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Ally couldn't find her special blanket. She looked all over for it. It's the one thing that kept her calm and helped her to relax away from home. She looked all over her hotel room and her luggage's. "Allz we gotta go soon." Lauren calls out. "Okay hold on!!" Ally frantically looks all over again. Nothing. She pouted. The girls knew about her blanket but not how much it meant to her. "Still can't find that thing?" Lauren asks. "It's not just a thing! It's my special blanket that I've had since I was a kid!!" "We have to go!!" Normani shouts. "Shes still looking for that blanket." "Are you sure you brought it with you?" Normani asks. "YEAH!!" "Well we filed a report at the front desk so they'll call if they find it." Normani says. "WHAT IF SOMEONE TAKES IT?!" Ally yells. "I don't think anyone would take a faded blanket.. no offense." Lauren says. Ally thinks for a moment, she had a point. "Okay let's go!" Ally takes a deep breath and tries to calm down. She follows the others with her luggages out of her hotel room.

The girls were on their tour bus, settling in. Ally was in her bunk trying to take a nap. She could barely sleep the past few nights without her blanky. Dinah over heard sniffles coming from her bunk. "Ally? You okay in there?" "Y-yeah." "Well I'm here for you." "Thank you Dinah." Ally pulled back the curtain a little. "Aww what's wrong?" "My blanky." "Aww girl, I'm sure we'll find it soon." Dinah felt for her, if she lost her favorite stuffie she would lose it too. "Help me look for it?" Ally asks. "Of course." "I don't remember if I brought it with me to the hotel or not." So maybe it's somewhere on the bus?" Dinah asks. "I think so." "Don't worry we'll find it!" Ally slightly smiles. She was glad Dinah understood. Lauren and Normani didn't seem to get it. "Well we're all planning to watch the notebook if you wanna watch." "No I'm good." Ally still in bed curled up. "Aren't you cold?" Ally shrugs. Dinah walks away for a moment and comes back with a plaid fleece blanket. "Here you can use one of mine." Dinah puts it over Ally. "Better?" Ally nods. "You're always free to join us." Dinah walks away. Ally couldn't help to feel alone even if she denied the movie. Her blanky made her feel safe. She began to cry. She tried to stop it but it was no use. She ended up crying herself to sleep.

It was 3am and Ally woke up. She looked around and everything was dark. She turned on her bunk light and pouted that everyone was still asleep. She went on her phone to check social media. "Pssst!" She heard. She looked around seeing Dinah across from her, "hey can't sleep?" "I woke up and can't go back to sleep." "Alz, Ill call the hotel and see if they found your blanket." "Okay thanks." Dinah could see the girl was sad. She was not her cheerful self. "Do you wanna come and cuddle?"Dinah asks. Ally hesitated for a moment but then nodded. She got out of her bunk and Dinah helped her up. Ally cautiously laid down. "Hey nothing to be afraid of." Dinah senses her nervousness. Ally relaxes a bit. Dinah wraps an arm around her and hums in her ear. The smaller girl started to feel more calm and almost little. She tried fighting it but it was no use, she needed it. Ally gurgled and giggles. "I like when you hum! I feel safe!" Dinah chuckles "Well I'm glad you feel better, now let's try get more sleep. Dinah ended up falling asleep quick. Ally was wide awake. She wanted more cuddles and humming. Dinah's voice made her feel calm. She began crying softly. Dinah didn't wake up, she was fast asleep. Ally ended up falling asleep.

