New Caregiver (Alren)

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TW throwing up.

Lauren was being quiet all day. It was unlike her. She was the most assertive and talkative out of the group. "Lo, you okay?" Ally asked worriedly. Lauren nods. "You know you can come to me or any of the other girls if something is bothering you right?" "Yes." Ally smiled but didn't want to keep bothering her about it. As soon as the girls got to the hotel, Lauren rushed to the bathroom. The girls were worried about her. She thrown up. She felt sick. Tears streamed down her face. She flushed the toilet and rinsed her mouth. "Lauren? You okay??" Dinah knocks on the door. The door cracks open and it's Ally "sorry to interrupt but we could hear you." Lauren started tearing up. Her tummy also hurt. "My t-tum tum hurts." Pointing to it. "Okay well let's get you in bed." Dinah and Ally lead her to one of the hotel beds. "What did you eat?" Lauren shrugs. Ally feels her head "hmm she feels a bit clammy." "I wan pedialyte!!" Lauren says. Ally and Dinah look at each other. "Isn't that for kids?" Ally laughs. "I am a kid!!" She didn't know what to say. "You sure are honey!" Ally says. Lauren laughs. Normani walks in "Hey what's wrong?" Looking at Lauren worriedly. "She isn't feeling well, she was throwing up." Dinah says. "Aw poor baby. Just take it easy for the rest of the night Lo." Lauren nods. "So someone is gonna go out and get the pedialyte?" Dinah asks. "I'll do it!" Normani says. "I'll come with!" Dinah exclaims. They walk out of the hotel room. "How are you feeling now baby?" "Yucky." Lauren pouts. "Aw I'm sorry I wish I could make it feel better for you." Lauren cuddles into Ally more.

