Trying it out (Laurinah)

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Lauren and Dinah were best friends. Super close to where people thought they were dating. Lauren dealt with incontinence. She was ashamed and tried to hide but one day couldn't when she was over at Dinah's apartment.
They were lounging around on their phones, both on Dinah's bed. A couple of hours has passed, Lauren rested her head on Dinah's shoulders looking through social media. That's when she felt it. She had no control over it. A huge wave of panic overcame her body. She was frozen. She didn't know what Dinah would think of her. This was a huge issue she couldn't control and it was just getting worse. Lauren didn't know what to do. If she got up and ran, Dinah would see and get mad for ruining her sheets. She couldn't just stay there being uncomfortable. "Hey, you okay?" Dinah looks over. Lauren slowly looks back at her. "Yeah I'm fine." "Are you sure? I felt you tense up." "I'm fine Dinah." "Okay, I was just wondering." Dinah goes back on her phone. Lauren still doesn't know what to do. "Lauren, are you sure?" "Yes. I'm just great!" Dinah notices a change in her mood. "Alright then." She watches Lauren from the corner of her eye, fidgeting and looking around. Lauren started to cry softly. "Hey, what's wrong? Baby?" Dinah instantly comforts her. Soft sniffles and tears rolling down her face. "Y-You're gonna hate me." "What? I'd never hate you?? I love you, you know that." Lauren shakes her head and cries more. Dinah comforts her and tries bringing her into her lap. Lauren fights her. "Hey hey, what's going on?" Lauren starts to panic even more. Dinah tries comforting her more and brings her on her lap. Her eyes went wide. She looked where Lauren was but didn't say anything. Lauren cried harder. "Shhh shh it's okay. Everything is okay." A few minutes have passed. "Are you nervous about something Lo? Is that why?" "You're gonna think I'm gross!" "No never baby. I want to help you, okay?" "Pinky promise no tell anyone?" Lauren holds out her pinky. "Of course, pinky promise." Dinah locks pinkies. "Um well I been have accidents randomly and I can't control it, I don't know why this is happening. I feel so worthless." Lauren begins tearing up again. "Hey shhh baby, it's okay, nothing to be ashamed about. You're not worthless, it's just something you have to deal with at the moment. Are you stressing about something?" "N-no, this started a few months ago and now getting worse. It happens twice a day." "Aww baby, I'm sorry. But have you tried wearing diapers?" Lauren stiffened at that word. Dinah chuckled. "Babe, I'm sorry, it was just a suggestion." Lauren wondered about wearing them before but was too worried what others would think of her. "I have some if you wanna try it out." Lauren's eyes went wide, why did Dinah have them at her house?? "Oh I should say that I age regress, meaning it's a coping mechanism for my stress... I wear them sometimes." Lauren didn't know what to say. She had never heard of it but was interested in this. "I hope you still see me the same way.." Dinah looks down. "I do don't worry, I just didn't know what to say... I'm interested in it." "Really??" Dinah looks up. "Yeah it might help me in a way." Dinah felt relieved and excited about this. She never had told anyone else about her secret. She always wanted little friends and it's even better it's someone she already knew. Lauren got off of her and off the bed. "I-I'm sorry." "Hey no worries, you can't control it. I'll go get some clothes for you to wear." Dinah looks in her closet. Lauren stood there awkwardly. She never thought she'd meet someone so accepting of her condition. She always thought she was gross and people would not talk to her if they found out. "Here you go!" Lauren snaps out of her thoughts when Dinah talks to her. "Thanks.." Lauren looks at the diaper, it was pink with princess designs on them. "What's wrong?" Dinah asks. "Huh? Oh nothing I'm sorry." "Hey enough apologizing, you did nothing wrong." Dinah hugs her. "D-do you need help with anything?" "I hope this isn't weird, but I don't know how to put that on.." "Do you want me to do it?" Lauren's face got red. "Um I guess..." "I don't wanna push you into it. Are you sure?" Lauren nods. "Okay then." Dinah grabs her hand and leads her to the bathroom. "C-can you turn the other way?" "We've changed in front of each other many times before." "Yeah but this is different." "Okay." Dinah turns facing the door. Lauren looks down then at Dinah. She slides off her soiled clothes off of her. "you can put your clothes in the tub for now, I'll take care of that." Dinah turns to her. "Holy shit! I wasn't ready for that!" Lauren tries to cover herself. Dinah gives her a comforting smile. "Hey babe, it's okay. Nothing to be ashamed of." Dinah pats her head. Dinah grabs some baby wipes from under the sink and hands it to her. Lauren cleans herself up. "Okay you ready?" Dinah asks. Lauren slowly nods. "You need to lay down on the bed." "W-what?" "I can't put it on you if you're standing. I'll make it quick." This was vulnerable but she knew this would make things easier for her so she agreed. She walked in the room