Baby Camz (Caminah)

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This one will be with Camila.

The girls were stuck in traffic in a van. "Are we there yet?" Camila asked for the hundredth time. "No.." The others said groaning. "How about now?" "NO JUST FUCKING SHUT UP ALREADY!!" Lauren yells at her. The others turned their heads at Camila, who's eyes were watered. She began to cry in her seat. "Aww sweetie it's okay." Ally reaches over to the younger girl trying to calm her. Lauren sighed. "I-I'm sorry Camz, I shouldn't have yelled. I was getting a bit annoyed and tired." Lauren looked at her apologetically. Camila cried even harder to where her face was red. Lauren felt bad. "Maybe let her calm down and then try again." Normani says. A few minutes later she was able to calm down. "You okay now?" Dinah asks. Camila nods. Dinah wipes her face with a tissue and puts it up to her nose. "Blow." Normani watched Dinah care for the girl and thought it was the sweetest thing. "There all better?" Dinah asked. Camila nodded. She began sucking her thumb. Dinah has seen her do this before a few times, she never questioned it, it was something that comforted her. Dinah began listening to music like everyone else except Camila who looked out the window. A few minutes later the van started to move slowly. "Finally!!" Lauren cheered!! She looked back at Camila who looked sad and fragile. She decided when they get to the hotel she would apologize.

Camila felt a twinge in her bladder. "Oh no." She thought. She wasn't wearing either so it made her nervous. She was too scared to ask how long more so she just stayed in her seat squeezing her legs. Dinah noticed her being fidgety. "Hey you okay?" Camila nodded. "Are you sure?" "Uh huh." "Okay.." Camila stopped for awhile and then began shaking her leg. "You nervous?" "Uh no!" Dinah chuckles, "don't worry we're almost there, just 10 more minutes." Camila was relieved, she could hold it for 10 more minutes. A few minutes passed and the urge got stronger, she began crossing her legs again. "Uh you have you use the bathroom?" Dinah asked. Camila nodded. "Oh shoot okay just try hold it a little longer okay?" "Okay." Camila had her hands down her crotch. "she's got it bad" Dinah thought and worried about her. "Dinah I I gotta potty bad!!" Camila whispered to her. She wondered why the girl said potty but didn't question it. They just pulled up the parking lot. "Okay we can go now. Camila just sat there with tears running down her face. "Oh.." Dinah was worried for the girl and knew what happened. "Hey what's wrong" Ally turned to them. The others heard Ally so they all were looking down at Camila. "I'm sorry Camz, really I'm sorry for what I said earlier." Lauren says. Camila just cries more. "Um so she had a little accident." The other girls were concerned but walked ahead since they didn't wanna embarrass her anymore. "C'mon baby, lets go and so we can clean you up." Camila hesitantly got up and looked at the seat. Nothing. Dinah was confused. "Okay cmon lets go so you can potty asap!" "I-I um.." Camila said but followed Dinah. They were sharing a room, Dinah got stuck carrying her bag too. Camila just looked all around the room. Dinah grabbed her hand and lead her to the bathroom. "Here you go." Camila looked at her confused. "Hey I thought you had to go?" "N-Not anymore." Dinah was still confused. "Maybe you should try?" Camila shook her head and tugged on her dress. "What's wrong with your dress?" Camila whined. She couldn't put into words what she really wanted. "Hey calm down, tell me what you want." Dinah spoke calmly and softly. Camila hiked up her dress a bit. "May I?" Dinah was unsure about this. She nods. "Oh.." She could feel her shaking, poor girl was so scared. "Baby, it's okay. Thank you for showing me." Camila leaned in and hugged Dinah. "So did you bring extra pull ups?" Camila nodded. "Why don't we get you out of this and shower and we can watch a movie okay?" There was no answer but she followed Dinah to their bags. Camila just stood there watching her look in her backpack. "Do you want to wear this instead?" Camila got nervous she always hid them and never thought they'd see daylight. "Mila? Would you want to wear a diaper?" She also thought she'd never hear that word out loud. Camila looked on the ground not knowing what to say. "Yes? No?" Dinah asks. "Es.." She says softly. "Okay thank you now let's get you cleaned up." She takes her hand and leads her to the tub. The smaller girl watched as Dinah filled up the tub and got ready her towels. "Arms up!" Camila did as she was told. Dinah helped her get undressed and into the tub. Dinah's heart broke seeing her friend looking scared for her life. "Hey it's okay, everything will be fine." She caresses the girl's cheek." Camila slightly smiles. "I got my shampoo in my bag!" She points. "Oh! Okay, I'll go get it." Dinah rushes out. She didn't wanna leave her by herself for too long. A few minutes passed and Dinah came back with baby shampoo, baby lotion, and some bath toys. "Do you want these as well?" Camila perked up and made grabby hands. Dinah chuckles, "okay here you go!" She dumps the rubber bath toys into the tub. Camila plays with them while Dinah washes her.
Dinah finished bathing her but Camila was still playing so she watched the girl play while sitting on a stool. "D-Dinah look!! I lined up the ducks from biggest to smallest!!" "Aww I see that! Cute!" Camila giggles and pushes them in the water. "They swimming!!" "I see that, um you have to get out soon, you've been in there for awhile and the water is getting cold." "Awww!!" Camila pouts. Dinah drains the tub and grabs a towel. "C'mon lets get you dressed." "We still watching the movie?" "Yes baby, the faster we get dressed, the faster we can watch." "Okay!!" Camila stands up and Dinah wraps the towel around her then picks her up carrying her to the bedroom. She checked her phone and there were tons of messages and missed calls from the others asking if Camila was okay. "D-Dinah what wrong?" "Oh the girls are asking if you're okay." The Latina looked down. "Hey morning to be ashamed about. The girls would never judge you, you know that." Camila slightly smiled. "Okay so let's get you dressed!" Dinah looking through Camila's bag. She had pulled out a yellow onesie with a yellow collar and white trim around the sleeves. "Ooh this is cute!" Camila smiles and nods. "Okay lay down so I can dress you. She felt a bit awkward, she never had anyone dress her like this. She laid down slowly. Dinah took off the towel. She felt exposed. "Hey it's okay." Dinah senses her nerves. She diapered her and helped her out on the onesie. "Super cute!!" Dinah playfully pinched her cheek. "Tank you inah!!" Dinah's heart fluttered. She couldn't handle how cute her friend was. She massages the baby lotion into her skin. "Okay what do you wanna watch?" Camila yawned and shrugged. Dinah picked The Little Mermaid. She laid in bed and Camila cuddles into her. 20 minutes into the movie, the Latina was sound asleep. Dinah took this opportunity to text everyone else what was going on.

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