20 minutes later, Normani and Dinah came back with a bag full of things. "I thought you two were gonna get the pedialyte?" Ally asked. "You can't trust Dinah to just get 1 thing.." Normani looks at Dinah. "What?! I wanted snacks!!" Ally and Normani laugh to themselves. Ally went to get the pedialyte and a cup, brought it to Lauren in bed. "Here you go sweetie." "T-tanks.." she stares at the cup nervously. "What's the matter?" "I-um.. nevermind.." Lauren takes the cup and looks down it in. She took a small sip. "Does it taste bad?" Dinah asks. Lauren shook her head. "Okay well take your time." Lauren took another sip and then another til she tilted the cup too much and spilled it all over her. "Oh shit!" Dinah yelled. Lauren ended up crying. "Aww shhh Lauren it's okay." Ally helped her clean up and get out of the bed. "I'll call room service." Normani says. "I-I sowwy.." Lauren says to Ally. "Hun, it's okay, things happen, you're sick. Now let's get you out of this shirt." Ally took her hand and lead her into the bathroom. "Here give me your shirt and you can take a quick shower so you won't be sticky!" Lauren takes off her shirt and bra and gives it to Ally who walks out. Lauren felt alone. She didn't want to do this herself but she had no choice. She didn't want to bother the others, she caused them enough trouble. She slid down her pants and looked in the mirror. She had hello kitty underwear on which made her happy and jump up and down. "Everything good?" Dinah knocks on the door chuckling hearing Lauren giggling. "Uh yeah!!" Lauren shouts back. "Okay babe." Lauren feels embarrassed and quickly showers. It was hard and she felt like she didn't wash herself well. "ALLY!!!" She shouts out. A few seconds later, "Yes?" Ally's voice outside the door. "Is everything okay?" "Um..." There was no answer. "I'm coming in, is that okay?" There was no answer again so Ally slowly opened the door. Lauren sat in the shower curled up in a ball. "Hey, what's the matter baby?" Ally crouched down worriedly. Lauren pouted and didn't say anything, she wanted to be babied but didn't know how to ask. Ally grabs a nearby towel, "here why don't you dry yourself off, first." Ally reaches her hand out. Lauren looks up at the smaller girl who has a reassuring smile. Lauren feels safe and grabs Ally's hand who helps her get out the tub. Ally wraps the towel around the girl. "There we go!!" Lauren giggles. "Do you want me to get your clothes- Ally is cut off when Lauren walks out of the bathroom with a towel around her. "That girl has no shame." She thought to herself and followed her back to the room where Normani and Dinah were cuddling in bed. "Hey Lo, feeling better?" Dinah asks. Lauren nods. "Uh need help with anything?" Normani asks noticing Lauren looking unsure about something in her bag. "Umm." Ally caught up with Lauren. "Ally!!!" Lauren's voice perks up. "Here why don't we settle in the other room okay?" Lauren nods. Ally grabs her bag and leads the way into the other bedroom. Lauren jumps on the bed and starts giggling. "Hey Lo, lets get you dressed before you get more sick okay?" "Okay.." Lauren stopped her antics and looked worriedly at Ally who's looking through her bag. Her hand felt something fluffy and Ally brought it out. "D-do you want to wear this?" Lauren was shaking at this point and backing away from Ally. "Hey it's okay, you have nothing to be ashamed about. I'm not going to judge you." Ally rubbed the girl's hands. "Okay.. I-I never told anyone this before." Lauren saying teary eyed. "Aw honey, it's okay." Ally said with a reassuring smile. Lauren was still shaking and scared. Ally sat on the bed with her and rubbed her back til she calmed down a bit. "Do you want me to leave or do you need help?" Lauren looks at her nervously. "It's okay if you need help." Lauren nods. "Okay baby, why don't you lay down so I can get this on you." "Wait!! You need the baby powder." Lauren points to her bag. "Oh! Of course!" Ally looks in and brings it out. "Okay honey, lets do this." Lauren cautiously laid down, she always wanted this before but never in a million years thought it would be one of her friends caring for her. Ally sprinkles the powder in the diaper and puts it on her. Lauren couldn't believe it, she had done it way more perfect than Lauren ever did it herself. "What?" Ally asks. "Huh?" Lauren asks confused. "I saw you looking around." "Oh um you put it on better than I do! It comfy!" "Aw I'm glad honey. So what do you want to wear? I was thinking of this one you would look adorable in it!!" Ally holds up a lilac onesie. She nods happily. "Okay sweetie." She helps Lauren get dressed, Lauren blushes a few times while this is happening. Ally takes notice of this and giggles. "All done! Now let's dry your hair." Ally getting her blow dryer out and plugging in near by. "I like the air in my face!!" Lauren shouts. Ally giggles and playfully puts it in her face a few times. Lauren laughs. Dinah walks in. "Hey what's so funny?" Lauren giggles covering her mouth. "She's entertained by the blow dryer." Ally says. "Aww that's so cute." Dinah says. She watches Ally blow dry Lauren's hair for her and thought it was the sweetest thing. "Well guys, I'm gonna hit the hay, after today Im tired!!" "Okay good night Dinah!" Ally says. "Night INAH!!" Lauren shouts out. Dinah smiles and walks out. Ally is now brushing Lauren's hair. "Um Dinah know?" "Know what honey?" "Um this?" Ally figured she was talking about caring for her. "I think so, she seemed to be okay with it." Lauren felt a little embarrassed, Dinah had seen her in a onesie and you could totally tell she was wearing. Ally heard sniffles coming from the girl. "Hey what's the matter? Am I brushing too hard?" She shakes her head. "Baby, Dinah would never judge you. I promise." Lauren whines. "Pinky promise." Ally holds out her pinky and Lauren shyly links her pinky on Ally's. "Love you." Ally kisses her cheek. "I love you too!!!" Lauren turns around and hugs the smaller girl. "Awww!" Ally hugs her back. "Okay well let's finish with your hair and then we can lay down." Lauren nods. "Um can I have my paci?" "Oh! Yeah sure!" Lauren points to her bag. Ally looks inside and finds a pink sparkly container and opens it. There's 2 pacis, a plain pink one and a green paci with rhinestones all over and Ariel as the centerpiece. On the handle there were beads that spelled "mommy's girl." Ally thought that one was adorable and wondered who was her mommy. "Which one sweetie?" She holds them out. "Um that one!" Lauren points to the Ariel one. "I thought so. It's really pretty!!" "I had that one custom made!!" "Wow!" Ally was impressed. "S-so who's your mommy?" "Um I no have one but I wan one.." Lauren's voice grew softer. "Aww well I'm sure you will soon." Lauren felt a little sad and wanted Ally to be her mommy but didn't want to freak her out. "Well let's see what movies there are!" Ally tries changing the mood. Lauren crawls into bed under the sheets and Ally picked out the Little Mermaid. "It this!!" Lauren pointing to her paci. "Yes baby I thought it'd be perfect!" "Ahhh!" Lauren opens her mouth. "Oh um here you go!" Ally pops the paci in her mouth. Lauren giggles. Shortly after Lauren falls asleep. Ally still had to shower and change herself. She looked at the time and it was already 1am. She didn't realize 4 hours had passed being with Lauren. She slowly got up without trying to wake her. Lauren whines and grabs Ally's arm while still closing her eyes. "Baby, I have to shower." "Hmmmph!!" And she let go. Ally quickly hopped into the shower and changed into her pjs. She heard giggles coming from the other bedroom. She slowly opened the door and saw Dinah tickling Normani on the bed. "Looks like y'all are having a fun night." Normani jumps and hides behind Dinah who also has a shocked look on her face. "What? What happened??" Ally was confused. Dinah looked at Normani who hid her face behind her. "Did I interrupt something? I'm so sorry." Ally about to leave when Dinah calls out her name. "Ally come back! I can explain." Ally slowly walks back in and sits on the edge of the bed. "Mani regresses. I take care of her. I think Lauren regresses too." Ally's eyes went wide. How did she not know about this. "How long has this been happening??" "A few months now. Well Normani has been regressing for about a year but she told me one night and it's brought us closer so now I'm her mommy." "Aww that's sweet. And now we don't have to worry about you two not accepting Lauren. She was scared earlier." "Aw don't worry, I knew exactly what was going on." Dinah smiles. Normani giggles covering her mouth. Ally examined her hair was in pigtails and she had a matching pajama outfit on that was white and teal stripes. "You're so cute Mani." Ally says. "Tanks." "So what are you guys doing up this late?" Ally asks. "This girl woke up around 12 and now she won't go back to sleep." "Because you tickled her!" Ally shouts out. Dinah chuckles "Hey not my fault!" Normani tugs on Dinah's shirt. "When can I see Lauwen?" "Well baby, it's past midnight and she's sleeping right now, we should all go to bed." "Aw but I not tired!!" Normani rubs her eyes. "I think you are, you're getting cranky." "Am not!" "Cmon baby, lets go." "Um I gotta potty first." "Okay sweetie, thanks for telling me." Dinah followed the girl to the bathroom. Ally observed the interaction, she thought it was so adorable. "Let's close the door since Ally is around okay?" "N-no!! I no wan it scary!!" "I don't mind, I'll just turn around." Ally says and so she does. Normani was done. "Okay baby, lets wash your hands and I can read you a bed time story." "Otay!!" Normani quickly washes her hands and goes crashing into bed next to Ally. "Good night Ally!!" "Night Mani! Night Dinah." Ally goes over to Dinah and hugs her. "Thank you." "It's no problem. It's nice having 2 regressors and 2 caregivers now." Ally didn't realize it til now and wondered if Lauren would want her to be her mommy. "Yeah night!" Ally walked out and walked back into the other bedroom where Lauren was sound asleep. Ally crawled into bed without waking her up and drifted asleep.

