Babied Ally & y/n

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You were trying to be big. You hadn't seen Ally in awhile. She had been busy with her career. You understood that but it was hard not seeing her a lot like before. You had a little crush on Ally, she had no idea. You told the others and they always told you to tell her because she probably felt the same way but you were scared. Scared of rejection and scared of her judging you for being an age regressor. Ally brought a sense of calmness and a safe place where you instantly felt small. She would always look out and care for you. The only person who knew this was Lauren, since she was also a regressor too.

It was a Sunday, 11am, you hadn't seen Ally in a month. Last night you cried looking at texts between you two. The last time you two texted was a couple weeks ago. You sighed and changed out of your onesie and into a t shirt and shorts. You went to the bathroom and walked to the kitchen to get a drink. That's when you heard your name being called. "Y/NNN!!" You shot up and thought you were imagining things at first but then you realized it was Ally. "Y/N!!" She called out again and knocked on the front door. "Answer me!!!" You ran to the door and opened it. There stood your favorite person in the whole wide world. "ALLY!!" You jump into her arms. You instantly felt safe and loved. "Aww I missed you too." She laughs. You let go of her. "Sorry it's just that we haven't seen each other for awhile and" Ally cuts you off "Its okay Y/N" she follows you into your house. "I have a few days off and I decided to visit! I'm sorry I've been a bad friend, I've been busy in the studio." "Ally it's fine, you're not a bad friend. I understand." You give her a reassuring smile. "Thanks y/n you always know how to make me feel better. She hugs you. You couldn't get enough of her hugs. You were starting to feel small just in a matter of a few minutes. "So any plans?" She pulls away. You shrug. "Is something wrong?" You plop yourself on the sofa and twiddle your thumbs. "Y/N?" Ally sits next to you looking concerned. "You okay?" "I guess" Ally takes one of your hands and holds it. "You know you can tell me anything." You nod. "I've just been stressing out a lot I don't know..." "Aw well why don't we just have a chill day." "O-okay." You smile slightly. Ally had a feeling something else was up but decided not to ask anymore. She turned on the tv and turned on a movie, The Fault In Our Stars was playing. "Ansel is cute." Ally comments. Your heart breaks a little. You don't say anything, you just keep your eyes on the movie. Ally noticed you. "Come here baby." She motions you to cuddle with her. You nod and cuddle into her side. She smiles and kisses the top of your head. You felt protected. You eventually fell asleep holding onto Ally. Ally found it adorable. "Awww baby y/n!" She whispered to herself. Ally watched the rest of the movie herself and then checked her phone for awhile. She would occasionally look at you sleeping contently and smile. You wake up and rubs your eyes. "What time is it??" "Hey Y/N had a nice nap? It's 3:45!" "How long was I asleep??" "Almost 2 hours." "Oh my god I'm sorry!" "Hey y/n it's fine, I didn't mind at all. You need the rest. I found it cute." You blush. "Aw is my baby blushing??" "Am not!!" You shout out. "I'm playing y/n." You let out an awkward laugh. She gives you a comforting smile and laughs a bit. "You're so cute. I love you, you know that?" You were shocked. Was Ally confessing feelings or was this just her motherly personality? You nod "I love you too." "Y/N, I really love you, how do I say this without coming off too strong?" She face palms herself. You sat there in shock not knowing what to say. "Y/N, I think I like you more than a friend." Her voice became soft towards the end but understandable. You couldn't believe it. "I'm sorry, just let that go. uh forget I said that." "NO!" You shout out making Ally jump. "I mean, I like you too. I always did but I was too scared you weren't gonna feel the same way." "Aww baby, I think I've liked you for awhile but only recently realized when we weren't together for awhile I would really miss you." You were still in shock. "I missed you a lot too." Ally cupped your face and gently placed a soft kiss on your lips." She pulled away shyly. "Wow." Is all you could say. She giggles. "You're so cute!!" Ally throws her arms out and hugs you tight. You laugh "Ally stop!!" She picked you up and swung you around. "Ally!!!" You laugh. She put you down when she got tired and was out of breath. "I love you y/n I'm glad we both feel the same way! So do you want something to eat?" She walks into the kitchen. "Ally, no let me, you're the guest!" "Nonsense let me take care of you!" "No Ally it's okay, you rush near her, back against the fridge. "Why are you acting like this?? You love when I cook for you." You had your princess sippy cup in the fridge and didn't want Ally to find it. "We can order pizza instead?" You suggest. "Okay sounds good." You both walk over to the sofa and Ally orders it through her phone. "Alrighty, 15 minutes!" You give her a thumbs up. "What's going on? You've been acting strange." You let out a long sigh and almost want to cry. This was vulnerable for you. You didn't want to scare Ally away. "Baby, hey what's going on?" "I'm scared." "Scared of what? I'm never going to judge you okay?" She wipes your tears away with her thumb. "Uh well only Lauren knows, idontknowifshetoldyoubut..." You look up and Ally is looking at you rubbing your back. You looked at her and the fridge, your hands, you became fidgety and you felt yourself being little around Ally. Stressful situations made you regress. "Ummm there!" You point to the fridge." "Huh?" "The thing I wanna tell you it's in there!" Ally was a bit confused but walked over and opened the fridge and looked around. You were shaking at this point. Ally saw the sippy cup and brought it over to you. "Is this it?" You nod and cried. "Aw baby, please don't cry!! It's nothing to be embarrassed about! I love and accept you for who you are!! I also knew about Lauren." She smiles at you and kisses your cheek. "Oh." You say feeling stupid. "It's okay Y/N. So do you want your sippy?" You were confused. "I've been Lauren's caregiver a couple times." You were shocked and also mad Lauren never told you this. "Ohhhh. But you love me more right?" "Of course y/n, I'm just a platonic caregiver to her." "Okay good." Ally giggles. She gives you the sippy and you drink what was left. "Aw no it empty!" You pout. "That's okay, I can get you more?" You nod. "Juice pease!!" "Of course!!" Ally fills it up and gives it back to you. "Here you go baby!" You take it "Thanks!!" Ally watches you with a smile. "So what's your age?" "Umm I 'tis many!!" You hold up 3 fingers. "But sometimes I'm younger!" "Aww okay." The door bell rings. "THE PIZZA IS HERE!!" You shout. Ally laughs "I'll get it!!" Ally answers the door and gets the pizza. "alright baby lets eat!!" You excitedly run to the dining table and Ally gets out some plates and napkins. You pout. "What's the matter?" "I wan my princess plate." "Oooh okay it's no problem!!" You point to a cabinet and she gets it for you. "Aww this is adorable!!" She places a slice for you on the plate and one for herself. "Okay lets dig in!!" You were starving and ate messily. "Slow down baby you're gonna get a tummy ache." Every time she called you baby, you would feel little.

