and color with me." Lauren shakes her head. Normani pouts and feels bad. "How about we go on the playground?" Dinah suggests trying to lighten the mood. Lauren buries her head into her neck and whispers, "She meanie." Normani sniffles, she felt bad. "I don't wanna play by myself!!" "Sweetie, you won't have to play by yourself, lets go!" Ally holds her hand out. "Give Lauren some time, she'll join us later." "Oh okay.." Normani grabs her hand and they walk to the swing set. She sits on the swing "push me mommy!!" "Of course!"

"You don't wanna go play with Mani?" Dinah asks the girl who's hiding her face in her lap. "Nuh uh." "But why not?" "She meanie!" "Normani apologized. She felt bad." She got no answer. Dinah sighed and comforted Lauren while she watched Normani laughing on the swings and Ally pushing her. "Would you want to stay here? What if mommy wants to go play?" Lauren looks up strangely. "Why do you wanna play?" "Why not? Who said mommies can't play? It looks fun. More fun than just sitting here.." "I stay here.." "Are you sure??" Dinah slowly getting up and walking away while talking to the girl. "Are you sure you won't get lonelyyy??" "Nope." "Okay, I'm going to join them, I'll be right over there. You can join us anytime.." Dinah starts walking away. She thought if she did this she could get Lauren to join them eventually. "Hey, where's Lauren?" Ally asks. "She's being stubborn." They both look at the brunette who's sitting by herself on the blanket a few feet away. "Is she okay?" "She said she didn't wanna come because Normani was a meanie.. which I know isn't true but you know how stubborn Lauren can be sometimes." "Yeah, well I hope she joins us!" Normani was now on the slide. "Weeee!" She runs back to them "where Lauren?" "Over there, maybe you can get her to come play?" Dinah says and points. Normani runs to the girl. "LAUREN!!!" "LAUREN!!" She crashes down on the blanket and giggles. "Cmon Lauren come play with me!!" The green eyed girl looks up shyly "I don't wan!!" "Why?" "You mean to me!" Normani was hurt "I sowwy Lo, I sowwy I hurt your feewings." Normani goes to hug Lauren. Lauren hugs back, that's all she wanted. "I accept your apology, now let's go play!!" Lauren stands up, the girls run hand in hand to the playground.

"Looks like they've made up!" Ally tells Dinah. "About time." They're now back on the blanket and on their phones while casually looking up to check on Lauren and Normani. 30 minutes passed and it was time to go. "Mani!! Lauren!! Time to go!!" Ally shouted out. "Awww I don't wanna leave!!" Normani shouts back climbing on this dome like thing. "It's getting late and you have to take a nap when we get home." "Aww okay." The girl jumps down. Lauren too and they both walk to their mommies. "Bye Lauren." "Bye Mani." The girls are sad. "Hey don't be sad, we're doing this again next week!" Dinah tells them. "YAY!!" The girls say at the same time. "Now tell Ally thank you for the food." "Tanks Ally! Lauren hugs her. "Aw you're so welcome! I'm glad you and your mommy came!" "Bye Dinah!!" Normani waves. "Aww come here, give me a hug before you go!" Dinah holds her arms out and Normani runs into her arms. "You give the best hugs you know that?" Normani giggles. They all say their goodbyes and go home.

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