It was 6:30am and Normani first woke up. She passed by Ally's bunk and it was empty. Ally is an early riser she thought. She looked around and no sign of Ally. She frantically looked around until she saw Ally cuddled with Dinah. "Awww.." Normani thought it was so cute she took a picture of them on her phone. Lauren got up and walked next to her "Aww that's cute. Now move I have to use the restroom." "Someone is grumpy." Lauren rolls her eyes and walks past her. Normani looked at the time, they all had to be up by 7. "Hey guys you have to get up!!" Normani shook Dinah and Ally lightly. Dinah groans and tries pushing her away. Ally slowly opens her eyes. "Morning!" Normani says. Ally looks at her rubbing her eyes. "You okay?" "I sleep with Dinah cause I wake up in the middle of the night!!" "Aww well we gotta get going in 10 minutes. Ally didn't want to be big today. "Dinahhh hey get up!!" Normani shouts making Ally jump. "I'm up I'm up!!" Dinah rubs her eyes. "Hey how'd you sleep?" Dinah noticing Ally's eyes looking red and glassy. "Good!" Ally smiles and walks away. Dinah worries about her. Ally felt a twinge in her bladder, she ran to the bathroom and it was locked. "Hey I'm in here!!" Dinah shouted. Ally backed away without saying anything. She figured she could hold it and went back to her bunk. Dinah asked Normani and Lauren if it was them who tried opening the door, it wasn't. She asked Ally. No answer. "Hey do you have to go now?" Ally shook her head. Dinah noticed her body language. "Maybe you should try..." Ally just stayed there looking down at her fingers. "Hey Alz, what's the matter?"Dinah was worried for the girl. Ally started to cry again. "We'll find your blanket okay? I won't ever give up!!" Ally shook her head. "Of course we will, we can't give up!" "Cmon we have to go soon." Ally stayed there sitting. Dinah reaches over and her hand touches a damp spot. "Huh?" She moved her own blanket and it was wet. Ally ended up crying harder. "Aww shhhh shhh it's okay, it happens sometimes. I'm not mad okay? We can put it in a bag and the next stop we can wash it along with your clothes. And we don't have to tell the others either." Ally sat there crying. She couldn't believe this was happening. "Why don't you get changed atleast?"no answer. Dinah walked to get a trash bag and put the blanket in. "Now let's get the sheets in here and your clothes." "Guys cmon we gotta go!!" Lauren shouts walking close to Dinah. "What's going on?" Ally cried even harder. "Why is Ally crying??" "Um let's go over there." Dinah points to the back room. "Ally had an accident. I was in the bathroom and I guess she had to go bad. I told her it was nothing to be ashamed of but she's still crying, I don't know what to do." "Hey relax, everything will be okay, she's gonna be okay. Breathe." Dinah nods. They walk out and see Normani comforting the girl. "Hey Um I was wondering where you guys were." "Cmon Ally let's get you out of those clothes. We'll take care of the rest." Ally looks at Dinah and makes grabby hands. Dinah helps the girl get out of the bunk. They go to the back room where all of their stuff are stored. "I sowwy." Ally says quietly. "Please don't apologize, not your fault." "Now let's see here." Dinah looks in Ally's bag. She pulled out a clean pair of undies that had ponies of them. Then a pair of black shorts and a pink sweater that said "sunshine" on it. "I'll leave so you can- "NO DONT LEAVE!" Ally shouts. "I mean um.." "I can stay but I thought you wanted privacy." Ally just stares at her, wanting help but didn't know how to ask. "Do you need something?" "Es.." "okay what is it?" "do it for me?" "Oh sure!" Dinah gets on her knees and pulls down her pyjama pants. Again kid underwear. It confused her a bit but whatever made her friend happy. Dinah pulled down the underwear. And took off Ally's matching pyjama top. She kinda smelled and Dinah looked in her bags cause she remembered she packed baby wipes for her baby cousins. "Do you wanna do this part?" There was no answer. "Please tell me to stop if it makes you uncomfortable." Dinah slowly cleans her, the girl flinched from the cold wipes. "I'm sorry!" Dinah exclaims. "All done here." She helps her put on her clothes. When she got the sweater and underwear on. Ally playfully kicked Dinah away. "Cmon we need to put on your bottoms." "NO!!" Ally giggled and runs out. "Hey!!" Dinah shouts. Ally laughed and ran all over the bus meeting Normani and Lauren sitting on the couch. "Look flappy!!" Ally flaps her sleeves, the sweater was a tad bit big for her. "Hey Ally, we called the hotel and they found your blanket!!" Ally stops and jumps up and down. "Really??? Can we get it now?!?" "We can after glam." Ally pouted. "I wan it now!!" She falls to the floor throwing a tantrum. Lauren and Normani were shocked, but tries comforting their friend any way. "Or we can try get it now." Lauren suggests. "No you didn't say that!" Ally crosses her arms. "Hey well we can try?" Normani asks. Ally lays on the ground kicking her feet and crying more. They realized she wasn't wearing any bottoms. "Hey what's going on?" Dinah comes in out of breath with a pair of shorts. "The hotel found her blanket." "Ally THATS good news!!" Dinah says. "But we might have to get it later on.." Normani whispers. "Oooh. Well let me talk to her." Normani nods. "I gotta call Simon we'll be late." Lauren says walking away from them. Normani follows her. "Hey Alz, can you be a good girl get get up please?" Ally lays down for a bit but then eventually gets up. "That wasn't nice for you to yell.. we can't always get our way." Ally nods "i sowwy I hardly slept." "I know but please don't yell again." "Okay." "Good now let's put your shorts on.

Normani and Lauren walk in seeing Ally cradled in Dinah's lap,humming to the smaller girl. "So good news, today is cancelled! We get to get your blanket!!" Normani exclaims. Ally claps. "Why what happened?" Dinah asks confused. Almost everyone on our team got the stomach bug last night." "Oh ewww." Dinah makes a grossed out face. "Blanky today?" "Yes we can get your blanky right now!" "Let's goo!" The smaller girl jumped out of her lap. Lauren let the bus driver know and he drove them back. The girls went to the front desk and a woman handed Ally her blanket. "Thank you!" Ally exclaims. "Where was it anyway?" Dinah asks. "In one of the gym's." "Ohhh oops." Ally says. The woman chuckles, "it's a good thing our cleaning staff saw it. Is there anything else we could do for you?" "Nope! Thank you for finding it!" Ally cuddles it. "Aww you're welcome." They walk away back to the bus. Ally runs to the sofa and feels the fabric against her cheek. "I'm so glad you're reunited with your special blanky!" Dinah says. "Thank you for helping esp you Dinah!" "Aww it was no problem." Lauren says and Normani agrees.

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