Mommy time

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You were currently at your appartment and having a little day. It wasn't fun without mommy. You had your toys all laid out on the floor trying to get yourself to regress. You really needed it after exam after exams. Your phone rung and it's mommy! You perked up and answered it. "Hiii baby!!" Your heart did backflips hearing her voice. "Hi mommy!!" "So I'm on my way to your place, I have the day off and I want to spend time with you!" "Really I so excited mommy!!!" "Me too!! I'm on my way, we can do whatever you'd like!" "I'm so happy!!" "Me too!!!" You hang up and can't stop yourself from smiling and jumping around with excitement. A few minutes later the front door opens. You jump but then realized Ally has a spare key. "Mommy?" You walk slowly to the door. "Hiii y/n!!" You run to her and jump in her arms. You felt so safe. "I missed you so much!!" You say almost crying. "Aw baby I missed you too. I have a surprise for you!!" She says while holding a gift bag behind her back. You gasp and jump around excitedly. Ally laughs and leads you to the sofa. She places the big pink bag next to you. "Open it!" You excitedly open the bag and it's a tan build a Bear with a pink dress. "Mommy I love it!!!" You shout it and hug her. "Press it's paw." You press it and it's her voice "Hi baby, remember mommy always loves you no matter what! Mwah!" You tear up. "Aww baby why are you crying?" "I happy." You say. "Aww come here!" You crawl into her arms. "I love you and I'm glad you love your gift." "It the best gift ever!!" You hug it and realizes it also smells like strawberries. "Mhmm she smell good!!!" "I put a scent in her too. Her name is Beary, get it cause she's a bear and she has a strawberry scent?" "Mommy you silly!" You laugh and she joins in. "Y/N, there's more in the bag." "Really!" You jump out of her arms and look inside the bag. There was a lot of tissue paper you took out before you found a Disney Princess sippy cup and plate set. You gasp! "I love it!!!" You hold it out showing it to her. You look in again and there's a lot of candies on the bottom. "Oh my god candies!!" "Yes y/n but not too many at a time, don't want cavities or a tummy ache. "I know!!" You look in again and that was it. "Thank you mommy I love everything you the bestest ever!!" You hug her tight. She hugs you back. "Aww you're the best." She kisses the top of your head. "So what were you doing?" "I was trying to play and be small but it no fun without you." "Awww well that's why I'm here to help! Maybe having beary when I'm not around will help." "It will she smell good too!" "She does!!" Ally starts cleaning up and putting things away. "You don't have to work today?" You ask. "I have a couple of days off!" You were happy but then sad for when you wouldn't be able to be with her all day and night. "Maybe you should change into something more comfortable?" She asks. You nod. You were still in your uni clothing. T shirt, jeans and vans. You look down at your clothes. Ally walks to your bedroom to help you pick out your outfit. "Let's see, this is cute!" She took out a pink onesie with rainbows. "That one!!" You point. "Okay sweetie, lets get you dressed!!" You can't help to giggle when she helps you. You got ticklish. She laughed along with you. "Baby, keep still!!" You laugh harder and squirm around. "Do you have to potty? C'mon let's go." You slowly followed her "um don't close the door!" You shout. "Okay I won't." You do your business while humming and swinging your legs. "Um I done." "Okay now flush the toilet and wash your hands." You get off shakes your head. "Why not?" "I scared." "Scared of what honey?" "The noise." "Aw you have nothing to be afraid of. She flushed it for you and you hid behind her. "Y/n it's okay." She pats your head and you wash your hands. "Here's a towel to dry you off" You take it and have some difficulty drying them but managed. I run out giggling with your tshirt and underwear. "Baby wait you're not done yet!!" You jump on your bed. "Hey please don't hurt yourself!!" Ally waving her arms around worried. You stopped and sat on the bed. She changed you into pull ups and your onesie. "All done baby!" You smile and hug her. "Aww!" She hugs you back tight and spins you around. "Mommy I wanna color!!" "Okay!" "You color wif me?" "Of course!" You jump up and down. You get our your coloring books and your box of crayons. "I color this?" You point to a picture of a dolphin. "It's up to you y/n!" "Mommy you help me?" "Yes what do you need help with?" "I don't know what to color it." You pout. "There's no right or wrong." You pick up a pink crayon. "I do this one!!" "What color is that?" Ally asks. "You stare at the crayon and think for a moment. "Ummm I dunno." "Yes you do." "Um pink!" "Yes good job!!" You smile big and start coloring. Ally smiles watching you have fun and be carefree. "Mommy?" "Yes?" "you color too?" "Oh okay I will." You go through your coloring books and open up a page with Princess Belle. "You can color her!!" "Oh okay thanks." She begins humming while coloring. You can't help to smile to yourself. Ally made you feel calm and safe. Ally took notice of this and continued humming and even singing softly. "You sing pretty!!" "Aw thank you baby." She smiles. "Look I'm done!!!" You hold out your finished coloring. "Beautiful job Y/N!" "It for you so when you not around you can think of me." "Aw sweetie, I'm always thinking about you." "Me too." Ally takes your hand and caresses it. "Mommy you color better than me!!" She chuckles "y/n you're good too." Ally finishes coloring and you can't help but to be amazed. "Mommy can I put it on my fridge?" "Ofcourse." She carefully rips it out and hands it to you. You look at it one more time before running to the fridge to put it on. "I'm
Hungry!" You say. "Me too." "Have you ate lunch yet?" It was 1pm. You shake your head. "Okay well let's see." She walks over to the kitchen and looks around for something to make. She decided on Mac and cheese. You were excited to use your new plate set. You watched her make it while you two caught up.

She made your plate and drink while you waited patiently. She sat down with her own plate and started eating. You stared at your food, wanting to be fed. Ally is too hungry to notice until she noticed after. "Hey, I thought you were hungry. "I am... but c-can you feed me?" You say almost wanting to cry. "Ofcourse hey don't cry!! Next time let me know okay." You nod. Ally begins feeding you that you start to regress even more. "Yum!" You shout out. Ally took another spoonful, blew on it and fed it to you. She didn't care if her food was getting cold and she was hungry, she wanted you to be happy. You finished eating and was drinking water from your new sippy while Ally ate.
"Thank you mommy!!" You say. "You're welcome y/n!" She goes to clean up .
You two cuddle on the couch and watch a show. It was mostly Ally watching while you cuddling into her. "You the best!!" You say. "Aww you're the best!!" She kisses the top of your head. You eventually fall asleep leaning against her. Ally takes notice of this and thinks you're the cutest thing ever!

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