You and Ally both ate 2 slices. You had pizza sauce all over your face and hands. Ally couldn't help to laugh. "You're so cute!!" Ally finds some baby wipes in a drawer and helps you clean up. "There we go all better now!!" "Yay!!!" You clap your hands. "Um I.." You look down and tug on your shorts. "Oh.. okay, do you need to potty?" You nod. "Okay let's go." You hesitate a bit but then follow her to the bathroom. "Do you need help with anything?" You just stood there, you didn't know what to say or do. "Y/N you okay?" You start to cry. "Hey what's wrong?" Ally comforts you. You just cry harder. Ally tried her best comforting you but you kept crying. "Why don't you potty and we can take a nap after?" You shake your head. "But I thought you had to potty?" "I-I did.." "ohhhh. Baby it's okay." You fall into her arms crying even more. Ally pulls you into a hug and comforts you. You calm down a bit. "There's that pretty face I love seeing!" You smile. You point to your shorts. "Okay lets do this, no judging." You nod. You let out a sigh and slid your pants down, you were scared you what she'd think of you since you had a slight accident but nothing. She had no weirded out reaction like you were expecting. "Lets get you out of this clothes." "Um I need to potty more." You say quietly. "And that's okay." Ally walks out so you can do your business. When the toilet flushes she comes back in and takes your soiled clothes. "I can wash these." "Do you have protection?" You point to your closet and show her where you hide your pull ups. "Aww you don't have to hide anything from me okay?" "Okay." You were still shocked at how much Ally was willing to care for you. Ally helped you get dressed and put you into a lavender colored onesie. "Open up!" She holds a pink paci up to you that says "baby girl." You take it. You walk to bed and Ally tucks you in. "Um can you sleep next to me?" "Of course, I'm a little tired myself." Ally gets herself comfortable next to you. "Sweet dreams baby" She caresses you t you fall asleep and soon she falls asleep too.

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