Sleepover (Ally)

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Ally hosted a sleepover at her house. Normani and Dinah were there. It was 2am and Ally started to talk in her sleep. "Nu Nuuuu No! St-Stop get away!!" Normani who was sleeping next to her on the same bed awoken. She rubbed Ally's arm "hey what's wrong?" There was no response. Normani got up and reached to turn on the lamp on the bedside table. Ally shook and jerked "pl-please no no stop!!" Normani realized she was still asleep. "Ally? ALLY!?" Normani shook the girl trying to wake her. "ALLY!!!" She screamed. This made Dinah shoot up from the ground. She was sleeping on an air bed. "What's going on?!" "It's Ally I think she's having a nightmare!!" Dinah looked at Ally worriedly and walked over onto the bed. She shook Ally gently "Ally?" Ally jerked from her touch. "ALLYSON!!!" Ally shot up while hyperventilating. "Hey Alz, it's okay, that was just a dream." Normani rubs her back. Dinah holds her hands. "Ally?" Dinah asks. Ally looks around and at them. She starts to cry. "Aww Ally, whatever that was that wasn't real. You're awake now. Every thing will be okay." Normani says. "B-but it scary!" Ally hides her face in her hands. "What's scary babe?" Dinah asks. Ally shakes her head. "I no tell you!" "Why not? You can tell us anything. We won't judge you. We want to know what's wrong." "I I was awone and walking outside I don't know where I was but a scary man come near me!" Normani and Dinah both look at each other. They know who Ally is talking about. Troy. Things did not end well with them two. He physically and emotionally abused her but they had no idea it was still affecting her years later. "Aw baby. He's not gonna come for you. No ones gonna hurt you, you have us." Dinah says. "I know but it still scare me." Ally wipes her tears with her hands. Normani grabs a tissue and hands it to her. "Tank you." "Of course Alz." "How about we have the cookies you baked yesterday?" Dinah suggests. "Yes!! Yes!!" Ally jumps up and down. Dinah giggles, "okay I'll get them, and milk?" Ally excitedly nods. "Okay!" Dinah leaves the room to get the milk and cookies. Normani observed the interaction. She hadn't seen Ally act like this, she wondered if Dinah has seen this side to her before cause it didn't seem to take her off guard. "Hey I'm gonna check on Dinah" "No!!! Don't go! I don't wanna be weft awone!!!" Ally on the verge of tears and now clinging onto Normani's side. "Okay im sorry, I won't leave you. Ally smiles and nuzzles into Normani's shirt. She crawls into her lap and smiles. "I feel safe Mani." Normani was taken a back by this but her heart melted seeing her best friend cuddled into her lap. Normani caressed the smaller girl, pushing the hair out of her face. A few minutes have passed and Normani felt a wet spot on her side. Ally was sucking on her shirt. "Um Ally?" She quickly stopped and didn't look at Normani. "I got the cookies and milk!!" Dinah comes barging in the room with a tray of 3 glasses of milk and a plate of 3 cookies. "Yay!!!" Ally pops up and claps her hands. "Mani, why is your shirt wet?" Dinah asks. Ally is too occupied eating the cookies to notice. "Come with me for a sec." Normani pulls Dinah out of the room to talk. "It was Ally!!" "Her tears?" Dinah asked confused. "No! She started sucking on my shirt, she cuddled into my lap." "Awww!" "Why do you think she's acting like this?" Dinah shrugs. "I just thought it was cause it's late and she's tired." "But look at this!!" Normani points at the huge wet spot. "You might wanna change?" Normani wanted to face palm herself. "You don't think something is up??" "I mean yeah I guess but I'm tired I wanna go back to bed soon. We can discuss this later on. Dinah opens the door. "DJ!!!" Ally yells out and makes grabby hands. There was half a cookie left. "Ally, did you eat all of that?!?" "Uh no!!" Dinah laughs "you know I'm playing around Alz." Ally slightly smiles. Normani walks in "Hey you want the last piece?" Dinah asks. "I'm too tired to eat." Dinah drinks her milk. Ally picks up the glass. She goes to drink it but ends up spilling on her shirt and the bed. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!!" Ally tearing up. "Aw no don't be sorry, it's like past 3 you're tired Alz." "Yeah s-sure!" Normani caught that and knew something was going on. Ally got off the bed and started taking off her shirt. "Woah there!" Dinah says laughing. She stopped once Ally was serious. "What's wrong?" Ally sits on the ground and cries. Normani stoops down and hugs the girl. "Shhh shhh you're okay." "I-I'm sowwy I d-didn't mean to.." "Don't be sorry! We can sleep in the guest room and clean this up when we get up. I'm tired." Dinah yawns. "Yeah same here." Normani says while comforting Ally. The shorter girl sniffles and hands Dinah her shirt. Dinah rinses it off in the tub and hangs it over the shower door to wash later on. "I need help pease." Ally turns to Normani. "Help with?" "Ummm never mind." Ally gets up and finds a plain white shirt and puts it on. She struggles a bit but manages to get dressed. Dinah and Normani get their stuff out and ready into the guest room. Ally was alone in the dark and wanted to cry. She was scared. It had been a few minutes and Dinah turned the light back on. "Hey I thought you were following us. What's the matter?" Dinah worriedly asked Ally who was nervously looking down. "I was scared and I don't like the dark!!" "I'm sorry, I didn't know, I thought you were right behind us... you wanna go now?" Ally shakes her head. "Why not?" "Um I gotta potty but I don't wanna close the door." Dinah's eyes went wide. Maybe Normani had a point. "Do you want me to stay here in your room while you use the bathroom?" Ally stayed quiet. "Can I tell you something?" "Of course." "I'm sorry if I'm acting weird lately I can't help it. My mind goes to the age of a little kid sometimes, I can't control it. It helps me relax and be stress free." Ally not looking at Dinah. "Hey, I accept you. Ally. You're still my friend." Dinah grabs her face to turn to her. "I still love you and nothing will change that." "Thank you Dinah, I love you too." Dinah hugs her. Ally pulls away and goes to the bathroom. "Um can you turn the other way?" Ally asks. "Oh yeah of course. Dinah turns her back facing Ally. She didn't want Dinah to see she was wearing a pull up. "All done!!!" Dinah turns back around with a smile on her face. "Good job, now go wash your hands so we can sleep."

