Lost Paci (Dinah)

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The girls were on tour. Dinah couldn't find her paci. She swore she took it out last night but no sight of it when she woke up. Panic overcame her body. She couldn't have one of the girls finding it or anyone on their team. She began thinking of the worst scenarios, what the girls would think of her. She started to cry on the hotel bed. Her phone went off, it was Lauren saying she needed to go to glam soon. Dinah didn't feel like going, she didn't wanna be big today but she had to force herself otherwise questions would be raised. She looked all over through the blankets, under her pillow, around the bed, under the bed. Nothing. "Hey what you looking for?" Dinah jumped and turned to Lauren. "Um my phone!" Lauren giggled. "It's in your hand, silly." Dinah looks down. "Oh." She nervously laughs. "You okay? You seem a bit jumpy." "Yeah I'm fine. Well gotta go to glam!" Dinah walks past her. Lauren looks at her weird. "Something is definitely going on." Lauren thought to herself. She went to the bathroom to check her appearance. She just finished with glam. That's when she saw a pacifier on the bathroom counter. Her eyes went wide. "Did Dinah have a secret baby?!" Lauren quickly ran out before anyone saw her.

Dinah was being fidgety during her makeup. Her makeup artist got frustrated at her for not cooperating. "Dinah, you okay?" Ally comforts her seeing the younger girl almost in tears. "Nuh uh." The makeup artist walks out giving them some space. "What's on your mind?" "It nothing Ally, I'm okay." Dinah wiping her tears. "No you're not, you're crying. Something is wrong and I want to help you." Ally caressed her cheek. Dinah slightly smiles. "I can't tell you.. I'm sorry." Ally felt a little hurt, she thought Dinah trusted her enough to be there for her for whatever. "I-I'm sorry Ally. But I can't." "It's okay, I'm here for you if you ever wanna tell me okay?" Ally kisses her cheek. Dinah blushes. She always loved Ally, more than the others. She loved how Ally was always there for her and cared for her like a motherly figure. "So you're gonna be okay getting through the rest of glam?" "Yeah, thanks Ally." "Okay dear." Ally calls the makeup artist back in the room and sits on a chair nearby, holding Dinah's hand. Dinah was calmer this time around. Ally rubbed her thumb in Dinah's hand, it comforted the younger girl.

Lauren and Normani had already got their hair and makeup done. "Can I tell you something Mani? But you need to promise me you won't say anything to the others!!" "Okay, what is it?" Lauren looked around, making sure only they were in the room. Normani looked at her strangely. "I think Dinah has a baby." Normani laughed. "You know she's a virgin right?" Normani still laughing. "Yeah but there was a pacifier in her bathroom.." Normani stopped and looked at her, thinking. "Hmm that is strange." "Did Dinah mention anything?" "No, I went to check myself in her bathroom when she left for glam. I left quickly before anyone saw me. Dinah was acting jumpy earlier and was looking for something." Normani didn't know what to think. "Maybe we just drop it and let Dinah tell us when she's ready." Lauren shrugs. "Yeah I guess that's the best thing to do, but don't worry I won't say anything." "Thank you Mani."

Dinah walked in on her phone. Not looking at them and sitting down on a couch across from them. Normani and Lauren both looked at each other. Why was Dinah ignoring them? "Dinah?" Normani called out. Dinah slowly looked up from her phone. "Yes?" "What's the matter? Are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine." Dinah looks back at her phone. Normani was a bit taken a back. Lauren was right. Something is up with her, she thought. 20 minutes passed and Ally walked in and sat next to Dinah. "Hey, how are you?" "I'm okay." Dinah says quietly. Ally slightly smiled. The girls had a busy day ahead of them, interviews and meetings.
"Are you sure?" Dinah nods but starts tearing up. Ally wanted to help her out but wasn't sure how. Maybe she would open up to her without the other girls around. Ally grabbed her hand "come with me." Dinah shook her head. "C'mon Dinah, lets get away from the others, maybe you'll feel better. We can get a snack too." Dinah looked at Normani and Lauren who were busy on their phones and then at Ally. She slowly got up and followed her.

"So what's going on with them??" Normani asked Lauren. "No idea." Lauren said. She wondered too and wanted to know badly but she figured Dinah would tell them eventually what's going on.

Ally got to her hotel room. Dinah sat on the bed nervously. "Hey what's on your mind hmm?" Ally comforts her. "I said I'm okay." "No you're not you're crying. I want to help you." Dinah sniffles. "Aw sweetie, it's okay. I'm here for you." Ally comforted her. Rubbed her back while being soft spoken. "I need my paci!!" Dinah was instantly in the headspace of a toddler. Ally made her feel little. "What's that?" "Umm never mind." Dinah moves away from Ally. Feeling scared. "Hey tell me what's going on. I won't make fun of you." "A-are you sure? You're still gonna love me?" "Yes of course." Ally kisses her cheek and Dinah scrunches her nose. "Ummmm... I have a... pacifier and I can't find it!!" Dinah was nervous and scared how Ally would take this. "Why do you have a pacifier?" "B-because it help me sleep!" Dinah couldn't even look at Ally. "Hey it's okay you're still my friend. I'm happy you told me." Ally hugs her. Dinah loved hugs, especially Ally's hugs because she felt safe. "I'm scared how Lauren and Normani is gonna take it." Dinah pouts. "Lauren already onto me." Ally's heart broke. She didn't like seeing Dinah like this, scared for her life over something she couldn't control. "I'm sure Lauren will understand if you tell her. She's accepting of people, you know that!" Dinah slightly smiles "but I scared." "I'm sorry baby, it's nothing to be ashamed about, okay? I'm here for you." Ally hugs her. She broke away when Normani came walking in. "Is everything okay?" "No" "Yes" Dinah and Ally say at the same time. Dinah begins to cry. Normani was worried and walked over to the girls. "I'm sorry Mani, I thought she was okay." Normani was confused as to what was happening but tried comforting her. Dinah whispers to Ally "sh-should I tell her?" "Only if you're ready. And I'm sure she'll be okay with it." Dinah looks at Ally and then at Normani. "I'm not okay c-cause I'm a baby." Normani's eyes went wide. Ally decided to take over, she could tell Dinah wasn't gonna be able to explain everything.
"So she basically told me she has a pacifier to help her sleep and she couldn't find it. So since then she's been emotional. I think it's something she can't control, Mani. I've been trying to comfort her all morning." Dinah was hiding in Ally's blanket not wanting to look at both of them. "Wow this came as a shock but I accept her. Dinah, you're still my friend." Normani takes off the blanket. "Reawy??" "Yes, I could never not be your friend!! I love you Dinah." "I love you too!!" Dinah hugs Normani tight. "Well I guess I should say this then.." Normani says. Dinah got nervous again. "Lauren found your pacifier in your bathroom and told me about it. She thought you had a secret baby." They all laugh. "You tell Lauren!" Dinah pointed at Normani. "Are you sure?" Dinah nods. Normani texts Lauren and Lauren comes in holding her pacifier out. "I think this belongs to you?" Dinah couldn't help to smile and clap her hands. "Yess!!! Thank you!!!" Lauren smiles seeing her friend being happy. Dinah takes it. "I was scared cause I didn't want you guys to find out and hate me." "Aw no baby we could never hate you." Lauren says. "Yeah it's cute." Normani says. Dinah blushes. "I love you guys. And thank you." Dinah pulls all 3 into a group hug.

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