Slipping (Alren)

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Lauren was being really emotional today and her girlfriend Ally couldn't figure out why. To make matters worst, the girls had a long day full of interviews. "C'mon Lo, tell mommy what's wrong." Ally crouches down to the girl who's sitting on the floor with tears streaming down her face. "I need to know what's wrong so I can help you." "I-I d-don't wanna go out today." "Sweetie, we have to go. The girls' and our team are going to be suspicious if you don't go. Can you be a big girl for mommy?" She shakes her head and cries harder. Ally sighs, it was starting to get difficult hiding the fact Lauren was a little and she was her mommy especially on days like this. She gets a text from Dinah asking where they were and it's almost time for glam. She replies that Lauren isn't feeling too well today but she's pushing through. "Who you talkin to mommy??" "Dinah, she's wondering where we are. You have to go to glam next." Her lip quivers "b-but I don't wanna!!!" "Lauren please be a big girl just for a few hours. I'll let you stay up late tonight if you do it!" Lauren thinks about it for a bit and nods her head. "Fine I'll do it." "Good girl!" "Lo, make sure you potty first okay?" "And you wanted me to be big and you're talking to me like that??" "Sorry, it's a habit."

All of the girls got glammed and are on the way to their first stop. Ally and Lauren are sitting in the back seat. "I don't know how long I can last Ally.." "You can do this!" "Do what?" Dinah turns around. "She's still not feeling well.." "Aw Lauser, it'll be okay." Dinah then turns back around. "That was a close one." Ally whispers and Lauren giggles.

During the interview Lauren was able to be her big self and ended up talking the most. Ally was proud of her girl. When it was after the interview Ally praised the girl for doing such a good job and articulating her words well. She didn't think Lauren would be fully big after what happened this morning." "Tanks!!" She hugs Ally tight. Maybe Ally was wrong. "You did amazing, Lo, I really am proud of you." "Can we go home now?" "No, we still have 2
more stops." She pouts. The girls get back into the van and go to their next stop. Lauren starts to get tired and almost puts her thumb in her mouth but Ally stops her quickly. The 2nd interview was a breeze. Lauren didn't talk as much but it went better than Ally thought. They had some free time and ate lunch together. "Lo, you alright? You seem a little quiet." Normani asks her. "Uh yeah I'm good." "You were talking a bunch earlier so I was wondering if there's something wrong?" "Mani, I'm fine." "She said she wasn't feeling too good, Mani. Leave the poor girl alone." Dinah butts in. "Well I'm sorry for caring!!" They all chuckle. Their last interview was coming up so they all cleaned up and went back in the van headed towards their destination. Third interview Lauren barely talked and was getting fidgety. She kept trying to hold onto Ally and the girls definitely took notice.
Lauren was starting to get fussy by the end of it but pulled through. On the way back to their hotel rooms, in the van, she was holding back tears. Ally tried her best to comfort her but it wasn't really working. Normani and Dinah turned around in their seats and was concerned for her. They had never seen Lauren in this kind of state before. "Here take this." Ally pulls out her stuffed Nala. She had packed it just in case she needed it. Lauren makes grabby hands. "Lo, take it." "Yay!" She takes the stuffie and hugs it. Normani and Dinah look at each other and smile. Ally noticed it and it worried her. "You guys know?" "We had a feeling, Al, it's okay. As long as two are happy." Normani reassures me. "I was scared.. I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys." "That's understandable but we would never judge you two, plus Lauren is a cutie." Dinah says. Lauren was now contented and snuggling with Nala. Ally was glad the others accepted them with no judgement. They arrived back to their hotel rooms and Lauren was already into her headspace by the time Ally opened the door. "M-mommy?" "Yes Sweetie?" "I-I had a wittle accident..." Lauren looks down. "Aw baby, don't be sad. Mommy will help you clean up okay?" "Oh o-okay.." Ally lead her hand to the bathroom but didn't see any wet spot on her clothes. She pulled down her pants and was surprised Lauren wore a pull up while they were out working. "Baby, I didn't know you wore this today! You should've let me know!" "I'm sorry mommy I just wanted to wear it!" "Mommy's not mad, I'm surprised you wore one around the others!" Lauren blushed. She helped her change into a clean pull up and into her play clothes. "Tanks mommy you the bestest mommy ever!!!" Lauren hugs Ally.

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