Dinah and Ally walk hand in hand to the guest room. Normani is out cold sleeping on the bed. Dinah puts the blanket over her. Ally crawls in bed giggling. "Ally we gotta be quiet Mani is sleeping!" Ally giggles even more. "Baby, c'mon we gotta sleep. It's past 4am." "Aw okay.. can you come in bed too?" Dinah looks at the girl pouting and the bed. The bed was huge and could fit 3 people. "Of course." Ally moves over and Dinah gets in bed with her. "Goodnight DJ." "Goodnight Alz."

Normani was the first to awaken and noticed Dinah was also in bed with her and Ally. What did she miss? She looked over and Ally was sucking her thumb. "Aww" she said to herself. She got out of bed and changed her clothes. Ally woke up shortly after. "Hey good morning." Normani looks up from her phone. "Morning Mani!" "You had a good sleep?" "Yeah!" "Why was Dinah in bed too? I didn't mind it but I thought she wanted to sleep on her air bed?" "This bed is huge and I thought she'd sleep more comfortably on here!" "Oh okay." "Um Mani?" "Yeah?" "I'm sorry if I'm weirding you out lately but I told this to Dinah when you were asleep. I basically can't control my mind. I involuntarily regress to the mind of a little kid.. I'm so sorry if I was being annoying." "Aww no you're not annoying!! It's cute! Thank you for telling me." Ally blushes. "So you don't think I'm weird?" "No you're still my friend. Nothing will change that." Normani gives her a big hug. Dinah wakes up. "Hey I want hugs too!!" While pouting. Normani rolls her eyes. Dinah throws herself on them, smashing Ally. "DJ GET OFF YOURE SQUISHING MEEEE!!" Dinah laughs a bit and gets off. "So I told Mani about me." "Aww! I'm glad!" "Yeah Ally, we would never judge you!" Normani joins in. "I have the best friends ever!"

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