Secrets (Lauren)

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Lauren had ordered a bunch of little stuff online. Diapers, bottles, sippies, onesies and toys. She was excited to get them, she didn't have much around the house.. She hoped the package didn't arrive with any of the girls over. Dinah happened to be over and that terrified Lauren. There was a knock on the door, just play it cool. Nothing bad is gonna happen. She thought to herself. She opened the door and there stood a brown box. Not too big but not a small one. "What'd you order?" Lauren jumps "uhh clothes, i think." Lauren grabs the box and puts it in her room and comes back. "You're not gonna open it? I wanted to see!!" "Nah, it's nothing really." "Oh I see, I think I know what it is.." Dinah smirks. "Wait what?" "Nothing.." "Excuse me?!" "Are those "toys?" "Lauren stood there with her mouth wide open. "Lo, I'm playing around, relax!" "Oh hahaha! You're so funny!" "But seriously what'd you get?" "Why are you so into my fucking business?" "Uh I was just wondering? Sorry girl." Lauren felt kinda bad and decided to bring the box back. "Fine you wanna know what's inside?" Lauren opens the box and Dinah looks inside. There's no answer from the girl. "D-Dinah?" She shook her head and sat on the couch. Lauren was scared but tried not to show it. "You happy now?" It was quiet. Lauren sat next to Dinah. "I can explain." "I gotta go." Dinah says standing up. "What why?" Lauren tries to grab her arm. "Don't you dare touch me, freak!" "W-what?" "I'm not for this Lauren, I'm sorry." "WAIT LET ME EXPLAIN!!" "What is there to explain? That's fucking messed up." "What?? I do this cause it makes me relieve stress." "There's other ways to relieve stress." "Yeah but this is MY way." "And that's WEIRD!" Lauren felt like crying. "So do the other girls know too?" Lauren shakes her head. "I'm sorry but I gotta go. This is a lot to process." Dinah leaves. Lauren falls to the ground crying. Sure a lot of people thought she was a badass but really she was a sensitive baby. She ended up falling asleep on the floor from crying too much. She got up and it was dark. She checked her phone it was 1am. Wow she thought. She went to put away her little items and showered.

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Ally: Hey Dinah told me what happened. Just know I accept you Lo. ❤️

Lauren: Hey ally, thanks..

Ally: I'm not sure if she'll ever get it but if it helps, I'm a little too. No one knows. Well I guess you know now.

Lauren: really?? I never would've thought! 😳

Ally: shocker right?

Lauren: for how long?

Ally: a couple of years, you?

Lauren: only a few months. I came across a YouTube video on someone acting like a toddler to relieve stress and it sparked my attention. I loved it instantly.

Ally: that's cute ☺️ so do you wanna spend a little day tomorrow? I'm actually a switch so I could watch you if you want.

Lauren wasn't sure what to say. She was very new to this and shocked Ally had been a little for awhile. She had never thought Ally would be into this.

Ally: I'm sorry that I asked, we don't have to do it if you don't want to.

Lauren: let's do it!

Ally: really??

Lauren: yeah I think it'll be good for the both of us!

Ally: I'll see you later today then! I'll come over around 10am 😄

Lauren: okay! Can't wait!

Ally: 💓💓

Lauren smiled to herself, she was looking forward to this play date but also nervous, no one has seen her little before. She went into bed and fell asleep shortly after.

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