Mad? (Alren)

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Lauren was bored waiting for her mommy to come back home. Ally was called in for an important business meeting. It had almost been an hour. Lauren was getting impatient. There was nothing to do, nothing to watch on tv. She went on her iPad scrolling through social media, it was the same boring thing. So she went on Amazon. She typed in adult onesies. There was a specific one she's been wanting, it was blue with sea creatures on them. She knew she had to save but it was calling her name. She then went to look for more sippy cups, plates and pacis. She had added them in the cart for fun. Not meaning to buy them. She spent half an hour looking at more little items. She then went to her cart. "Wow" she thought, all of these things added up to that much? $80? She sighed and removed everything but the onesie from the cart. She debated for a few minutes to get it or not. "Well it's good to treat yourself sometimes!" She told herself and checked out. She was so happy she's finally getting her dream onesie. Then panic overcame her. She wasn't on her account, she was on Ally's. "Oh no no no no!!" Lauren panicked. She heard the door open "Hey Lo, sorry the meeting went a bit overtime!! What you been up to?" Lauren jumped at the sound of her voice and logged out of the account. She hid the iPad under the sofa. "Uhh nothin, just waiting for you!" "Awww sweetie, there wasn't anything on the tv?" "Nope." Ally smiles and walked to her. Lauren felt guilty. She should tell Ally what happened but she didn't want her to get mad. But at the same time, she'll find out eventually. "Hey, what's on your mind?" Ally asks. "Huh? Oh nothing, I'm just tired." "Aw do you wanna take a nap?" Lauren shakes her head. "Okay, let's see what's on tv. Lauren cuddles to Ally's side while Ally watches.

A few hours passed by, and the guilt was eating Lauren up but she was too afraid to tell her mommy the truth. "Tomorrow I'll tell her." Lauren told herself. "Is everything okay?" "Yeah." "You've been acting different since I got home." Lauren shrugs. Ally kisses her head "I love you." "I love you too mommy!"

2 days later and Lauren didn't have the guts to tell Ally yet. Lauren was playing with her blocks when Ally came up to her. "Hey baby, is there something you wanna tell me?" Lauren froze. "What's wrong? Hmmm?" Ally pushed the hair out of her face. "I dunno." Lauren put her fingers in her mouth. Ally sighed. "Lauren, why'd I get an email saying I bought a onesie?" Lauren's bottom lip quivers. "I-I'm sorry!!! I didn't know I was logged into your account and I was gonna tell you but I was scared!" Lauren now crying. "Awww babe, I'm not mad." Ally brings her into her lap, comforting Lauren. "I just wished you would've told me what happened." Lauren sniffles. "Mommy not mad?" Ally smiles. "No not one bit!" "But if this ever happens again, you tell me okay?" "Okay mommy." Lauren cuddles into Ally's shirt. "Awww, you're so cute." Ally strokes her hair til she falls asleep.

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