Bad reaction (Normani)

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Normani and Lauren were dating, it's been almost a year. They were a great couple but there was one thing, Lauren had no idea about Normani's regression. She didn't know how to bring it up or how her girlfriend would react. She had heard of some other littles telling their significant others and they understood, so it gave her some hope. She would only regress when Lauren wasn't home and hid every thing in a special bag in her closet. Sometimes she would drink out of her Disney princess cup but Lauren didn't seem to notice. She had some bodysuits that she used as onesies. She had small ways of being little without it being too obvious. Normani was currently waiting for Lauren to come home. Tonight was the day she was about to come clean. She was nervous but wanted to show Lauren her true self. She heard the door unlock and her girlfriend stepped inside. "Hey babe! Sorry I was stuck in traffic!" "It's okay.." Lauren walks over to Normani on the couch. "Is every thing okay?" Lauren asked worried and sitting next to her. "Y-yeah.." "Babe, you know you can tell me anything." "Um I'm into age regression." Normani says quickly and can't look at Lauren. "What?" "Um I'm into age- "I heard what you said." Lauren cuts her off. "Oh's my coping mechanism when I get too stressed." Lauren stared at her. Normani was terrified. "What do you think of it?" Lauren looks at her up and down. She rubs her temples in her hands and groans. Normani felt hurt. "I'm tired, I'm going to bed." Lauren got up and headed to their shared room. Normani started to cry softly. She felt alone. She was worried for a reaction like this. She didn't even wanna sleep in the same bed as her girlfriend. She decided to sleep on the couch tonight.

It was the next morning and Normani woke up at 9am, Lauren was already up and dressed. She was watching tv but sitting away from her. Normani felt even more alone. It was like she wasn't even there. "Morning!" She said to Lauren. She didn't even respond. Normani pouted. She got the idea to go on Lauren's lap, she always loved her cuddles. "I missed cuddling with you last night." Normani says getting up and walking towards her girlfriend. She sits on her lap, she feels Lauren tense up but ignored it. "Love you babe." Lauren fake smiles, "get off you're heavy." "What the fuck Lo, why are you being like this?!?" Normani jumps off. Lauren sighs, "a couple months ago, I found a pacifier in the bedside drawer.." "YOU WERE LOOKING THROUGH MY STUFF?!" "What no! I was looking for my charger and I thought you had it and I randomly saw it." "Okay and you weren't gonna ask me about it?" "Uh no, cause I figured it would go away or I don't know, I don't wanna talk about this." Lauren says about to walk away. "Wait, stop!" Normani grabs her wrist. "What do you have against this? It makes me happy. I was doing this before we started dating!" "It's just fucking weird. Why can't do you something else to relax? Like yoga or shit." "Because this make me happy!!" Normani shouted on the verge of tears. "I don't know Mani, I don't think I can be with someone who's into this." "But it's not a kink!! It helps me cope! Even Ally knows about it! She's the one who bought me that princess cup!" "What else is there huh?" Normani sat on the floor, her mouth quivering wanting to cry more. "Get the fuck off the floor please.." Lauren rolls her eyes and walks into the study room and slams the door. Normani quickly texted Ally.

Mani- I told Lauren and she's mad at me 😢

Ally- Aw sweetie, I'm sorry!! Maybe give her some time?

Mani- she hurt my feelings

Ally- *hugs* you know I'm always here for you. ❤️ where are you now?

Mani- in the living room. Lo in the study room, she slam the door reawy loud! 😢

Ally- Aw sweetie, do you want me to come over?

Mani- no cause she will get even madder!!

Ally- okay, well I'm always here for you if you need anything.

Mani- I'm crying 😭

Ally- it's okay, are you sure you don't want me to get you?

Mani- okay..

Ally- okay I'll be right there, I can handle Lauren.

Ally was someone Normani could count on since the day they met. She told Ally about her regression a few months ago and she had open arms. They have gotten closer. There was one time where Lauren was on tour and Normani stayed back because of her own work schedule. But on certain days she had the day off or nights, Ally would act as a care giver to her. It just came naturally to her. She didn't ask Ally to do it.

Normani got up and washed her face, she looked in the mirror "ugh I'm a mess."
There was a text from Ally. "I'm outside!" Normani couldn't help to smile. She opened the door and there Ally stood. "Oh Mani, I'm so sorry!!" Hugging her. "I-its okay.." Ally looked in "so where's Lauren?" "Still in thewe." Normani points now talking as her little self. "Ohh okay, well do you wanna spend a little day with me?" "Okay!!" Normani jumps up and down. Lauren comes out hearing Normani. "What the- oh hey Ally!" Ally crosses her arms. "What's going on?" "Why can't you accept her? She just wants acceptance Lo." "Not this shit again." Normani falls to the ground crying. "See look what you did!" Ally says and consoles the girl. "So what, have you been with her? Is this what it is?" "Wait what? No!" "I see it now." Lauren says. "Lo, I'd never come in between your relationship!" "Right well, I'm sorry but I can't be with someone who acts like this. I'm sorry Mani." The dark skinned girl cries harder. "N-no Lauren please don't leave me!!" "I'm sorry but this is just too weird for me." Lauren hugs her. "Wish you the best in life." "B-but- "it's okay, you can move in with me til we figure something out, okay?" Ally says to Normani comforting her. She nods. "You have a day to pack up your stuff." Lauren says. "O-okay.." "Well I gotta go to work, I'll see you around? Maybe?" Lauren walks out the door. "Mani, I am so sorry." "It's okay Ally, I was prepared for this." "You're a strong girl, you know that right?" Normani chuckles and hugs Ally tight. They pack up Normani's things into bags and a couple of boxes. "You can stay with me as long as you'd like, Mani. Don't ever feel like you're a bother. I care for you." "Thanks Ally this means a lot." Normani shifts in her seat. Ally notices the girl fidgeting in her seat a lot on the ride to Ally's house. "You okay??" "Huh? Uh yeah I'm fine." "Okay.."
They arrived at Ally's place and carried everything into the house. Normani quickly looked through the stuff. "What you looking for?" Normani stops "NOTHING!" Ally raises an eyebrow. "Mani, just tell me, no judgement." "It's um I need to change.." She says looking down. "Aw do you need some help?" "I was so busy with getting my stuff I forgot to use the bathroom! This is so embarrassing I'm sorry!" "It's okay you don't have to apologize, I'm here to help you remember?" "Yeah but who does this?? That's my age? Maybe that's why Lauren left me maybe that's why I'm weird and- "shhh mani, stop, you're fine just the way you are." Ally hugs her. "Do you need extra clothes?" She shakes her head. "Um I wearing.." "oh okay, I still have some of your diapers in the bathroom!" No matter how many times Ally helped her, she was still shocked at how willingly Ally was to help her every time. She followed the shorter girl into the bathroom. "Here you go Mani!" She pulled out a couple of pink diapers. "Tanks." "I'll help okay?" She nods. Ally helps her get cleaned up. "There you go!" kisses the top of Normani's head. "Tank you ally!!" "No problem sweetie! Now let's get your things unpacked!" "Okay!"

The 2 girls were unpacking her stuff when in the middle of it, Normani sat on the floor and rubbed her eyes. "What's the matter?" "I tired!!" "Do you wanna take a nap?" "Es pease." "Okay don't worry about your stuff, I can continue while you nap." Normani jumps on Ally's bed. "I wanna sleep in your bed cause it's sof!" Ally chuckles "okay dear." She tucks the girl in. "Sleep tight little one." Ally kisses her forehead and Normani closes her eyes.

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