8am and Ally woke up, Lauren wasn't in bed. She panicked. "Lauren? LAUREN!!" She ran and looked all over the room and the bathroom. She opened the door and met with Dinah. "Hey morning!" Dinah said. She was surprised Dinah was up this early. "Where's Lauren?" "Oh she came into our room a couple hours ago, she didn't want to wake you up. Said she felt embarrassed about what happened. We talked and her and Mani talked." "Okay but where is she??" "Oh in the living room playing with Mani." Ally raced to the living room to see Lauren giggling with Normani playing with blocks. "Hi Ally!!!" Lauren waves at her. "I was so worried about you!!" Ally says. "I sorry but you wasn't waking up and so I let dinah know." "Know what sweetie?" Lauren blushes. "She pee." Normani points and giggles. "Aww okay well I'm glad you let Dinah know. And I'm sorry I didn't wake up. I was extra tired." "It okay." "I'm gonna get something to eat, did you eat?" Lauren nods. "Pancakes!!" "Yum!" Ally walks to Dinah who's washing the dishes. "There's extra pancakes in the fridge." "Oh thanks. And thanks for taking care of Lauren." "Ally, it's no problem!" Ally sits at the island and eats. Dinah finishes up and sits next to her. "So are you and Lauren a thing now?" Ally looked at her with wide eyes. "No.. why would you think that?" "Ally, I saw the way you looked when you couldn't find Lauren. Or are you her mommy at least?" Ally shrugs, "I don't think she wants me to be her mommy." "I'm sure she would, I mean her paci says mommy's girl and she doesn't even have one. And you've been caring for her so why not ask?" Ally shook her head, "I don't think so." "Well I think Lauren would love it." Dinah walks away. Ally thought for a moment then finished her food. She felt a tap on her back, it was Lauren. "Hey baby what's the matter?" "My finger." She holds out her pointer finger to Ally. "What happened baby?" "Um the blocks fall on my finger and it hurted." "Aww well it's not bleeding or anything." "Kiss it better?" "Of course baby." "Mm-wah!" Ally kisses it. "Again!!" Ally kisses it a few more times while Lauren giggles. "There all better!!" "Tanks um mo I mean Ally!" Lauren seemed nervous. "Baby, you want me to be your mommy?" "Uh no!" "Sweetie, it's okay if it's yes. I would love to be your mommy." Lauren looked down playing with her fingers for awhile. "Y-yes." She looks at Ally. "Okay it's settled then!" "Mommy!!!" "Yes Baby?" "I love you!!" "I love you too!" Ally kisses her cheek. "Aw someone is happy." Dinah overhears them. "She now my mommy!!" "Aww that's awesome!!" Lauren jumps up and down with Normani who's also excited. "C'mon Lauren i show you my dolls!!" Normani pulls Lauren by the arm and they run into the bedroom. "See I told you she wanted it." "Did you know something?" "Okay fine, she told me this morning she wanted you to be her mommy. I told her that I was sure you'd want to." Dinah says. "I knew it!" Dinah chuckles "but everything worked out in the end right?" "Yeah yeah." "Oh you love me Ally." "Yeah I do." Ally laughs.

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