and laid on the bed. Dinah put the diaper on her. "How is it?" Lauren moves uncomfortably. "Weird." Dinah laughs "It takes some time to get used to." Lauren waddles to put a pair of sweatpants on. "You're so cute." "Tanksss!!" Lauren blushes. "Oh shoot, did I say that out loud??" Dinah covers her face. "Aww babe!! It's okay!" "I think you're cute too!" Lauren whispers then giggles. Dinah couldn't stop blushing. She never felt this way towards Lauren before. Or maybe she just didn't realize it. "Hey Lo?" "Yeah?" "C-can I show you something else?" "Okay.." Dinah grabs her hand and leads her out the room and down the hall. "Why are we in front of your cousin's room?" "It not my cousins room.. I'm sowwy I lied." Dinah now speaking as her little self. "Aww it's okay, what's in here?" "I-It my playroom!!!" Dinah takes a key out of her pocket and unlocks the door. She takes a deep breath and opens it. Lauren stood there in awe. There was an alphabet foam play mat on the ground, Disney princess posters on the wall, an adult sized crib and containers full of toys and stuffies! "This my playroom!! You like it??" Lauren was too amazed to talk, she slowly walked in and looked around. "Please tell me what you think!!" "I love it!!! This is so cute!!" Lauren smiling big. "D, you could've told me about this before, I wouldn't have judged you." "I know I'm sowwy." Dinah pouting. "Hey enough pouting, you're too cute for that!" Lauren kisses her on the cheek. Dinah blushes. "Here I'm gonna introduce you to my stuffies!!" Dinah goes to get a bunch of them from a toy chest. She lines them up in a row. Both her and Lauren sit on the mat. "Tis my favorite!! Simba from the lion king!!!" "No surprise there, isn't that the one you used to take on tour?" "Yes." Lauren chuckles "okay who else is there?" "Tis is princess!!" Holding up a pink and white dolphin!! "Hi princess!!" Lauren waves to it. "Tis is Theo!!" Pointing to a creme colored build a bear with a jersey on. "Aw Theo is cute!" Dinah introduced Lauren to all of her stuffies one by one, all 30 of them. "They're all so cute!!" Lauren dying of cuteness. "Tank you I think so too!" Dinah takes out a couple of sippy cups. "I drink from these too sometimes, you wanna try?" "Um.. okay." "Okay I be right back!! You can play with anything! EXCEPT SIMBA!" Dinah runs out of the room. Lauren chuckles to herself and looks around the room. She looks through another drawer and finds a box. In there was some pacifiers. Lauren wondered how it would feel to use one of these. There were also a lot of stickers and coloring books with crayons. In other drawer, onesies. The last drawer, diapers and pull ups. "Oooh these are cute!" She thought. "Holding one out." "Lo?" Lauren jumped at the sound of Dinah's voice. "I'm sorry!! I just got curious I- Dinah cuts her off "it's okay, I barely use them, the pull ups. You can have them if you want." Lauren looked in the drawer, it was a lot. "No I don't want that many, I can't take that from you." "Why not? I don't use them. I like diapers more, it fits my age better." "Your age??" "Oh I meant my little age. I regress to 1-2 years old." "Ooohhhh." Lauren wondered if her little age was older. She was not feeling this diaper, but was interested in the pull ups. "You wanna try one first?" "Yeah!" "I figured, you don't seem too comfortable in that." Lauren slid her pants down and took the diaper off. Her cheeks went red, she had no idea she used them. Dinah didn't seem to notice or care, she disposed it for her. Lauren was shocked once again how Dinah never made comments. She slid on the pull up and smiled. This was something she could get behind. "Oh my you're so cute in those!!" Dinah says coming back. "You think do?" " Yeah you're adorable!!" Lauren shyly smiles and puts her pants back on. She takes one of the sippies and starts drinking. It was apple juice, she had no idea when was the last time she drank it. It reminded her of her childhood. Dinah stood there watching Lauren, her heart fluttered seeing her friend enjoying the juice. "Ahhh!" Lauren finishes drinking. "Thank you!" "You're welcome."

A few hours passed by of the two playing with toys, coloring and watching movies. It was getting late and Lauren had to go home. "Thanks for everything." "Of course Lo, anytime." Dinah and Lauren stood a foot away from each other, both not knowing what to say or do. That is when Lauren leaned in and planted a kiss on Dinah's lips and pulled away. "I'm sorry I don't know what came over me I - " Dinah kisses back. "I love you Lo." Lauren blushes. "So we girlfriends now?" Dinah asks. "Yeah it seems like it." Dinah blushes. "Thanks for not judging me about.. all of this." "No thank you for not judging me!!" Dinah smiles and hugs the girl. Lauren hugs back. "We need another day like this." "I agree." Lauren says. "Oh wait you forgot something!!" Dinah grabs a bag and hands it to her. "What's this?" "It's a little starter kit, plus the pull ups!" "Oh! Wow! Thanks!!" "Anytime." They kiss for one last time and Lauren walks out. "Text me when you get home!!" Dinah yells out. "Okay I will!!" Lauren gets into her car and drives off.

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